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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If You Were SE What Would You Do With the FF13 Team Now?

Put them on a new Dissidia game, KH X Final Fantasy Dissidia and make it multiplat. It would be really hard to mess up dissidia as long as they kept to the formula. Also, Make it multiplat and they will be rolling in cash, Vita, 3DS, Wii U, PS3, 360, XB1, and PS4 maybe even PC if they are feeling frisky.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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I would fire them with out a 2nd thought, Then I would delete Final Fantasy 13 and it's entire saga from the history of SE so that hopefully in years to come it will be wiped from the memories of peoples minds.

Public execution

I'd be okay with them doing HD upscaling of previous games. XIII had outstanding technical merits, but as long as they don't mess with the gameplay, writing, story, characters, plot, sidequests, or minigames, they can make it awesome.

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I think they should be put in charge of gameplay, writing, story, characters, plot, sidequests, or minigames for Final Fantasy XVI.

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Fire Toriyama.

Use team to perfect Luminous engine and start working on FFXV-2.

fire all except the graphics people they rock

think-man said:

I would fire them with out a 2nd thought, Then I would delete Final Fantasy 13 and it's entire saga from the history of SE so that hopefully in years to come it will be wiped from the memories of peoples minds.

Or use the team to create a memory eraser machine =O

brendude13 said:
I think they should be put in charge of gameplay, writing, story, characters, plot, sidequests, or minigames for Final Fantasy XVI.

I think YOU should be fired...

...out of a cannon, into a brick wall. 

How DARE you insult the legacy of such a great franchise! 

My Console Library:

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