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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Zelda U!? No its Hyrule Warriors! It Looks Amazing! OMG!!!

We'll keep an eye on this. For now it looks OK.

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osed125 said:
Juma009 said:
I think Ninty i trying to help third party studios find success in the Wii U by allowing them to use their characters, interesting concept, however, Ninty should supervise quality, we dont want another Metroid. Other M (which imo wasnt a bad game) but if this works out, might not be a bad idea letting other studios do some of their franchises, `wouldnt mind having SEGA (Atlus) do some work with the Fire Emblem cast, Square Enix attempt a comeback to the Mario RPG days, or the Mario Luigi saga, Treyarch or Bungie (now a third party)give Starfox or Metroid Prime a go, this would allow Ninty and Retro to focus on the so desired "new" IPs

Zelda is basically the second most beloved Nintendo franchise. Don't think Nintendo will just let this guys do whatever they want with it.

Beloved maybe, financially succesful? I'm sure its far behind from Mario, Mario Kart and definitely Pokemon, either way, they are not letting them do whatever they want with it, Tecmo hackis doing a warriors game (which is their specialty) and Ninty is letting them use Link and the zelda cast, Link was already in a Soul Calibur game and it turned out fine, this might help Zelda become relevant in Japan once again (where it does quite bad in sales) hack and slash games are as popular as a whore house in Valentines day there bro, I see this as a win win, us Ninty fans need to change the way of thinking of only Nintendo can make a good game, I for one find myself excited about this.

Yeah a lot of sudden Musou fans XD

I'm not a huge fan of Musou games, although the recent One Piece games were enjoyable (likely because I'm a fan of the manga series). I'll still keep an eye on this title and see how it turns out.

looks pretty neat, but it needs more characters! It's gonna blow my friend's mind though :P

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As somebody said in another place, a Tales of Hyrule would have been so much better.

Augluae said:
This is ridiculous, Nintendo is DEAD.

They're continuing to milk their IP with ridiculous knocks-off instead of delivering real game.

If Nintendo wants to let another developer spend their time working on a game that will sell alot, while Nintendo themselves works on Zelda U then that is fine by me. It's not like Zelda U would come out SOONER if this game didn't exist lol. 

That texture pop-in.

Meh, not excited. I just hope that this does not damage the Zelda brand.

A Dynasty Warriors clone, Nintendo sure as hell doesn't know what they are doing if they hope this will help to turn the wii U around, they should be cloning popular genera of games not those that are in decline.

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.