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Forums - General Discussion - Anyone interested in making an RPG?

I've been mulling this over for awhile now.  I'm sure a lot of you have heard of RPG Maker, but have any of you ever tried to actually go ahead and make a game for release?  Would anyone be interested in joining up our collective video game smartness and making a game with RPG Maker?  I remember awhile ago there was discussion about what we all wanted in a VGC game, so why not at least attempt to make a game from some of us users? :)

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i have never heard of the program


It's a program that handles most of the code for you and you just use simple scripting to make characters talk, move around, perform actions, start quests, etc. It's similar in appearance to Chrono Trigger for the sprites and what not.

I have the latest version, if there was enough interest, I would design and create the whole thing, with all us members in it =P

I'll write you some music if you want.

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The real brunt of the work is really getting a story line to go with that's not too.... standard. Something a bit more original and neat for an RPG. I have a few ideas but I'm not too interested in revealing them since my ideas will be stolen! :P

I've fiddled around with RPGMaker 2000 quite a bit and even had a pretty large game near finished (though it was all inside jokes with college buddies) and I've fiddled with RPG Maker XP some. It's fun and not that hard to use.

I'd be open to helping with scripting elements in my spare time, though there's not always a lot of that.

Well the way I see it, if a group of us can get together, maybe we can start crunching ideas and get a rough idea planned out and go from there.

There's also 2 ways to go about it too.  We can make a "real" RPG, with an epic storyline and all that jazz, or we can make a VGC game that could be a parody.  VGC the new hero, taking on NPD and others. :b  I'm sure that one David Riley guy could make a great bad guy. :) 

I'm interested in making a RPG. RPG is the game-genre I love the most. But the classical sort with many statistics and stuff and not so much the cinematic style. For me 'Wizardry - Forsaken Land' >> 'Final Fantasy X'. I even have fun playing nethack or MUDs, completely text-based RPGs. I don't know RPG-maker, can you provide a link? I don't have any skills in music and graphics, but I can code, are able to make or extend a storyline and can think about balancing. Is this of use for your project? And what direction you want to go? A commercial game or a free one?

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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Mnementh said:
I'm interested in making a RPG. RPG is the game-genre I love the most. But the classical sort with many statistics and stuff and not so much the cinematic style. For me 'Wizardry - Forsaken Land' >> 'Final Fantasy X'. I even have fun playing nethack or MUDs, completely text-based RPGs. I don't know RPG-maker, can you provide a link? I don't have any skills in music and graphics, but I can code, are able to make or extend a storyline and can think about balancing. Is this of use for your project? And what direction you want to go? A commercial game or a free one?

 I'm fairly sure that if you want to use RPG Maker and sell your game you're going to have to actually buy licenses which can get expensive.

To you the truth, I would personally rather be up for making a mod team (and talked to SSJ12 a little about this) and start with a 2D game just to get everyone on the same page and then move to a 3D game like U3.