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JayWood2010 said:




A lot of this past thinking kind of annoys me.  Not specifically talking about the OP. but talking about last gen like its this gen?  Sony has two team devs now and MSFT has about double as many first parties as last gen.  From what we know these two will have more games than they did last gen.  And as if there was very many notable games for either ps3/x360 in the last few years beyond Halo and The Last of Us.

There is a few things to take into consideration and if we are all honest about what is really going on we dont need to hide companies faults behinds console war propaganda.

-Sony is in financial trouble
-Microsoft is one of the most profitable companies in the world.
-More games will be announced from both  prior to e3 and during e3.
- More First Party studios than ever before for both

I get a little tired of the downplay between one another but both will be announcing more games soon.  Right now there is games to look forward to like TitanFall, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdive, Plants vs ZOmbies, Infamous, DriveClub, uncharted, Gears, the order, Halo, etc  Then there is multiplats to make this list bigger.  

I do agree that sony's "announced" exclusive lineup is weak but that is my opinion.  Others may love infamous where as im not a fan of the franchise. However about them being cheap?  No, they cant afford it where as MSFT can.  

What do you mean by "sony has two dev teams now"?