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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Wii U, possible solutions.

There is no fix for the Wii U, Nintendo has to ride the system this years and launch a better console next time. They fucked the Wii U big time .

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

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Kind of like Wii Party U, Wii Fit U and Wii Sports Club?

Right now, all Nintendo need to do is keep releasing quality games like they have been since July. There isn't one thing they can do that will magically improve the Wii U. They just need to build the library and market more aggressively.

I honestly think both the PS4 and X1 are going to flounder in the first half of next year, and that if Nintendo can release the right games prior to summer they can build a head of steam whilst the new consoles wait for their big hitters to come out.

Nintendo has from January until e3 to get some momentum, before Microsoft and Sony start to dig themselves out of the inevitable slump. And all they need to do that is strong marketing over Christmas, hit with Mario Kart in the spring, and keep the games coming and keep telling people that these are games that need to be played.

Metallicube said:

I swear to god if I see one more mention of Nintendo going third party..

It's NOT going to happen people. For fuck's sake, just shell out 300 measely bucks for a Nintendo console if you want to play their games so bad. Most of you seem just fine with forking out $700-$1000 for a new console + controllers + games + $ 50 per year for an online service (with barely any worthwhile games at launch mind you), yet you refuse to purchase a $300 console that already has 2 games included, free online, and no need for extra controllers (if you already have a Wii), created by hands down the best video game developer on the planet that now has a respectable library.. Never got that logic. I mean christ, I work a dead end part time job that pays by the hour, and $300 is like, one HALF of ONE of my paychecks.

Most of you ? Absolutely not. Only hard fan boy buy the PS4ONE on the launch. They're 160 millions PS360 owners in the world who are waiting to make the jump. At launch only approx 6 millions console will be sold on the first 5 month. Rest of us (you know the 155 millions people waiting) are waiting to see strong games and sufficient reasons to make the jump. 

If you never got that logic, it's because you fail to understand most of PS360 owners are waiting to see the catalogue grow before spending money. As simple as that. Everyone keep saying that people should wait, but that's what people are doing. If most of us were not patiently waiting, they will already be something like 100 millions PS4 and XONE sold by now. Wich is absolutely not the case, Sony and Microsoft should already happy to reach 2 millions each by the end of the year. 

And yes, I refuse to pay a 300$ console for only one game that caught my interest (WindWaker HD)... Oh, and 300$ + pro controler, because you know I find the big controler a shame to play with. And i'm think I'm not alone on this one. If it's not logical to you, you should question yourself more. 

On the third party : I know a lot of Nintendo fans are shaking their leg about it, but let's face it ; It is very likely they go third party for console if the Wii U does not take off in the next two years. Nintendo has 7 billion in cash to burn and no debt, wich is really good. But Nintendo is not Sony, they have what ? 5000 employees ? Sony have something like 150 000 employees and the company is worth 32 billions dollars. The company value and stability is way (way way) more important than the cash a company have in bank. 

If you can read and understand the numbers, and have some financial and company development knowledge (I have a strong degree in those shit), you can find the information here :

Plus, Nintendo is only about games and console. If Wii U don't sell they loose all profitability they had thanks to the console department and the Wii. You think the 3ds sell numbers would be enough to support the company ? That's a clear no. They will have two possibility, going third party to keep the revenu coming from console department or make a more appealing console (wich is very unlikely)...

In other word, them going third party if the Wii U don't sell way more in the next two years is everything but impossible. 

ktay95 said:
Sleepyprince said:

I am not that a Nintendo fan, but it hurts me to see Nintendo struggle this way. 

I am a faithful sony supporter, but damn, I can't rejoice. We need Nintendo as much as we need Sony, let's admit it. They have strong ip, and very good game for children. Children who will grew up and choose between Sony and Microsoft to further their video games experience. 


stopped reading after this.

Are you implying Im a child for playing Mario, Pokemon etc. still?

True, that bolded part was nonsensical in so many ways. it's just amazing.

The moment Nintendo began listening to the 'hardcore' Nintendo community is when the decline began. Championing these flops are the sole reason the Wii U will continue to fail.

Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans

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I'm sorry but I completely disagree with your analysis.

Nintendo going 3rd party is literally the worse decision they could make long term, short of selling off Mario to Sony for a packet of magic beans.

The reason Nintendo does well (last year was the first time they made a loss, ever) is synergy. Their hardware and their software businesses support each other. People buy Nintendo hardware because they want Nintendo software, and they buy Nintendo software because they have Nintendo hardware.

Nintendo's biggest strength is that if you want to play Mario, or Zelda, or Pokémon, you have to own their hardware. If they were to go 3rd party, instantly the 3ds sales would fail. Because why would you buy a dedicated handheld if you can get Pokémon on your phone? And their software sales would fall to, because who is going to play Zelda on an Xbox or Playstation?

Nintendo have a solid market where families are concerned, they're a trusted brand, not unlike Disney. They may become relegated to selling Mario and Wii Sports to soccer moms and tweens for a generation, but that would still constitute a much more sensible business strategy than going 3rd party.

Plus, Wind Waker is 100% worth $300, stop bitching and pony up :p

Zero999 said:
ktay95 said:
Sleepyprince said:

I am not that a Nintendo fan, but it hurts me to see Nintendo struggle this way. 

I am a faithful sony supporter, but damn, I can't rejoice. We need Nintendo as much as we need Sony, let's admit it. They have strong ip, and very good game for children. Children who will grew up and choose between Sony and Microsoft to further their video games experience. 


stopped reading after this.

Are you implying Im a child for playing Mario, Pokemon etc. still?

True, that bolded part was nonsensical in so many ways. it's just amazing.

Second that. It's mostly old school adults that probably play the legendary nintendo franchises. FPS online chatter tells you all you need to know about kids on the so-called "adult consoles".

A lot of this stems from Nintendo games being cartoony and the belief that cartoons are for kids. Yet King of the Hill, South Park, Beavis and Butthead etc says different.


The largest percent of consoles are sold after the price cut. Most people will wait for this to happen. Some will wait for the first or the second cut. Some even longer for bigger price drops.

Only the wii was the exception.

ktay95 said:
Sleepyprince said:

I am not that a Nintendo fan, but it hurts me to see Nintendo struggle this way. 

I am a faithful sony supporter, but damn, I can't rejoice. We need Nintendo as much as we need Sony, let's admit it. They have strong ip, and very good game for children. Children who will grew up and choose between Sony and Microsoft to further their video games experience. 


stopped reading after this.

Are you implying Im a child for playing Mario, Pokemon etc. still?



More on topic though; Nintendo needs to buy some big developers so that they can support their own console with a steady pace of games.