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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA Sports UFC Not Coming To WiiU Because Of The Games Technical Demands

think-man said:
oniyide said:
curl-6 said:

Oh dear, I'm missing out on an EA Sports game, whatever shall I do?

Seriously, I wouldn't have played this if you paid me to. To me, EA is shite, and sports games are shite, so the two together is about as appealing to me as mixing vomit with dogshit.

it clearly bothers you or you wouldnt have taken the time to post

This lol

Is it so hard to comprehend that posting here is fun, and that posting a negative opinion can be just as fun because it often incites more intertesting responses?

Pray tell me, why would I be bothered by this, when I view both EA and the sports genre as laughable? Why would I be bothered by missing out on a game that's about as far from appealing as a video game could possibly be to me?

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ganoncrotch said:
Can they really claim it's a technical demand that their yearly moderately updated game need to be guaranteed selling a few million units? I would think the bigger issue with porting an EA game to the system is that Wii-U owners have fairly higher standards than what EA are willing to put out to draw Nintendo fans away from the first party stuff on the system. Lets be honest here, how many owners of Wii-u systems could care that this isn't coming their way when you got fighting games like Smash U inc in the summer.

This is the first year EA have made a UFC game.  Previously THQ handled the IP.

curl-6 said:

Is it so hard to comprehend that posting here is fun, and that posting a negative opinion can be just as fun because it often incites more intertesting responses?

Pray tell me, why would I be bothered by this, when I view both EA and the sports genre as laughable? Why would I be bothered by missing out on a game that's about as far from appealing as a video game could possibly be to me?

Sometimes things are larger than "I want this/ I don't want this".  Particularly on a website focused heavily on sales.

For example: I am a Vita fan.  I do not like Monster Hunter - I find it boring, slow, repetitive and devoid of any fun.  But in Japan, there's no more important third party IP (possibly Dragon Quest, but I'm not too sure on that one) than Monster Hunter, and having it on Vita would do absolute wonders for Vita's fortunes over there.

When threads started popping up a while ago that were "Monster Hunter is staying 3DS exclusive", my reaction wasn't "Capcom are shite, and hunting games are shite, so the two of them together is about as appealing to me as mixing dogshit with vomit" because that would've been a gross over-reaction.  Yes, I feel a bit of ill will towards Capcom because there's no logical reason they can't put it on Vita (when the series was PSP exclusive, that was when the PSP was the stronger of two handhelds by some order of magnitude, and I'd question whether the DS was capable of running PS2 downports.  That isn't the case here).  Mostly it was just disappointment for the sales of my favourite console and for any fans of the game who wanted to play it with dual sticks on a handheld.

So, to finish my analogy with actually making a point, I know you enjoy your WiiU a great deal because it fills your signature/avatar/most wanted list/forum posts, and I think there's little denying that having EA Sports' backing on WiiU would improve its fortunes.  Perhaps not to the magnitude of Monster Hunter + Vita in Japan, but certainly getting a steady stream of annual sports games would help it gain ground in the west.  And following the fortunes of our favourite consoles, after all, should be an important part of a website dedicated to videogame sales.

Which is why I would suggest that your reaction should've been slightly more than "But I don't care so..."

Kresnik said:
curl-6 said:

Is it so hard to comprehend that posting here is fun, and that posting a negative opinion can be just as fun because it often incites more intertesting responses?

Pray tell me, why would I be bothered by this, when I view both EA and the sports genre as laughable? Why would I be bothered by missing out on a game that's about as far from appealing as a video game could possibly be to me?

Sometimes things are larger than "I want this/ I don't want this".  Particularly on a website focused heavily on sales.

For example: I am a Vita fan.  I do not like Monster Hunter - I find it boring, slow, repetitive and devoid of any fun.  But in Japan, there's no more important third party IP (possibly Dragon Quest, but I'm not too sure on that one) than Monster Hunter, and having it on Vita would do absolute wonders for Vita's fortunes over there.

When threads started popping up a while ago that were "Monster Hunter is staying 3DS exclusive", my reaction wasn't "Capcom are shite, and hunting games are shite, so the two of them together is about as appealing to me as mixing dogshit with vomit" because that would've been a gross over-reaction.  Yes, I feel a bit of ill will towards Capcom because there's no logical reason they can't put it on Vita (when the series was PSP exclusive, that was when the PSP was the stronger of two handhelds by some order of magnitude, and I'd question whether the DS was capable of running PS2 downports.  That isn't the case here).  Mostly it was just disappointment for the sales of my favourite console and for any fans of the game who wanted to play it with dual sticks on a handheld.

So, to finish my analogy with actually making a point, I know you enjoy your WiiU a great deal because it fills your signature/avatar/most wanted list/forum posts, and I think there's little denying that having EA Sports' backing on WiiU would improve its fortunes.  Perhaps not to the magnitude of Monster Hunter + Vita in Japan, but certainly getting a steady stream of annual sports games would help it gain ground in the west.  And following the fortunes of our favourite consoles, after all, should be an important part of a website dedicated to videogame sales.

Which is why I would suggest that your reaction should've been slightly more than "But I don't care so..."

EA Sports games  would do nothing for Wii U when they are so readily available on other platforms.

You're implying a motive for my comment that just isn't there. It's simply dislike.

Luck said:

It's Nintendo's job to fill the void and they are currently doing an awful job.

I agree, they have delayed their key franchises for too long. MK8 should have already been here and Bayonetta should have been ready this spring. I doubt that they will have x ready this year or that they will even announce a metroid or zelda. 


Nintendo have failed the wii u more than any 3rd party. They created this mess by delaying their games way too long, we're almost 2 years into wii u's life and they still don't have games ready. 

2014 could have been great for Wii U if they had DKC in december followed by MK8 in january and bayonetta this month. They promised a 2014 full of great games, they have only delivered one so far. I love Wii U, the system is great in my opinion but at this point I lost all faith in Nintendo bringing some life back into the console. 

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curl-6 said:

EA Sports games  would do nothing for Wii U when they are so readily available on other platforms.

Do you really think that?  I disgaree.  I mean, one off games would do nothing in the long term I agree, but a continued commitment to the platform over a period of years would do plenty if only to give the perception that it's a viable choice.

I just thought your original post came from such a comically angry place that I should probably take you up on it.  I don't think we're going to reach any kind of consensus on it so I'll just leave it at this.

Kresnik said:
curl-6 said:

EA Sports games  would do nothing for Wii U when they are so readily available on other platforms.

Do you really think that?  I disgaree.  I mean, one off games would do nothing in the long term I agree, but a continued commitment to the platform over a period of years would do plenty if only to give the perception that it's a viable choice.

I just thought your original post came from such a comically angry place that I should probably take you up on it.  I don't think we're going to reach any kind of consensus on it so I'll just leave it at this.

I dunno, COD/AC/etc don't seem to have helped Wii U much.

Profanity can seem like anger in text, without facial and tone cues, but I don't really have anything to be angry about under the circumstances. I just slung some mud, for the fun of it.

But fair enough, let's leave it here.

Man that power gap between PS4/X1 and PC must be huge. Sounds like the PC is barely more powerful than the WiiU.

PC = doomed.
WiiU = doomed.

All hail our PS4/X1 overlords

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

Does anyone expect anything from EA to release on Wii U? Unless it's a licensed property that forces them to release the title on Wii U, then it's not going to be on the platform.

Why does EA keep lying when we all know the true reason? saying this nonsense is even worse than keeping quiet, it only burns EA's image even more (if that's possible).