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Forums - General Discussion - Abortion survivor story


A lot of abortion cases not rape/abuse ?

True 46 67.65%
False 5 7.35%
We don't know 15 22.06%

Also, just because someone willingly performs an activity (such as sex) and they know the consequences (pregnancy), I don't see why the person has to allow the consequences to develop without disruption, granted if disprupting the consequences isn't immoral in itself (which is still up for debate). 

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Muffin31190 said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
Muffin31190 said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:

As stated previously, had you actually taken the time to read what the OP said (and ounce of commonse sense), you would have "cleary" understood that his goal was to see what the average reaction was after viewing the video ( as we have a diverse community here) as well as asking the question" Are the cases of rape or abuse the norm, or the exception for abortion procedures. How many are due to irresponsible sex by consenting adults?" Again please read before before you running your mouth, thank you !

OK good talking to you, you are an upstanding citizen of the internetz.
But in all thank you for being so rightous in the way you try and help people as if the interwebs wasnt a nice enough place already.
Maybe next time a question is directed at you I'll hope some one else answers it instead, kthanxbye

Why didn't you post your previous comments? You were purposely trying to troll so I stepped in, plain and simple. Please drop the ad hominems of "being righteous, etc" because attempting to insult me because you do  not have anything intelligent to reply with does not give your comments credibility.

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

padib said:
Muffin31190 said:
padib said:
Muffin31190 said:

I'm Sorry I didn't realize OP gave an opinion on the matter, let me read it again ... Oh wait he didn't.

I was Asking the OP if he(she) what was the main goal of what they had posted, as I said before - What were you Trying to get out of this? 

Now let OP answer the question.

Intelligent discussion. (And what Nirvana said in reply 2)

@prof. Thanks bud.

And you still never gave your opinion on the matter.

I didn't write the thread to hear my own opinion, but those of everyone else. But if you want to hear mine I'll post.

... Of course we want your opinion you want ours, the least you can do is give us your side and has this video affected your thoughts on the matter.

To be fair though I havent said Mine which is the video did not make me think one way or the other on this issue, I am Pro-choice to an extent, as abortion is morally okay to a point in my eyes, that point is to the end of the Second trimester (end of 6 months) but after that the baby is having cognative thoughts and can litterally survive outside the womb (with help of course). Though that is what I support as for what other people choose for abortion, the due date can be tmrw and if they want an abortion I believe I have no right to tell them what to do Nor does the Government, Or it can be the other way around and they choose to keep it and i support that, but af the family can't take care of the child then I would strongly recommend adoption for the child.

Nirvana_Nut85 said:
Muffin31190 said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
Muffin31190 said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:

As stated previously, had you actually taken the time to read what the OP said (and ounce of commonse sense), you would have "cleary" understood that his goal was to see what the average reaction was after viewing the video ( as we have a diverse community here) as well as asking the question" Are the cases of rape or abuse the norm, or the exception for abortion procedures. How many are due to irresponsible sex by consenting adults?" Again please read before before you running your mouth, thank you !

OK good talking to you, you are an upstanding citizen of the internetz.
But in all thank you for being so rightous in the way you try and help people as if the interwebs wasnt a nice enough place already.
Maybe next time a question is directed at you I'll hope some one else answers it instead, kthanxbye

Why didn't you post your previous comments? You were purposely trying to troll so I stepped in, plain and simple. Please drop the ad hominems of "being righteous, etc" because attempting to insult me because you do  not have anything intelligent to reply with does not give your comments credibility.

Well I didnt realize you made all of this come together so well, I asked One question (which was reasonable) and you took it upon yourself to be blatent and disregard it and insult me.
So In your eyes I have done all the wrong, which is fine but leave me be and if i have a question for you then answer it if i dont then leave it be unless you have something productive to bring to the coversation.

padib said:
Muffin31190 said:

Fair enough. I'm personally pro-life. After watching the video, it helped me get a better picture of what abortion eliminates: a perfectly functioning person with hopes and dreams. Barring all fringe case of abuse and rape, for people who are irresponsible with sex, and even those who have unexpected pregnancies while using contraception, I believe that it's criminal to abort a child at any point, time (1 month, 3 months, 6 months) makes no difference in the fact that what's living inside the womb is a future person with hopes and dreams.

However, I'm also libertarian. Would I prefer abortion be legally controlled? It really depends. I don't think our society is open to it, so honestly no. In a society that was more in tune with my moral values, I think it might be a safe approach but then again it probably wouldn't be necessary at that point. Also, in such a society, abortion would be a very personal issue still and so I'm still feeling libertarian about it. But then again, many things are personal and touchy yet fringe on legality (suicide for example). So I'm not completely sure how I feel about it.

I appreciate you asking for my opinion.

First off thank you for being reasonable with your opinion.
Second, I do hope that this one video has not swayed your descision on the matter (though I doubt it did) as I believe it should take multiple reasons to form an opinion.
An last, I am glad you have an opinion but are not obtuse with it (just not a fan of people thinking we should all think the same), as I believe everyone should have the right to think freely and have different opinions, and you have strong and respectable opinion at that.

Added: we had a reasonable Internet Discussion with differing opinions.

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wfz said:

When the baby is "grown enough" to be considered a human, abortion should be just as illegal as killing any other human.

I don't think many will disagree with that (well, looks like a few in here would, but from my experience, most wouldn't).

The issue is *when does human life start*? That question begs for emotional responses and never results in a productive conversation on online message boards.

agree with you on this. once the child is deemed to be human abortion shoudl be illegal.

There is no reason to considering how many peopel want to adopt chidlren who can't have them. Here it is easier to go to an asian country and get an adopted child then it is locally.



So in conclusion, sucks to be a woman.

Jay520 said:
Also, my opinion of abortion don't just stem from morality, but also from the practical effects on society. If a woman is forced to have an unwanted child because abortion is illegal, then the child is more likely to grow up in a environment leading to anti-social behavior (see crime and abortion). There are even some would argue that aborting one child saves one or more lives from being victimized, but I haven't investigated that claim enough to form an opinion on it.

Just asking a question because I'm curious where this could logical imply. Here is my question.

Couldn't one use the same logic to justify kill there 1-5 year old. Hear me out. If the parent believe the child will have social behavior problems because the child father was a rapist and her feelings towards the child will always be in a negative fashion. Then would it not be ok to kill the child because of potential negative impact of society that child may have. It is not uncommon for this to happen so, would the mother be justified in killing the child for society protection and her own child? We have to also factor in that if the mother doesn't want the child around anymore it is her choice seen she had to care the child as that's her right.

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

..... That's just way too late to be able to have an abortion.


With all the scientific facts we have, we know that a sperm is indeed a carbon-based life form. And we know it will become a child if it impregnates a woman. So should a man even be allowed to masturbate at all, or have any sexual relief that is not associated with reproduction?

Considering that people think it's wrong because of the fact that having an abortion is equal to killing a fully evolved human child.

Or is a sperm just not important enough to care about because it is even further away from being a child than a all the stages it will take to become a child inside of the woman?

I think my own questions are indeed childish, and don't believe so myself. But I also don't believe that having an abortion is equal to killing a child. Does depend on how late the abortion is of course, but I am not too educated in the medical science to point out exactly when a fetus is to be considered a human child.