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I finished Iron keep. End boss wasn't too difficult once I figured out how not to roll, back into or get knocked into the lava. Couple tries to get the feel of the small platform provided.

I found another door in Black gulch where an old guy in a wheelchair is sitting in the dark next to a platform. He says I'm not dark enough, no clue what for? I used bonfire aesthetic in Black gulch to get some more titanite chunks and upgraded my archdrake staff to +10, and priest chime to +10. I spend the rest of the souls upgrading atunement to 40 for another spell slot. (last was at 30, at least casting time goes up to, it's a lot of souls for 1 spell slot)

Time to head to shaded woods, one unexplored path (or section) left. First I ended up at Drangleic castle but I see no way in. Enemies keep spawning indefinitely it seems. They come out of a side door on the left that looks like a dead end with no way in. The big doors in the middle stay closed. The left statue lit up briefly at one point, but nothing else happened. I killed 7 or 8 waves of enemies until I ran out of spells and left. No clue.

Path to the north is a dead end for now, to the east was painful. Foggy forest with invisible enemies. Back stabbed me somewhere in the middle. It took a while to find my death stain. Second time I was better prepared and at least stayed alive. I killed about 6 of the nuisances before I found where I died. Magic was useless, can't target them and they're too fast anyway. Wear em down with my old fire sword.

So I get to the shaded ruins and the game is taking the piss out of me even more. 'Ah you upgraded your magic weapons, here have some enemies that are immune to all magic.' max 10 damage with whatever fire, magic, dark, lightning spell I throw at them. Plus they hit me for about 70% health in 1 blow. I learned a new skill, or rather found out what that elaborate animation is my character does sometimes. Backstab! Now I see how I get so easily killed in pvp, sort of hit vaguely from behind and it all goes automatic.

Ofcourse right after I fall through the floor in a trap with a bunch of frogs. They don't stand a chance against my rapid fire spells. Unfortunately I apparently step in a pool of acid and before I see what's going on all my gear is broken. That's what homeward bones are for I guess.

It certainly isn't getting any easier. Trial and error is the way to progress.