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Forums - Gaming Discussion - titanfall or destiny?



titanfall 69 17.34%
destiny 285 71.61%
both will suck hard 44 11.06%

Areym said:

Well, you basically stated that titanfall is overhyped because it is semi-exclusive to the Xbox consoles and destiny is overhyped because it is not exclusive and it is coming to PS platforms. The conclusion i drew was that to avoid getting overhyped was simply to just release on Wii U (nintendo) because if you are exclusive, you are gonna get overhyped and if your not exclusive, you are gonna be overhyped too...which means by releasing only on Wii U, you are exlucisve, thus will get overhyped but if you release on Wii U and another console, you are not exclusive so you will be overhyped.

...Your avatar is hot.

You've confused me lol

What I ment is that Titanfall is overhyped because it's Infinity game "semi-exclusive" to XB. And Destiny is hyped because it's Bungie game not exclusive for XB. So it's not Titanfall or Destiny that are being hyped... It's studio exclusivity or lack of one... If you get what I mean. 

Yup, he's cute. I would use another one with real person, but that one might get me banned.... 

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Oh Destiny by far haha. I mean this is Bungie we are talking about. Halo is still one of my favorite franchises and I can't wait to play Bungie's next big series. So hyped for this game.

Destiny will win both. Titanfall has too little content to compete with Destiny.

aviggo77 said:
cura said:
Destiny will have both better sales and meta score.

I'm personally looking for Destiny, and I generally don't like shooters. Hopefully it lives up to it's potential.

how will u like destiny if u dont like shooters ;(?!

Because it has an emphasis on story. 

It has 'RPG' elements mixed into the gameplay. 

It has co-op gameplay from my understanding. 

The art style is pleasant. 

EDIT: I said I "generally" don't like shooters but there are exceptions -- the above characteristics of Destiny are what makes me interested in it. I loved L4D1/2 but again they are the exception.

cura said:
aviggo77 said:
cura said:
Destiny will have both better sales and meta score.

I'm personally looking for Destiny, and I generally don't like shooters. Hopefully it lives up to it's potential.

how will u like destiny if u dont like shooters ;(?!

Because it has an emphasis on story. 

It has 'RPG' elements mixed into the gameplay. 

It has co-op gameplay from my understanding. 

The art style is pleasant. 

EDIT: I said I "generally" don't like shooters but there are exceptions -- the above characteristics of Destiny are what makes me interested in it. I loved L4D1/2 but again they are the exception.

Well I think Halo has an excellent story as well, but I really doubt non-shooter fans will get into that either.  Really aside from the RPG elements, Halo had all of those things, and I doubt it changed the mind of non-shooter fans.  I don't think Destiny will either.  At its core it is still an FPS and some gamers just don't like FPS.  

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Zucas said:
cura said:
aviggo77 said:
cura said:
Destiny will have both better sales and meta score.

I'm personally looking for Destiny, and I generally don't like shooters. Hopefully it lives up to it's potential.

how will u like destiny if u dont like shooters ;(?!

Because it has an emphasis on story. 

It has 'RPG' elements mixed into the gameplay. 

It has co-op gameplay from my understanding. 

The art style is pleasant. 

EDIT: I said I "generally" don't like shooters but there are exceptions -- the above characteristics of Destiny are what makes me interested in it. I loved L4D1/2 but again they are the exception.

Well I think Halo has an excellent story as well, but I really doubt non-shooter fans will get into that either.  Really aside from the RPG elements, Halo had all of those things, and I doubt it changed the mind of non-shooter fans.  I don't think Destiny will either.  At its core it is still an FPS and some gamers just don't like FPS.  

I wasn't claiming it to change the minds of non-shooter fans, merely stating why I'm interested in this game.

cura said:
Zucas said:
cura said:
aviggo77 said:
cura said:
Destiny will have both better sales and meta score.

I'm personally looking for Destiny, and I generally don't like shooters. Hopefully it lives up to it's potential.

how will u like destiny if u dont like shooters ;(?!

Because it has an emphasis on story. 

It has 'RPG' elements mixed into the gameplay. 

It has co-op gameplay from my understanding. 

The art style is pleasant. 

EDIT: I said I "generally" don't like shooters but there are exceptions -- the above characteristics of Destiny are what makes me interested in it. I loved L4D1/2 but again they are the exception.

Well I think Halo has an excellent story as well, but I really doubt non-shooter fans will get into that either.  Really aside from the RPG elements, Halo had all of those things, and I doubt it changed the mind of non-shooter fans.  I don't think Destiny will either.  At its core it is still an FPS and some gamers just don't like FPS.  

I wasn't claiming it to change the minds of non-shooter fans, merely stating why I'm interested in this game.

I got ya.  My fault for minsunderstanding.  Glad you are interested in the game.


Oddly enough, I will probably be getting Destiny on two platforms... 360 and PS4.  Unless by some miracle I have an Xbox One by September haha.

I voted Destiny because it includes PS3 and PS4 as well, plus that it's a Bungie game. I won't be getting either game but sales wise it will most likely sell more.

If I make the comparison with X360 and X1 in mind and exclude PC, PS3 and PS4 for both games, I think that perhaps Titanfall can sell even or maybe more on the Xbox-consoles than Destiny will.

Titanfall looks great so far. I haven't played it but it looks like a lot of fun. However, I believe Destiny will win in both sales and meta. Destiny is coming to more platforms; being developed by Bungie; and has a single player/co-op mode—if I remember correctly.

AZWification said:

That's like choosing between boobs and asses. I just can't do it! D:

choose da boob