Agreed too, but at least Sony did supply enough PS4's in MS's core regions to outsell the XBO, so the question is how sold out is the PS4 really?
I mean since PS4 outsold the XBO in USA, UK, and Australia (360's biggest regions by market share & size), then selling to 20 more markets and getting a huge lead is smart too right? Right now, not many MS consoles sell in the middle east and asia, so by releasing PS4 earlier there, Sony kinda effectively killed MS in those markets. Few will buy an XBO in those regions when the PS4 has been around for so long, and when most early adopters already own PS4's.
However because Sony went 33 markets, they might have killed MS in those 20 smaller volume countries, but...MS could get decent footing in USA, UK, and central EU. I mean with Titanfall, Halo 5, and Quantum Break on the horizon, XBO will appear to the FPS favoring audience that is USA/UK. If XBO gets footing in these large regions, PS4 won't get full dominance this gen.
Basically it's a double edged sword. Since Sony couldn't supply the demand, they had to pick smaller share in USA/UK/Central EU, or smaller share in the rest of the world. I think Sony desparately wants dominance on the bulk of the world, not just UK/USA.
So take that back, I disagree now.