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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Sony Trying Hard To Get Titanfall on PS4/PS3, Microsoft Going For Deal Similar To CoD Series"

Fusioncode said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Fusioncode said:


What does that have to do with my point?

Your "point" was that the PS4 would lose COD gamers due to not having a shooter equivalent. Even though they have COD and plenty of other shooter franchises. Why would they lose COD gamers when they have the better version of COD and the cheaper console? 

This is quite an easy conversation. Two questions:

1. Do you like Titanfall?

2. Don't you have any clue that FPS fans are always looking for the next big thing?

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bigjon said:
EA might be rethinking their strategy with this game. Cant imagine that seeing the PS4 double XB1 is NA in Jan has not made them consider whether or not all the lost sales is worth it. I cant imagine MS is paying them that much its probably more like waved royalty fees and other partnership benefit. If MS had payed them more or helped in development (financially) this would be a 2nd party game, as it stand now it is a 3rd party exclusive.

Also I don't think Sony fans really want the game that bad. They just know is XB1 is not doing well (compared to PS4) and losing this would be a kick in the nuts.

Indeed that is why Sony is trying to get it on PS4 =p.

Titanfall has the potential to attract heavy gamers to the Xbox one.  Those kind of gamers who are used to spend 3000$ and more on a system during its lifetime. The next months are going to be interesting.

nothing to do with if Sony can pay or whatever nonsense people coming with. If PS4 keeps dusting the One, EA WILL not let that money stay on the table. If anything MS will have to pony up more money and even then EA can still say nay. This is EA were're talking about, they put ME one on PS3 after people swore it would never come.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Fusioncode said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Fusioncode said:


What does that have to do with my point?

Your "point" was that the PS4 would lose COD gamers due to not having a shooter equivalent. Even though they have COD and plenty of other shooter franchises. Why would they lose COD gamers when they have the better version of COD and the cheaper console? 

This is quite an easy conversation. Two questions:

1. Do you like Titanfall?

2. Don't you have any clue that FPS fans are always looking for the next big thing?

1. Haven't played it. Don't particularly care about it. 

2. Is that why COD is one of the best selling games every year with very little innovation? Battlefield 4 barely changed anything from Battlefield 3 and yet it still sold amazing. And I think Destiny has the best chance of being the next big thing, which will be on PS4 by the way. 

Besides, none of this has anything to do with your original point. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

I dont care, on PS4 or not, I won't buy this shit

The Bitch is back! And better then ever! #BritneyReturns

SONY Bring them BACK for PS4 and VITA!

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
green_sky said:
That's cool but most PlayStation gamers don't care about it.

Speak for yourself. I would look up COD sales. The only console gamers who wouldn't care about such a thing are Nintendo gamers.

Hey, speak for YOURself.  I am a Nintendo gamer and I am very excited for TitanFall!

But then again I game on anything thats fun.

Fusioncode said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Fusioncode said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Fusioncode said:


What does that have to do with my point?

Your "point" was that the PS4 would lose COD gamers due to not having a shooter equivalent. Even though they have COD and plenty of other shooter franchises. Why would they lose COD gamers when they have the better version of COD and the cheaper console? 

This is quite an easy conversation. Two questions:

1. Do you like Titanfall?

2. Don't you have any clue that FPS fans are always looking for the next big thing?

1. Haven't played it. Don't particularly care about it. 

2. Is that why COD is one of the best selling games every year with very little innovation? Battlefield 4 barely changed anything from Battlefield 3 and yet it still sold amazing. And I think Destiny has the best chance of being the next big thing, which will be on PS4 by the way. 

Besides, none of this has anything to do with your original point. 

The magic that is in COD is in Titanfall but from my experience playing it, its much easier to grasp and requires even less skill in many instances. Both games are pure fun and thats what Respawn knows how to make. Respawn took the best of COD's gameplay which is mainly the handling and the shooting aspect and upped their game quite a bit. The only downfall of this game is a lack of story, but from the statistics of people who play COD thats not much of an argument againsts Titanfall in the least.

Yes, a lot of this has something to do with my point. People want the next greatest shooter whom are into FPS. Whether you like it or not they will flock to it. Battlefield has a barrier of entry and so will Destiny compared to Titanfall. Titanfall is a game even the biggest noob can enjoy and pose a threat in. Its just pure fun and as you've proven you really don't care, so what does that say? The arguments just not very strong against Microsoft right now. All you're saying is Sony has other multiplat shooters, but guess what? Yet another one of the hottest shooters isn't on their console. Shooters are a big deal in the west and if you don't like it, my friend....that is something you will need to just accept.

No way should Sony spend any money to get this, let alone get into a bidding war with MS. Sony should keep the focus (and money) on creating new IPs to entice even more people to buy a PS4. If sales continue along the lines they are now, then it will end up on the PS4 anyways.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Fusioncode said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Fusioncode said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Fusioncode said:


What does that have to do with my point?

Your "point" was that the PS4 would lose COD gamers due to not having a shooter equivalent. Even though they have COD and plenty of other shooter franchises. Why would they lose COD gamers when they have the better version of COD and the cheaper console? 

This is quite an easy conversation. Two questions:

1. Do you like Titanfall?

2. Don't you have any clue that FPS fans are always looking for the next big thing?

1. Haven't played it. Don't particularly care about it. 

2. Is that why COD is one of the best selling games every year with very little innovation? Battlefield 4 barely changed anything from Battlefield 3 and yet it still sold amazing. And I think Destiny has the best chance of being the next big thing, which will be on PS4 by the way. 

Besides, none of this has anything to do with your original point. 

The magic that is in COD is in Titanfall but from my experience playing it, its much easier to grasp and requires even less skill in many instances. Both games are pure fun and thats what Respawn knows how to make. Respawn took the best of COD's gameplay which is mainly the handling and the shooting aspect and upped their game quite a bit. The only downfall of this game is a lack of story, but from the statistics of people who play COD thats not much of an argument againsts Titanfall in the least.

Yes, a lot of this has something to do with my point. People want the next greatest shooter whom are into FPS. Whether you like it or not they will flock to it. Battlefield has a barrier of entry and so will Destiny compared to Titanfall. Titanfall is a game even the biggest noob can enjoy and pose a threat in. Its just pure fun and as you've proven you really don't care, so what does that say? The arguments just not very strong against Microsoft right now.

The argument against Microsoft is the PS4 outselling the XBO 2:1 in the US alone. Do we even need to talk about Europe? I know we don't need to talk about Japan. If Titanfall is popular it's not suddenly going to lock down the entire US market for XBO considering it's on 360, which is the version most people will buy. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Fusioncode said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Fusioncode said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Fusioncode said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Fusioncode said:


What does that have to do with my point?

Your "point" was that the PS4 would lose COD gamers due to not having a shooter equivalent. Even though they have COD and plenty of other shooter franchises. Why would they lose COD gamers when they have the better version of COD and the cheaper console? 

This is quite an easy conversation. Two questions:

1. Do you like Titanfall?

2. Don't you have any clue that FPS fans are always looking for the next big thing?

1. Haven't played it. Don't particularly care about it. 

2. Is that why COD is one of the best selling games every year with very little innovation? Battlefield 4 barely changed anything from Battlefield 3 and yet it still sold amazing. And I think Destiny has the best chance of being the next big thing, which will be on PS4 by the way. 

Besides, none of this has anything to do with your original point. 

The magic that is in COD is in Titanfall but from my experience playing it, its much easier to grasp and requires even less skill in many instances. Both games are pure fun and thats what Respawn knows how to make. Respawn took the best of COD's gameplay which is mainly the handling and the shooting aspect and upped their game quite a bit. The only downfall of this game is a lack of story, but from the statistics of people who play COD thats not much of an argument againsts Titanfall in the least.

Yes, a lot of this has something to do with my point. People want the next greatest shooter whom are into FPS. Whether you like it or not they will flock to it. Battlefield has a barrier of entry and so will Destiny compared to Titanfall. Titanfall is a game even the biggest noob can enjoy and pose a threat in. Its just pure fun and as you've proven you really don't care, so what does that say? The arguments just not very strong against Microsoft right now.

The argument against Microsoft is the PS4 outselling the XBO 2:1 in the US alone. Do we even need to talk about Europe? I know we don't need to talk about Japan. If Titanfall is popular it's not suddenly going to lock down the entire US market for XBO considering it's on 360, which is the version most people will buy. 

::Yawn:: I understand that the PS4 is outselling the Xbox One. Sony isn't beating Microsoft because of games...its because of price. I think at this point we can all agree upon this.

You're not sticking to the point of Titanfalls relevance at all and if you dont think the US market wont react to it you're blind. Your whole statement is just trying to prove that Sony is superior because it won mindshare again, but concretely speaking it barely has anything to do with games. Hopefully that mindshare understands that Sony will have the legs in the long run but for now MS is willing to moneyhat the beginning of this gen.


You cannot explain away that which you are willfully ignorant to. Titanfall is that thing and even though you cannot understand it, Sony knows Titanfall is an extremely hot product that they cannot afford to not have on their console. Microsoft took Final Fantasy Versus from Sony and got Square to make it multiplat. I think its about time Sony returned the favor.