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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Twitch Chat Plays Pokemon

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what is dis?

the best thing to have ev... 110 54.73%
up down left right start a b 37 18.41%
this is interesting....... 18 8.96%
ITS DA END OF THE WORLD!!!! 19 9.45%

They've completely stalled out in Rocket HQ. They should just buy a Pokedoll and use it to get past the ghost. They can teach Snorlax surf, if they manage to catch one of them.

"On my business card I am a corporate president. In my mind I am a game developer. But in my heart I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata

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Democracy is kind of beating the original purpose of the stream...

96,000 viewers now. My mind is blown.

EDIT: Scratch that, just passed 101,000.

Just amazing how far they've gotten considering whenever I look at it they're just running around in circles! xD

They finally got the silph scope and are heading their way to the top of Lavendar Tower! Use this Google Docs to keep progress!


Around the Network

Should use democracy, just to get Psychic.


Poor X and CCC... this is why Democracy is not always a terrible idea people!

After getting thru the Rocket base, I thought Pokemon Tower would be a breeze, apparently not....

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

_crazy_man_ said:
After getting thru the Rocket base, I thought Pokemon Tower would be a breeze, apparently not....

When you rely on a Pokemon that only knows normal type moves, youre gonna have a bad time.

I literally laughed out loud when we taught Psychic to Drowzee, only to overwrite it with headbutt.

For every 2 steps forward, some dick sends us back 1.5


_crazy_man_ said:
After getting thru the Rocket base, I thought Pokemon Tower would be a breeze, apparently not....

wait are we really still there =P I was watching them there 12 hours ago. Best fight ever when neither pokemon can land a damn hit