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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Dark Souls II official thread of telling us your journey through Drangleic

JGarret said:
So, guys, I think some of you should be able to answer this question by now...what´s the best Souls game?

Demon's Souls has the best story. (But crappy ending. All Souls game have crappy endings -_-")


Dark Souls has the best bosses. (But there's less than in the other two)


Dark Souls 2 has the best atmosphere.


That's my opinion, though xD

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Currently stuck on the smelter demon and in the iron Keep. Their are so many areas i can enter but the fire can kill me such as a building. I'm so confused right now, how is the smelter demon optional if i have no way of getting past him. Also he is impossible 1vs1 as a melee.

I will not buy Dark souls 2 because something tells me it will come to PS4, when that happen, I will play it.
Also, I am not reading any reviews or threads about the game, cause of spoilers and stuff

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

areason said:
Currently stuck on the smelter demon and in the iron Keep. Their are so many areas i can enter but the fire can kill me such as a building. I'm so confused right now, how is the smelter demon optional if i have no way of getting past him. Also he is impossible 1vs1 as a melee.

Don't. Ignore Smelter Demon for the time being. Once you get a good Fire Resistance equipment (and a shield with 100% fire reduction damage) come back to Smelter. He's actually one of the hardest bosses for the unprepared crowd.

areason said:
Currently stuck on the smelter demon and in the iron Keep. Their are so many areas i can enter but the fire can kill me such as a building. I'm so confused right now, how is the smelter demon optional if i have no way of getting past him. Also he is impossible 1vs1 as a melee.

The smelter demon only leads to the second bonfire. Then it joins up to the big bridge that goes into the next area. After you defeat him a phantom appears in its spot that drops a nice ring. You can turn the fire off in that building in the middle, which opens up the alternate path skipping the smelter demon. There's a crank handle somewhere on the side of it on the path you can drop down to.

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JGarret said:
So, guys, I think some of you should be able to answer this question by now...what´s the best Souls game?

So far I prefer the level layout of Dark souls. It was just so amazing when you find a shortcut it it all connects into place in your mind. 1 huge interconnected 3D world. I loved mentally planning the most efficient route to get places for upgrades.

Dark souls 2 has the atmosphere but it feels more like spokes on a hub leading to dead ends. At some points the game doesn't even let you back track and you're forced to use fast travel. The level design is still great, but dark souls was my first so it's all a bit more familiar now.

I still haven't played demon's souls. I'm secretly hoping for a HD remake on PS4. The good thing about playing these games when they come out is that you never have to wait long for co-op.

Does anyone have any idea what the Soul Vessel do ?
The old fire-keeper in the Things Betwixt area is now offering an option to start over, would I lose my progress or something ?

I'll hope for a PS4/X1 version of this game.

I finished Iron keep. End boss wasn't too difficult once I figured out how not to roll, back into or get knocked into the lava. Couple tries to get the feel of the small platform provided.

I found another door in Black gulch where an old guy in a wheelchair is sitting in the dark next to a platform. He says I'm not dark enough, no clue what for? I used bonfire aesthetic in Black gulch to get some more titanite chunks and upgraded my archdrake staff to +10, and priest chime to +10. I spend the rest of the souls upgrading atunement to 40 for another spell slot. (last was at 30, at least casting time goes up to, it's a lot of souls for 1 spell slot)

Time to head to shaded woods, one unexplored path (or section) left. First I ended up at Drangleic castle but I see no way in. Enemies keep spawning indefinitely it seems. They come out of a side door on the left that looks like a dead end with no way in. The big doors in the middle stay closed. The left statue lit up briefly at one point, but nothing else happened. I killed 7 or 8 waves of enemies until I ran out of spells and left. No clue.

Path to the north is a dead end for now, to the east was painful. Foggy forest with invisible enemies. Back stabbed me somewhere in the middle. It took a while to find my death stain. Second time I was better prepared and at least stayed alive. I killed about 6 of the nuisances before I found where I died. Magic was useless, can't target them and they're too fast anyway. Wear em down with my old fire sword.

So I get to the shaded ruins and the game is taking the piss out of me even more. 'Ah you upgraded your magic weapons, here have some enemies that are immune to all magic.' max 10 damage with whatever fire, magic, dark, lightning spell I throw at them. Plus they hit me for about 70% health in 1 blow. I learned a new skill, or rather found out what that elaborate animation is my character does sometimes. Backstab! Now I see how I get so easily killed in pvp, sort of hit vaguely from behind and it all goes automatic.

Ofcourse right after I fall through the floor in a trap with a bunch of frogs. They don't stand a chance against my rapid fire spells. Unfortunately I apparently step in a pool of acid and before I see what's going on all my gear is broken. That's what homeward bones are for I guess.

It certainly isn't getting any easier. Trial and error is the way to progress.

SvennoJ said:
First I ended up at Drangleic castle but I see no way in. Enemies keep spawning indefinitely it seems. They come out of a side door on the left that looks like a dead end with no way in. The big doors in the middle stay closed. The left statue lit up briefly at one point, but nothing else happened. I killed 7 or 8 waves of enemies until I ran out of spells and left. No clue.

Infinite amount of enemies spawn because you need to kill them near those statues. Once you kill an enemy, the soul, instead of you getting it, will get inside one of those statues which will turn a contraption, and the door will open.


You managed to light one of those statues. You need to go back and light the other one. Just kill enemies being very close to the statue and you're done.