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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why the hell does the Internet have a vendetta against Nintendo?

Carl2291 said:
Nintendo went from being industry dominating with the Wii to being virtually irrelevant with the Wii U.

Look back to the launch of the PS3 and Sony's problems. You will see the exact same thing. Its not an anti-Nintendo thing, its news that you dont/shouldnt expect to be hearing. Going from record shattering highs to record shattering lows isnt the norm and serious problems are there for all to see. Its gonna be a big talking point when the competition is seemingly doing so well in comparison.

that avatar. So,what are we talking about again???

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MohammadBadir said:
kowenicki said:
Nintendo is in financial decline... Are you seriously disagreeing with this?

That is newsworthy... Its a big story.

Pretty sure I heard the same line 10 years ago


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NNID: aminryu1

I need to stop buying games...

Nintendo is going through the same thing Sony went through with PS3. They dominated the previous generation and are now stumbling out of the gate. My question is this: Were you're as equally upset when Sony faced the same criticism?

Its the hipster thing to do, and you know the internet is full of drones that go with the flow.

Yeah, those predictions were unrealistic. But if the loss came from inventory its not something that will repeat itself next year. That doesnt mean Nintendo will resist the pressure to put their backcatalog on sale for the easy targets aka phones.
With that and realistic sales predictions i dont see how they can lose money unless they are selling wii u at a big loss.

But, its all about the internet drama. Rationale has no place here.

MohammadBadir said:
pokoko said:
A) Nintendo fans are ... passionate about Nintendo. They use words like "charm", "heart", and "whimsical". They have an emotional connection to Nintendo. This means that they will click on Nintendo themed content. Good, bad, ugly, it doesn't matter--if you write it, they will come. That equates to advertising dollars.

are you honestly saying that's exclusive to Nintendo fans?

The first part yes. The 2nd part no. I was once one of the gamers emotionally connected to Nintendo. I think that's the reason why I still hate PS1 so much. It pretty much stole Nintendo's thunder. But I grew up and Nintendo didn't. And that's Nintendo's problem. Young gamers grow up and old gamers die. The core gaming demographic isn't the group Nintendo targets.

All in all, I knew WiiU would perform the way it has been performing because the "whimsical charm" of Wii only lasted so long. I don't know any Wii owners who still plays their Wii or even know where in their closet their Wii is.

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Because those evil Sony and Microsoft fans are forgetting that Nintendo is immune to fair criticism.

MohammadBadir said:
pokoko said:
A) Nintendo fans are ... passionate about Nintendo. They use words like "charm", "heart", and "whimsical". They have an emotional connection to Nintendo. This means that they will click on Nintendo themed content. Good, bad, ugly, it doesn't matter--if you write it, they will come. That equates to advertising dollars.

are you honestly saying that's exclusive to Nintendo fans?

The use of "charm", "heart", and "whimsical" on a large-scale basis?  Yes, yes I am.

The emotional connection part?  No, not at all, though I think it is more pronouced with Nintendo fans.  You'll hear more people say, "I love Nintendo as a company," or, "Nintendo is a friend to all children," than with the other two.  There are a lot of people who have something of a disconnect between Microsoft and Xbox or between Sony and Playstation.  However, Nintendo is Nintendo.

Carl2291 said:
Nintendo went from being industry dominating with the Wii to being virtually irrelevant with the Wii U.

Look back to the launch of the PS3 and Sony's problems. You will see the exact same thing. Its not an anti-Nintendo thing, its news that you dont/shouldnt expect to be hearing. Going from record shattering highs to record shattering lows isnt the norm and serious problems are there for all to see. Its gonna be a big talking point when the competition is seemingly doing so well in comparison.

But constant reports of Sony sturggling financially and no one even bats an eyelid?

brendude13 said:
Because those evil Sony and Microsoft fans are forgetting that Nintendo is immune to fair criticism.

I think people are confusing normal critism with "hate". I mean when VGC, Neogaf, N4G, 4Chan and youtubers have a massive amount of threads, videos or whatever about Nintendo, there has to be something going on here.

Nintendo and PC gamer

bosslug said:

But constant reports of Sony sturggling financially and no one even bats an eyelid?

Which you would know is absolute bullshit, if youd been here for any substantial amount of time.

We have had plenty of threads and discussions regarding Sony and the struggles that the company is going through. From the building selling threads to the PS3 sinking the company.

The difference between Nintendo and Sony is that Sony have plenty of other things outside of gaming that contribute to the losses. Nintendo is gaming primarily (only?). When youre on a gaming website, people will focus more on the gaming losses (see PS3, Wii U) than the TV losses (See Sony).