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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global SW & HW UP!! - Week ending Feb 8 (ADJUSTMENTS - PS4 157k, X1 54k, WiiU 36k - PS4 64% marketshare)

Blood_Tears said:
Cheebee said:
Blood_Tears said:
Cheebee said:
Fusioncode said:
Cheebee said:
Fusioncode said:
Cheebee said:
Fusioncode said:

A $100 handheld outselling a $400 console? WOAH. Stop the presses. 

Let's just not go there okay? You'd get destroyed on here, I've seen it happen too many times before.

Don't threaten me. If you think you can destroy me then please do. I'd love to see you try. I'll wait. 

What? Lol, you're positively hilarious!

So you got nothing? Cool, thought so. 

My dear, dear boy (I'm assuming you're a boy here, and not a girl), perhaps you should read my original reaction to you? I'm quite sure it's clear to everyone I wasn't threatening to destroy you at all, silly. But that's okay, I'm going to assume it was an honest mistake on your part and not make fun of you. Keep it real, my dear dudebro!

I don't really care about either point in this agrument. However, I do find it quite interesting when a user gets arrogant with his "posting vgchartz skillz".  So I would love for you demonstrate them to all of us here. Please enlighten us oh great one and "destroy" him.


For the love of all that is holy, do you people even read? XD Please read what I posted, then what I posted later on. I even bolded it for your convenience, mister! Where exactly do I claim I would destroy him? Me? Also, where do I get arrogant with my 'posting vgchartz skillz', as you so appropriately put it? Keywords here being 'I' and 'me'. Please enlighten me oh great one, I cannot wait!

(Once you've realized your -and his- mistake, feel free to admit your silliness.)

Well at least I am a mister and not a "boy" or a "dudebro"...whew.  For a minute there I thought you were going to bring out the big guns and ice me!   I don't want to get "made fun of" on your path of destruction. Nonetheless, thanks for the defensive back pedal.  Not what I was expecting, but still entertaining anyways. 

Well you haven't said anything to earn such titles, which can't be said of Fusioncode up there, as you can observe.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Around the Network

Blood_Tears said:

 Well at least I am a mister and not a "boy" or a "dudebro"...whew.  For a minute there I thought you were going to bring out the big guns and ice me!   I don't want to get "made fun of" on your path of destruction. Nonetheless, thanks for the defensive back pedal.  Not what I was expecting, but still entertaining anyways.  


It seems we have been spared of his incredible VGChartz skills. Thank God. I don't if I could have survived them. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Fusioncode said:

Blood_Tears said:

 Well at least I am a mister and not a "boy" or a "dudebro"...whew.  For a minute there I thought you were going to bring out the big guns and ice me!   I don't want to get "made fun of" on your path of destruction. Nonetheless, thanks for the defensive back pedal.  Not what I was expecting, but still entertaining anyways.  


It seems we have been spared of his incredible VGChartz skills. Thank God. I don't if I could have survived them. 

Let's be honest here, you wouldn't have stood a chance if he didn't decide to go easy on you there. He understands that the key to being a VGChartz champion is posturing. Substance is overrated. It's all outlined very clearly in the John Lucas handbook.

What the hell is going on in this thread?!

tbone51 said:
Lawlight said:
3DS is most likely overtracked by a lot. Just like in January.

Actually its undertracked by about 400k-600k for feb so far. Its all found out by scie

What's scie research? The 3DS sold around 97k in the US in January. VGC has it something like 170K.

Around the Network
Lawlight said:
tbone51 said:
Lawlight said:
3DS is most likely overtracked by a lot. Just like in January.

Actually its undertracked by about 400k-600k for feb so far. Its all found out by scie

What's scie research? The 3DS sold around 97k in the US in January. VGC has it something like 170K.

yeah but scientific research show that 3ds was really 970k in US that month, it really isnt hard to understand.

Justagamer said:
Blood_Tears said:
Justagamer said:
Zero999 said:
pezus said:
Zero999 said:
pezus said:
Zero999 said:
pezus said:

PS4 with 61% marketshare this week...without Japan

japan won't be very relevant in that percentage for more than 2 weeks.

Haha, want to bet? PS4 should sell more in its third week in Japan than WiiU WW that week, barring complete sellouts and lack of stock.

You will regret it. it may even be hard for ps4's japan 3rd week to compete with wii u's japanese sales for the same week.

Alright. Conditions?

sounds straight forward. I win if ps4 week 3 in japan < Wii U WW numbers for the same week.

you win if I win if ps4 week 3 in japan > Wii U WW numbers for the same week.

I agree with zero, the ps4 won't lght Japan on fire. The ps3 sold like 1.5 million a year there? Wow that's massive.....

So whatever happened last gen automatically locks in the trends of the new gen?    Great logic you have there..

I'm sorry if my "opinion" doesn't match up to yours! But if you look at the last gen, the wii sold pretty well and didn't set Japan on fire either. PS3 sold pretty slow too. I'm not saying the ps4 won't sell pretty well, but I think that Japan has shown they aren't as "into" consoles as other countries are. Now you acting like just because it's the ps4, it will suddenly change that. Now THATS even greater logic you have there..

edit: even Sony sees Japan as the #3 market, why else would they wait until February to release it in their homeland? Consoles just aren't that huge there anymore. It's just a reality.

Ps1 and ps2 was so popular in Japan the last generation look just like an exception i don't say ps4 will sell like ps2 in Japan but it will probably sold more then ps3.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Xevross said:
zumnupy10 said:
KBG29 said:
PS4 is on a freaking roll. After the Japan launch we should see 250K or more every week. Looks like they will have well over 500k consoles for launch in Japan.

Will be interesting to see how things go once Live TV, VOD, PPV, and PSNow hit the US in the summer. Add on E3, Gamescom, and TGS which should be packed with game announcements, and PlayStation looks like it has a massive amount of content to push this gap even further.

I really doubt PS4 will sell more than 20K weekly in Japan. 

Even if the PS4 doesn't sell that much in Japan, sales will still rise more because right now they're saving stock for Japan launch, after it they will have more to sell WW.

they won't need much stock for japan launch.

daredevil.shark said:
DerNebel said:
daredevil.shark said:
Console industry is too big for three major players. Two players seems right. Its all over ps2 era again.

Wait, the console industry is too big for 3 major players, so 2 seems better? Wouldn't the console industry being too big mean that it needs more players?

There was a time when 4 players (sony, sega, microsoft and nintendo) made the industry crowded. Now console gaming has shrinked to smart phones. Plus given how consoles operate (break even or little loss from hardware and revenue from software) more players will cause more trouble.

The market is too small for one player to have iPad-like dominance of the market. But if the console market has a base of about 180-200 million (which it should) then a more even market share across three consoles is very viable (45-65 million a piece). In this, because consoles are now competing with more than just PC's for gaming attention, PS4 being as dominant long term as it appears to be is actually a negative for consoles. People are not abandoning Xbox and Wii for PS4 in huge numbers (this will be borne out by the fact that ultimately PS4 won't sell much more than PS3), they are abandoning consoles all together. And that's because MS and Nintendo have failed, so far, to convince their own 7th gen market to stay with consoles.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


tbone51 said:
Lawlight said:
tbone51 said:
Lawlight said:
3DS is most likely overtracked by a lot. Just like in January.

Actually its undertracked by about 400k-600k for feb so far. Its all found out by scie

What's scie research? The 3DS sold around 97k in the US in January. VGC has it something like 170K.

yeah but scientific research show that 3ds was really 970k in US that month, it really isnt hard to understand.

970k in the US in January? Are you sure you're not using December figures?