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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why I love Nintendo

I like Nintendo because of their philosophies about gaming. They know that not every game has to be about blowing the crap out of stuff. As much as people say they need that type of game, most gamers don't deny that Mario Galaxy is one of the best games they've played in years.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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I like Big N simply for one reason:
You can feel the love,harmony & passion in most of their games.
Wait.That are three reasons. ;)

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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So the PS3 and xbox made mistakes THIS generation, the more inexcusable one being the ridiculous 360 failure rate. You're a fan of how things have turned out this generation for Nintendo. Nintendo has made mistakes in the past, you know. The PS3 is very reliable. The Sku's were a little confusing, but it's not that big a deal imo. Nintendo's not all that high and mighty, imo. Oh well.....

Your reason for not wanting a PS3 or 360 now is complete bullshit. You're willing to miss out a bunch of great games because you find MS and Sony immature? I don't understand how a gamer can sit back and say, "MS is immature. For that reason, I don't want to play Lost Odyssey, Halo, Mass Effect, Oblivion, Eternal Sonata, Bioshock and all the other great games the 360 has to offer! I'm just not going to play great games!" I don't see how any legitimate gamer could think that way.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

NYANKS said:
So the PS3 and xbox made mistakes THIS generation, the more inexcusable one being the ridiculous 360 failure rate. You're a fan of how things have turned out this generation for Nintendo. Nintendo has made mistakes in the past, you know. The PS3 is very reliable. The Sku's were a little confusing, but it's not that big a deal imo. Nintendo's not all that high and mighty, imo. Oh well.....

I'm sure they did, thats why I sticked with the PC until now.

With all this PS3 sku's I really don't want to buy one now and have Sony release a better one at a lower price in a few months. I won't be happy to have a gimped SKU for the rest of the generation.

@Riot of the Blood: a lot of games = 1 game I would really miss, FF XIII. About the other games I don't care. I will play their PC versions, which will look better and will play better with keyboard and mouse.


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we all love nintendo because of there games and etc.

but love nintendo more

kingofwale said:
FaithRaven said:

Disclaimer: I'm not a Nintendo fanboy and the Wii is the first console I bought after gaming 11 years on PC. 1The reason why a PC gamer like me picked the Wii over the other consoles have been discussed in a lot of threads, no need to say it again.

I actually plan to get a PS3 or a Xbox 360, but the reason why I don't do it (yet) is because I find Microsoft and Sony immature.

So here are my 3 main reasons why I love Nintendo and why I think that Nintendo is the only mature company:

1. Only one SKU. You don't need to bother if you should buy the cheaper or the most expensive one, or if you should wait for the next SKU to be released. Sony did a complete mess, they added features, then removed them, then promised to add them back. People have no idea what to buy now.

2. Fiability. I would be crazy to buy an Xbox 360 with all that hardware failures. There is no official support for consoles in my country and this makes it even worse.

3. Straight Orietantion. I still laugh at Sony when they said that rumble is last gen and then they've added it to the PS3 controller a few months later.

Xbox 360 and PS3 are two very good consoles with a lot of potential. But the hardware failures (360) and the marketing stupidity (Sony) makes me stay away from them, at least for the moment.

 1. Because we all know lacking choices is great for the consumer, right? You don't see any other company making only one model of a product.

2. it makes no sense, since PS3 is just as reliable as Wii.

3. ...or like how Nintendo focused on Wiimote but with 2 of their biggest games, people rather play them on old controller?


Honestly, those are some of the worst reason to pick up a Wii. It's almost as bad as my ex's "Because it comes in pink" reason.


The reason to get a Wii:

1. Nintendo first party games.

2. completely different way to play games.

3. it's less expensive. 

1. Sony did. Playstation and Playstation 2 were released with only one SKU. The other versions was released later. Exactly that is doing Nintendo now: They released the DS and later the DSlite. I'm sure in a year or two we will have a second variant of the Wii. 2. Yes, this was a point against the XBOX360. 3. Which games you play with an gamecube-controller (besides Gamecube-games)? Anyways, your reasons to buy a Wii are also true. I think there are many reasons at the moment.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Riot Of The Blood said:
Your reason for not wanting a PS3 or 360 now is complete bullshit. You're willing to miss out a bunch of great games because you find MS and Sony immature? I don't understand how a gamer can sit back and say, "MS is immature. For that reason, I don't want to play Lost Odyssey, Halo, Mass Effect, Oblivion, Eternal Sonata, Bioshock and all the other great games the 360 has to offer! I'm just not going to play great games!" I don't see how any legitimate gamer could think that way.

I don't know if i'm a "legitimate" gamer, i play since the Pong days, went thru Commodore, Atari, Nintendo, Sega... and didn't play any game for a while... then went back into it as my kids were growing up...

But all i can say is that even if you LOVE videogames, you're not supposed to have the money to buy ALL the greatest games in the world, PLUS all the new hardwares in their first year, when their prices are very high...

And also, you're not supposed to have the time to REALLY play all of these: some people have a job, a family, other hobbies, go on vacations, surf on the net, and so on... time is limited, and if i play my Wii 10-15 hours a week, that's already great...

Now do the math: Twilight Princess? 60h... Super Mario Galaxy? 40 hours... Metroid Prime 3? 30 hours... Resident Evil 4? 20 hours... That's already 15 weeks, 4 months full of great gaming for me... and i don't mention the DS, which i play very often in solo, or with my kids and whife...

And of course, even if you love good games, you could also not want to give ANY of your precious dollars to Micro$oft...

Or consider you really don't need a Blue-Ray player, as you don't need to buy all the Walt Disney stuff a THIRD TIME in 15 years, when in 5 or 10 years, there will be another "incredible" format that is the new "must have"...

Sorry man, but for the price of a PS3 and a 360, i may afford 20 new Wii games, or 40 secondhand Wii games, which means more than 2 years of fun for me and my family... thats wayyyyy more than enough...

But i consider myself a "real" videogame lover... i buy only the Nintendo consoles these days, but the first Xbox had nothing really incredible for me, and on PS2, i've REALLY missed maybe... 5 to 10 games... one of them will actually make it on Wii: Okami... so the list is now even shorter... Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, Psychonauts, Dragon Quest VIII... may i live without playing these? Of course...

So yes, maybe there will be 10 games on the 360 that i'd like to play... Bioshock is the only one that comes to my mind so far as a real "must have", and i may play it on PC...

So, is it really worth my money, when i'm also interested in movies, music, comics, animes, etc, etc?

The answer is no... and you have no "legitimation" to tell the people who's a "legetimate" gamer or not, just because they don't want a 360... we're all gamers, and we're all "legitimate"...


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."

Interesting thread... I don't really have something to add, but I think that now leo-j is banned, kingofwale must be the most annoying poster on this site.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

Wii was an easy decision to make !  Even paying a premium on ebay--which I can't regret as I picked it up in 11/06 it was the cheapest of the consoles.   PS3 was a joke upon release ($599??) and still isn't reasonable but is getting better.  360 is still too expensive but at least the new HDMI builds are supposed to be reliable.  I'm pretty sure I'll pick up one of the two remaining consoles, but which console that is remains to be seen.  Witb Blu-ray winning out I'm leaning PS3 but there's still not nearly enough games available to justify the still way too expensive price.