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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sooo Xbox One sold out PS4 again ... What are your excuses now? PS Availble On Amazon UK & USA

Just go with Xbox One and spare us the childish click bait. Titanfall is out one and no JRPGs have been announced, but wait, I'm not in the US or the UK so my opinion doesn't matter :(

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If you own a Wii U honestly I'd say wait a little bit to see which console would have more games that would appeal to you. Honestly, the games that I play are mostly coming for ps4 between first and third party in the near future to fill my gamer's plate up. However, XONE has some amazing games coming as well that I'd like to try out such as Project Spark, Quantic Dream(sp?), and Sunset Overdrive. (Not interested in Titanfall at all)
Both consoles currently seem to be missing that key console selling element that has historically been one of the main demographics: Youth - Teen. Games like Knack and Kinect adventures are up that alley, but I feel like there needs to be a lot more of these games like new Sly and Ratchet games. I'm not sure what the equivalent would be on the Xbox side, but project spark seems close.

In regards to sales Sony is doing exceptionally well so far in the 2 key areas that it did the worst last gen so that speaks volumes for the brand.

Talal said:
I will permaban myself if the game releases in 2014.

in reference to KH3 release date

Nate4Drake said:
AwakeandAlive said:

You said I should buy a PS4, what should I do now? =/ 


XOne 8,889 (+11%) 465,154
PS4 6,601 (-15%) 700,538


XOne 42,659 (-2%) 2,314,683
PS4 34,221 (-13%) 2,597,760

Another silly thread, like 90% of them lately...

Do you buy a console looking at selling numbers ?

if so, buy a PS4 because is squashing its competitors in the Global.

Or, maybe you should buy a console for the exclusive games you prefer, right ?  Also, are you surprised that One sold a bit more in UK after a price cut ?

I'm speechless, really I'm speechless.

This is vgchartz. A site about... sales where forum are about... wait, I forgot... oh yeah, sales. You will be speechless and find 90% of threads silly if you don't agree on that.

HumdrumPie said:

Just go with Xbox One and spare us the childish click bait. Titanfall is out one and no JRPGs have been announced, but wait, I'm not in the US or the UK so my opinion doesn't matter :(

My thoughts exactly.

Pretty sure OP is on a "hate PS4" mission. If i recall correctly, a lot of his threads have been pretty anti Sony unless I am mistaken him with different people.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

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To me the PS4 is much better for the long run. Sony pumps out games in a manner where Microsoft cannot compete unless they pay someone to match up with Sonys development level. Where Microsoft shines is multiplayer and if that matters to you more than what Sony brings it shouldnt matter what they are selling. Just buy the console that you want.

Man, I really hate when new members join and think they know everything.
Xbox DOMINATED USA and UK last gen, and now, with a FREE game barely four months in...and has had free games since launch (like fifa) Xbox is finally outselling ps4 for one week in the two countries where they were once KING.
Like Kowen always says, this gen has just started, and we have no idea what's going to happen a year from now...but right now your best bet is to just buy the console that:
a) you like best
b) you think will get the most support

Save your money to buy a real console, the real Wii succesor!

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Stock issues and titanfall. When the hype is over and the fill the gaps, PS4 will be king

...Let the Sony Domination continue with the PS4...

Titanfall bundle and price cut. Now it's just a matter of time to know whether this would sustain.