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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - WiiU's first year. Was it good or bad?


Do you like WiiU's first year?

Yes 20 17.70%
No 33 29.20%
50/50 25 22.12%
WiiUis a flop and should ... 27 23.89%
See results 8 7.08%

i thought so too, 50/50. Im really sad pikmin didnt sell better.

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It was bad, wasted potential...

I would say that the first year was absolutely worse than Nintendo had hoped for and expected. As a consumer I suppose that the year has been fairly okay.

No, not good. Things are starting to look up, even if sales aren't yet picking up but I'd say this year is a squandered opportunity for Nintendo. If they had played their cards right they could have had a very solid lead heading into this holidays. If headlines are to be believed, the only thing allowing them to keep their lead heading out of this holidays is stock shortage for the PS4.

Given the number of first party releases the Wii saw in its last two years I really think Nintendo should have had more games ready for the Wii U's first year.

Bought it at launch, own 2 games. But don't worry there's an entire 2 more games I want that are out... yeah I was disappointed but it didn't matter because I focused on handhelds this year. plus Super Mario 3D World at Christmas with my family will make up for it =D

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The huge game delays at left a big game drought at the start of the year.
This was prime opportunity for 3rd parties to capatilise on the excitement surrounding the console but we saw huge delays from 3rd parties as well.
Rayman and Scribblenauts (which still isnt out in europe) are prime examples of games I was going to pick up on release day but have had to reconsider as the first party games start to trickle out. I probably wont be picking up either of these games until early next year now, and this is a feeling I get from a lot of Wii U owners I know.

The games which I have picked up for the system have been an incredible experience, with Pikmin and SM3DW being some of the best games i have ever played. I have enjoyed my first year with Wii U, and it will only get better, I just wish 3rd party studios had more planned for it

Current Game Machines: 3DS, Wii U, PC.

Currently Playing: X-Com(PC), Smash Bros(WiiU), Banner Saga(PC), Guild Wars 2(PC), Project X Zone(3DS), Luigis Mansion 2(3DS), DayZ(PC)

Pretty bad.. NSMB U was fun, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate looks solid. Other than that, there is litterally nothing that interests me. Nintendoland was kinda fun for about 10 minutes with friends, but not worth buying.

Luckily year 2 looks 100x better already: Mario 3D World, DKC, X, Mario Kart, Smash Brothers U, Wii Sports Club, Watch Dogs, Yarn Yoshi, (maybe) DQX

Launch was good, then in January came the delays... just when I had some free time. After, the summer releases started happening while my free time was diminishing. Got some of them which I still need to complete now, but the first half a year was perplexing.

The console itself I like. It was only missing a few upgrade features such as: better integrated backwards compatibility with the new OS (just like the 3DS), all Wii VC/WW available at the eShop, and maybe Skype. If Dr. Mario Online RX would have been compatible with the Gamepad at launch, I would have bought two more... and a plus would have been a universal account.

Was also quite puzzled how I lost my TomaTito NNID due to weird account region restrictions...

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It could be better, but at the end of the year it degrease very fast. And 2014 it will be much more better, becuase of Mario Kart 8, Smash Broy U, Donkey Kong and the BIG BANG Zelda U!!

Zelda - Breath of the Wild for Nintendo Switch.... Incredable!!!

Objectively it did very bad, there's no way denying that.
But personally I liked my last year with Wii U. I only have 3 retail games for it yet, but those 3 I enjoy a lot. And that's what counts for me.
If Nintendo can give me another 10-15 games I like over the next years, I'm satisfied.

Need something off Play-Asia?