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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - After seeing Bayonetta 2 and 'X' in action today...


The PS4's power seems...

Better, but not THAT much better anymore... 241 15.42%
Are you crazy?! The PS4 is GOD! 349 22.33%
The Wii U is clearly unde... 741 47.41%
The PS4 is selling better... 36 2.30%
I think I'll be buying a... 191 12.22%
Scizor_99 said:
ZyroXZ2 said:

Anyone else kind of feel like the PS4's power gap isn't that big anymore?  I mean, sure it's more powerful, but after seeing these two, I don't find myself thinking "Oh, how much better this would have looked on PS4"... Am I the only one that thinks that people will stop thinking the Wii U is underpowered after these two games see daylight?

If Mario Kart 8 ends up looking as good (or better) as/than it does in the most recent trailer, then I think that would be a better showcase for the Wii U's graphical capabilities. Bayonetta 2 and X look good but not to the point where it makes you say "this absolutely couldn't be done on the last generation of hardware". I know that Mario Kart 8 doesn't have that much to render but if you look at similar games on older systems there's a pretty noticeable difference. 

Mario Kart 8 does also have on shortcoming: polygon count.  It's clear tesselation isn't being used in Mario Kart 8 (at least not on characters and items), so those have polygon edges.  My belief is that there is tesselation used in SM3DW, which is why there's not a single polygon edge in sight, anywhere.  I'm not sure why Mario Kart 8 doesn't use it, BUT, I have noticed such a level of overall detail in the lighting system and level complexity that it may, admittedly be, too much to add tesselation to 12 racers and items in a massive detailed level at 60 fps for the Wii U.

However, I totally plan to show off Mario Kart 8 when it arrives

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ZyroXZ2 said:
Scizor_99 said:
ZyroXZ2 said:

Anyone else kind of feel like the PS4's power gap isn't that big anymore?  I mean, sure it's more powerful, but after seeing these two, I don't find myself thinking "Oh, how much better this would have looked on PS4"... Am I the only one that thinks that people will stop thinking the Wii U is underpowered after these two games see daylight?

If Mario Kart 8 ends up looking as good (or better) as/than it does in the most recent trailer, then I think that would be a better showcase for the Wii U's graphical capabilities. Bayonetta 2 and X look good but not to the point where it makes you say "this absolutely couldn't be done on the last generation of hardware". I know that Mario Kart 8 doesn't have that much to render but if you look at similar games on older systems there's a pretty noticeable difference. 

Mario Kart 8 does also have on shortcoming: polygon count.  It's clear tesselation isn't being used in Mario Kart 8 (at least not on characters and items), so those have polygon edges.  My belief is that there is tesselation used in SM3DW, which is why there's not a single polygon edge in sight, anywhere.  I'm not sure why Mario Kart 8 doesn't use it, BUT, I have noticed such a level of overall detail in the lighting system and level complexity that it may, admittedly be, too much to add tesselation to 12 racers and items in a massive detailed level at 60 fps for the Wii U.

However, I totally plan to show off Mario Kart 8 when it arrives

I actually don't think 3D World uses tesselation, it just looks high polygon characters to me.

Based on the latest trailer I'm inclined to give Mario Kart 8 the edge over 3D World graphically based on its more sophisticated lighting and shadowing.

Scizor_99 said:
oniyide said:
ZyroXZ2 said:
oniyide said:
ZyroXZ2 said:
oniyide said:
LOL, ok man. Infamous SS still blows both those games away in every category and that is a game being released in the first MONTHS of PS4 being on the market. What do you think will happen when they really start to ultilize the system's power, hell they dont even compare to FF15 and thats a multiplat. Wii U has already been out long enough and they havent shown anything that seems to be able to touch PS4 or Xone games. Lets not compare it to the cross gen game crap.

I said this in a different forum, mostly related to PC graphics (since I'm a PC gamer), but the PS4 is closer to its full capacity than people think.  What we'll see are optimizations and clever ways to pull off graphical tricks over the years, but if you're expecting a PS3/XBox360 level of growth in graphics, that's not going to happen this generation.  If anything, the Wii U is the one that has yet to even reach its full potential, because 3rd parties don't waste their money/time making sure its optimized (ACIV anyone?), and Nintendo even has yet to reach their own full HD stride.

Pikmin 3 was their FIRST AAA HD game, and it came out quite well.  SM3DW took it up a notch, and delivered a solid experience with very neat graphics tech flying completely under the radar (textures, shaders, not a single polygon edge in sight).  DKC:TF brings in fur tech and major on-screen physics, and Mario Kart 8, well, there's no denying that game looks amazing.  See Nintendo's fast growth there?

where's your proof that PS4 and xone are near there full capacity? I didnt say anything about 3rd parties I dont know where you brought that from. They dont optimize PERIOD regardless of console unless its exclusive and even then. AC4 goes both ways for Wii U and PS4 and xone. Full HD stride? OK maybe they still seem to be struggling but that tells me that they may NEVER reach "full stride"

Never said those games didnt come out fine, but if we wanna compare exclusives they are stil MILES behind Infamous SS and KZ:SF for that matter. IMHO. No i dont see fast growth, every game you mentioned are in the same ballpark visually so im not seeing a growth and if im being honest all those games could still run on PS360 7 year old systems, they'll look worst for sure.

I could ask you the same question about the Wii U's capacity... Why is it that the PS4/XBox1 will have SO much growth and are BARELY using full capacity, but the Wii U won't and doesn't?  I mentioned the 3rd party thing because people assume that the Wii U's afterthought ports are somehow a good representation of the console's power.

It's more of a PC gamer thing, with the teraflops of the PS4's GPU and the graphical output they're managing.  After building gaming rigs for a long time (and spending hours benchmarking and overclocking), you start to get a feel for what the power and numbers are capable of pulling off, even unoptimized...

To re-emphasize the whole point of the thread: I never said the PS4/XBox1 aren't more powerful.  But I don't see someone looking at Bayonetta 2 or 'X' and thinking "PS4 blows this out of the water!" other than a Sony fanboy, or potentially a PC gamer who looks for the "details".  That massive gap and "underpowered" problem of the last gen Wii are no longer there, and people need to stop propagating that belief!

Wii U has been out longer and we are still waiting. Its that simple. PS4/One just came out. All we have are 3rd party games to go on, every time somebody brings up Ninty 1st party its always the excuse "well Ninty doesnt really push graphics like that" So we dont even have that much to go on except B2 and X which i have said still doesnt look as good as whats been shown on PS4 or One

So you have to be a fanboy? guess im a fanboy, because I still say Infamous ss and FF15 still blows those two games out of the water. Now its not the distance that Wii had with PS360, but its still a distance

Basically anything out of the EAD group looks a clear step above the PS3 and X360. Not a massive one, but a step nonetheless. So we're talking Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, and then maybe Zelda. Super Mario 3D World has lighting, character models and some effects that can't be achieved by last-generation hardware. I can't quite speak for Mario Kart 8, but if the game looks as good or better on final release as in the trailers, it will be much more impressive than Mario 3D World.

Wasnt even talking about the PS360, not sure we're you are coming from with that. Im talking PS4/One, but hell even then a step above is still not impressive considering PS360 were on the market for 6-7 years before WIi U.

curl-6 said:
oniyide said:

Wii U has been out longer and we are still waiting. Its that simple. PS4/One just came out. All we have are 3rd party games to go on, every time somebody brings up Ninty 1st party its always the excuse "well Ninty doesnt really push graphics like that" So we dont even have that much to go on except B2 and X which i have said still doesnt look as good as whats been shown on PS4 or One

I'm not saying Wii U can match PS4 and Xbone graphically, but Wii U being out longer doesn't mean its been more tapped out than PS4/Xbone; the hasn't been a single Wii U game made from the ground up to be graphically intensive, whereas PS4/Xbone have Killzone and Ryse.

I believe we have seen more of PS4/Xbone's potential than we have of Wii Us.

Not saying its more tapped out, im just saying its been out and IMHO i havent seen anything yet, until yesterday when we saw in game footage of B2 and X. I X's case it looked worse than the E3 trailer (surprise, surprise) and B2 looks great, but thats a hack and slash. Yes we have seen POTENTIAL, but i dont think we are even done yet. 

My point is the "potential" we are seeing with PS4/One is still blowing away actual games that we see on WIi U.

There just isn't a huge leap from last gen to this gen due to diminishing graphical return. This article points out the issue quite well:

The PS4, Xbox One and Wii U will all have good looking games. PC games will still have the ability to make those games look nicer but chances are they won't look THAT much better.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

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oniyide said:
curl-6 said:
oniyide said:

Wii U has been out longer and we are still waiting. Its that simple. PS4/One just came out. All we have are 3rd party games to go on, every time somebody brings up Ninty 1st party its always the excuse "well Ninty doesnt really push graphics like that" So we dont even have that much to go on except B2 and X which i have said still doesnt look as good as whats been shown on PS4 or One

I'm not saying Wii U can match PS4 and Xbone graphically, but Wii U being out longer doesn't mean its been more tapped out than PS4/Xbone; the hasn't been a single Wii U game made from the ground up to be graphically intensive, whereas PS4/Xbone have Killzone and Ryse.

I believe we have seen more of PS4/Xbone's potential than we have of Wii Us.

Not saying its more tapped out, im just saying its been out and IMHO i havent seen anything yet, until yesterday when we saw in game footage of B2 and X. I X's case it looked worse than the E3 trailer (surprise, surprise) and B2 looks great, but thats a hack and slash. Yes we have seen POTENTIAL, but i dont think we are even done yet. 

X didn't really look worse, it's just that previous footage showed sweeping shots of the landscape, while yesterday's footage used unfortunate camera angles that not only never gave a good look at the background, but got too close to the models and ground. It was a matter of poor showmanship, not downgraded graphics.

JoeTheBro said:
ZyroXZ2 said:

I said this in a different forum, mostly related to PC graphics (since I'm a PC gamer), but the PS4 is closer to its full capacity than people think.  What we'll see are optimizations and clever ways to pull off graphical tricks over the years, but if you're expecting a PS3/XBox360 level of growth in graphics, that's not going to happen this generation.  If anything, the Wii U is the one that has yet to even reach its full potential, because 3rd parties don't waste their money/time making sure its optimized (ACIV anyone?), and Nintendo even has yet to reach their own full HD stride.

Pikmin 3 was their FIRST AAA HD game, and it came out quite well.  SM3DW took it up a notch, and delivered a solid experience with very neat graphics tech flying completely under the radar (textures, shaders, not a single polygon edge in sight).  DKC:TF brings in fur tech and major on-screen physics, and Mario Kart 8, well, there's no denying that game looks amazing.  See Nintendo's fast growth there?

Look at those eyes!

He was talking about 3D World not Pikmin for the part u bolded.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

fatslob-:O said:
ZyroXZ2 said:
fatslob-:O said:
ZyroXZ2 said:
fatslob-:O said:

You can clearly see that paid online subscription are not the issue as evidenced by the amount of subscribed xbox live users ...

Marketing isn't the issue with nintendo, did it ever occur to you that it was their games were the issue ? Iwata and Miyamoto stuggle with the term quality as does everyone else on the stigmatized gaming forums ... If they had a high quality enough games like mario kart WII then I'm sure could seriously be able to put a paywall behind the online racing. 

@Bold I highly doubt that ... The amount of hypocrisy will pile up like big shit and even the viewers will notice it blatantly.

You speak as of hypocrisy has stopped anyone from creating way more negativity towards Nintendo/the Wii U than is deserved, lol

The WII U does deserve ALOT of the negativity it has ... 

How could they give nintendo fans the boot for waiting such a long ass time in a drought ? 

Why does nintendo keep throwing fits with industry standards while being sooo anti PC at the same time ? 

As Sean Malstrom keeps saying, why does nintendo not fight against the lameness ?

Do they know that SALES = QUALITY ?

While I recognize the old-fashioned ways of Nintendo, I also have to agree with a lot of it.  Now I think I said this before, but I'll say it again...

Nintendo is probably the only remaining bastion of what was once right in the gaming industry: creativity, fun, local multiplayer, complete games, and a pure and wholesame gaming experience.  They have not left these standards, and these standards do not work in today's generation of ADD gamers with Facebook, Twitter, online gaming with strangers, and yelling/cussing about headshots and hacks (which obviously never occurs when you're in the same room as the people you're playing with on the same TV, lol).  The old-school Nintendo cannot survive in the modern era of self-entitled gamers, but unfortunately, I find their old-school values to be the right ones.  Nintendo does not want to play the "sales" game, they want to create great games, and let people enjoy them on their own.  They don't want to market, they want to generate content for people.  This is both their greatest weakness and their greatest strength.

I am more than sure they are trying to strike a balance, a balance between being old and new.  SM3DW actually managed to pull this off in many ways.  I think if it DID have online play, there would have been NO way to get a word in edgewise about Nintendo.  The reality is that they ARE stuck in their old ways, but their old ways were once the RIGHT ways, and in many ways, still are.  Unfortunately, morals don't sell consoles.

That couldn't get anymore obvious ...

It is QUALITY games that make the console sell while also defining what a QUALITY console is.

It is SALES that define CUSTOMERS and it is they who defines the QUALITY of a specific product. 


Despite the fact that microsoft was about to pull DRM an all the CUSTOMERS would have still defined it as the better product compared to the WII U according to sales.

I guess the Pet Rock was a quality product

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:
fatslob-:O said:

That couldn't get anymore obvious ...

It is QUALITY games that make the console sell while also defining what a QUALITY console is.

It is SALES that define CUSTOMERS and it is they who defines the QUALITY of a specific product. 


Despite the fact that microsoft was about to pull DRM an all the CUSTOMERS would have still defined it as the better product compared to the WII U according to sales.

I guess the Pet Rock was a quality product

And Twilight, Justin Beiber...

zorg1000 said:

I guess the Pet Rock was a quality product

It was a six month fad dude, give it a rest ... BTW your example does not pertain to long term products like Consoles. 

You know that the WII U is of lower quality than the WII so don't go denying it.