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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony is too cheap, And it's annoying me!

kowenicki said:
In answer to some of the points in this thread.

Sony already said they will release fewer games and need bigger sellers.


I think you need to replace "cheap" with "poor" in the title. That, after all, is the issue here.

Exactly; this isn't about being needlessly frugal, it's about being downright destitute as a company. Running around throwing money at developers to get exclusive content with no guarenteed returns at this point would be ridiculous.

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FlamingWeazel said:

You are now devolving into useless Strawman arguments and opinion. point still stands, both have less noteworthy games, and some noteworthy ones, Sony had a lot mroe of them that's fast whether you want to admit it or not.


Last crackdown had a meat of 70.....and sold a lot worse so not not close.


Again, your own argument, works for you only when it favours MS, you are just a  bit biased.

I'm not even sure what you're arguing.

You cherry pick some 360 games, compare them to your favorite PS3 games, and then talk about some man made of straw.

Sony had a lot of good games that would have been forgotten if they weren't published by Sony. They only have a few noteworthy games, so lets stop pretending Sony has an amazing catalogue of games. That just isn't the case.

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Mr Puggsly said:
BMaker11 said: the last few years? Oh jeez....DCOU, Infamous 2, KZ3, LBP2, Uncharted 3, Starhawk, Twisted Metal, GT6, TLOU, Ascension, Into the Nexus...and that's just off the top of my head. I went 2011, I think, up til now, since you said "in the last few years" and only said TLOU was noteworthy

Here's the thing, several of those games you mentioned wouldn't be considered noteworthy if they were 3rd party games. They get an underserved level of praise simply for being 1st party.

If you're going to keep the bar low, then there are tons of noteworthy games.

I'm gonna need your definition of "noteworthy". These games are all hovering around 80 or higher metascores and DCOU (despite not scoring as well) is a really popular MMO on PS3. Even if these games were 3rd party, they'd be worth playing. Meaning, they are worth noting.....noteworthy. I don't know how you consider the bar "low" when mentioning those games, when Uncharted 3 and LBP2 are some of the best games in the gen, KZ is a great shooter that's is spoken in the same sentence as a Halo, CoD, or BF. GT6 is the definitive racer of the gen. So on and so forth.....that's a low bar?

And I saw in some other comments that you tried to belittle Infamous by saying "well then, Crackdown is noteworthy as well". Well....Crackdown came out in 2007, so it shouldn't even be in this discussion of "noteworthy games in the last few years". Secondly, Crackdown is a great game, and if this conversation was happening in 2007, I'd put it on a list of "noteworthy games made by MS". To try and compare a newer great game to an older great game.....and use that as a means to bring them both down, by saying the bar is "low"....pitiful

Don't try and bring down Sony's games because Microsoft hasn't made many themselves. That's why you had to reach for Crackdown. Because nobody is talking about it right now (since it's 7 years old), you use that to bring down the likes of Infamous 2 by saying they're comparable. What noteworthy titles has MS made in the last few years? Oh, Gear: Judgment? Well then Resistance 2 is automatically noteworthy.

See what I did? Took a legitimate game relevant to the discussion, and brought it down with a "comparable" game that nobody is talking about only because the game is old, not because it's not good or worth playing. Try and keep things apples to apples, please

If you could fix your car yourself, why wold you hire a mechanic to do it? Sony has plenty of really, really talented studios. You'll see some 3rd party exclusives but not many, most will be first party.

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Mr Puggsly said:
FlamingWeazel said:

You are now devolving into useless Strawman arguments and opinion. point still stands, both have less noteworthy games, and some noteworthy ones, Sony had a lot mroe of them that's fast whether you want to admit it or not.


Last crackdown had a meat of 70.....and sold a lot worse so not not close.


Again, your own argument, works for you only when it favours MS, you are just a  bit biased.

I'm not even sure what you're arguing.

You cherry pick some 360 games, compare them to your favorite PS3 games, and then talk about some man made of straw.

Sony had a lot of good games that would have been forgotten if they weren't published by Sony. They only have a few noteworthy games, so lets stop pretending Sony has an amazing catalogue of games. That just isn't the case.

WTF? Sony does have an amazing catalogue of games, it single handedly turned Ps3 around despite everything else going wrong.. You saying otherwise doesn;t make it so. All you are doing is downplaying everythign sony, making excuses for everything MS.


Ms has many games that would have been forgotten had they not been published by MS, again we already went over that works both ways. Try to be a bit more objective.


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JayWood2010 said:




A lot of this past thinking kind of annoys me.  Not specifically talking about the OP. but talking about last gen like its this gen?  Sony has two team devs now and MSFT has about double as many first parties as last gen.  From what we know these two will have more games than they did last gen.  And as if there was very many notable games for either ps3/x360 in the last few years beyond Halo and The Last of Us.

There is a few things to take into consideration and if we are all honest about what is really going on we dont need to hide companies faults behinds console war propaganda.

-Sony is in financial trouble
-Microsoft is one of the most profitable companies in the world.
-More games will be announced from both  prior to e3 and during e3.
- More First Party studios than ever before for both

I get a little tired of the downplay between one another but both will be announcing more games soon.  Right now there is games to look forward to like TitanFall, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdive, Plants vs ZOmbies, Infamous, DriveClub, uncharted, Gears, the order, Halo, etc  Then there is multiplats to make this list bigger.  

I do agree that sony's "announced" exclusive lineup is weak but that is my opinion.  Others may love infamous where as im not a fan of the franchise. However about them being cheap?  No, they cant afford it where as MSFT can.  

What do you mean by "sony has two dev teams now"?

theprof00 said:

What do you mean by "sony has two dev teams now"?

Two team devs*  Team 1 and team 2 in other words.  Example Naughty dog last of us and naughty dog uncharted


Cheap they are buying a chip factory for like 7 billion yen

JayWood2010 said:
theprof00 said:

What do you mean by "sony has two dev teams now"?

Two team devs*  Team 1 and team 2 in other words.  Example Naughty dog last of us and naughty dog uncharted

Oh, my mistake, the wording threw me off.

FlamingWeazel said:
BMaker11 said:
Mr Puggsly said:
SlayerRondo said:
Sony puts their resources into making great games instead of bribing other companies to not release games on other systems.

Just look at the pathetic effort Microsoft made with the Xbox 360 over the past couple of years.

I prefer the word persuade. Also, its funny nobody complains when Sony money hats exclusives.

Sony did release more games in the past few years, but how many were noteworthy? Last of Us and... lets just say time and money was better spent with 3rd party games. the last few years? Oh jeez....DCOU, Infamous 2, KZ3, LBP2, Uncharted 3, Starhawk, Twisted Metal, GT6, TLOU, Ascension, Into the Nexus...and that's just off the top of my head. I went 2011, I think, up til now, since you said "in the last few years" and only said TLOU was noteworthy

Apparently, unless a game has a 95 meta and wins hundreds of goty awards it isn't noteworthy lol.

Sony has more GOTY nominated games than Microsoft. Thats not even worth mentioning. Nintendo puts up more of a challenge to Sony there. In the latter portion of last gen Microsofts top Xbox GOTY were mostly multiplats. Sony's were mostly exclusives.