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Forums - Gaming Discussion - After 9 years, Rollercoaster Tycoon 4 finally announced for...

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RCTjunkie said:
I feel like my username is completely disgraced now.

Any suggestions for a new name for me?


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coming to PC too..

The Carnival of Shadows - Folk Punk from Asbury Park, New Jersey 

Don't give up hope yet!

Raze's link links to another page:

which includes this quote:

Chien also addressed "diehard" fans of the series who "want a PC experience." Atari is creating a game for those fans, he said, though the mobile version will arrive first.

Fayceless said:

Don't give up hope yet!

Raze's link links to another page:

which includes this quote:

Chien also addressed "diehard" fans of the series who "want a PC experience." Atari is creating a game for those fans, he said, though the mobile version will arrive first.

Wow, that's a belated discovery if I ever saw one.