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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - So, shall we jump on the "XBONE IS DOOMED" bandwagon ?



Wow. Much doom. New Dreamcast. 562 72.33%
Very sales. Such dominance. 209 26.90%
FrancisNobleman said:

I say that like the Wii U at it's launch, the Xbone is selling purelly on hype, and in this case, the main sales driver is the thirsty hardcore dudebro who can't wait to play CoD with the same graphical fidelity like he has seen in 2009 in PC's. 


Coming this Januray, the engine will run out of steam, and blockbuster games. So Microsoft will find themselves with an expensive box no one cares. PlayStation is cool again, so they are saved.


In this thread, we separate the Xbone doom callers, from the oblivious believers. Crow will be served in 2 months and a half, anyway the thread goes. Should be entertaining. 



No the wii u currently has this title...

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Na the xbone one is not doomed..iam geting one when they drop the price


wait, people think the second fastest selling console of all time is doomed?


come on dudes, it hasn't even been a month yet, let's wait to make claims and let's collectively limit the doomsday predictions.

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fatslob-:O said:
Nsanity said:
fatslob-:O said:
Nsanity said:
Have you guys seen Titanfall?

What about it ? 

So you haven't seen Titanfall?

How well do you think is it going to sell ? 

Let me just put it this way. Titanfall has taken over the gaming scene in only a mere six months. It told Destiny to sit down.

I thought Wii U hate was the bandwagon.

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Nintentacle2 said:
I thought Wii U hate was the bandwagon.

Nintendo still holds the crown. 

Turkish said:
toastboy44562 said:
Once Halo comes out and a price cut it will sell far better than PS4 in the USA



Because PS4 will also get a pricecut and BUNGIE's Destiny will be marketed as a PS4 game


Destiny is the next big thing.

Sony isn't cutting the price for the PS4 for at least 2 years. You are crazy if you think they will cut it next year. Destiny is online only. It will automatically cut its sales in half because of that. According to the mass outrage over Microsoft's policies I thought Playstation owners wanted to be able to play offline.

bit to early for that wait till jan-mar and then again summer months and if it cant pick up the pace during the holiday 2014

i wouldnt call it doomed but theres no chance of it outselling ps4 or even on par on a WW level (unless sony really fuck things up which i wouldnt be surprised) a $100 cut wont do much to catch up to PS4 b/c the consoles released at the same time as soon as one cuts it will be time for the other to do the same thing it will be a up hill battle for XB1 when cutting prices

the only thing i can see them winning back sales is that they keep pushing the exclusive content dlc and full games hard and MS have the wallet to do so


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JoeTheBro said:
It's similar to the Wii U. Every unit is being sold but it still feels sluggish. It'll definitely have a huge post Christmas drop off but that's to be expected. Hard to guess if it'll drop to Wii U numbers or not though.

For the sake of predictions, I'm in the "doom" camp at least until Titanfall arrives.

No, cause the Wii U didn't sell out (mostly) and only sold 426k in Nov 12 NPD


XBO sold 909k and IS sold out (in the USA where I live anyway).


Now, it seems like PS4 is being snapped up much faster, but, it IS 399. If they were evenly priced I'm not sure how it would go.


Anyway it's silly to call X1 doomed because it's selling like gangbusters. That simple. Maybe less than PS4, but still spectacular sales, especially at $500.

DirtyP2002 said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
DirtyP2002 said:
Turkish said:
toastboy44562 said:
Once Halo comes out and a price cut it will sell far better than PS4 in the USA



Because PS4 will also get a pricecut and BUNGIE's Destiny will be marketed as a PS4 game


Destiny is the next big thing.

As far as I can tell, there is ZERO hype for destiny so far.

The next big thing will be Titanfall.

Zero hype for destiny? Hmmmmm......... 

14 weeks left for Titanfall vs rumoured September 2014 date for Destiny.

I like VGC and their tracking, they do it as good as they can, but the preorders are not better than a random guess on a gaming forum.

VGC is not 100% accurate but for the most part the games seem to be higher than preorders across the board. I would assume the numbers to be somewhat acurate in preorder ratio as Destiny is quite hyped amongst the PS4 crowd and seems to be more poplualr than Titanfall at this point. That could obviously change by years end.

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