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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Digital Foundry vs. Forza Motorsport 5

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This is not a fanboy thread, it's just a thread about DF analysis, but there are fanboys reactions that dont accept the analysis... From an objective pov, this is what we see.

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kowenicki said:
ethomaz said:

kowenicki said:

yes it is.. i agree.

I agree too... now lets talk about Forza please.

ok. its fucking awesome. 



What I would like to know from the analysis is, why is it downgraded from what they initially promised at E3?

Intel core i7 930 OC @ 4.0 ghz

XFX Double dissipation Radeon HD 7950 356 bit 3gb GDDR5 OC @ 1150 MHz core + 1575 x 4 memory

Triple channel DDR 3 12gb RAM 1600 MHz

Aerys said:
This is not a fanboy thread, it's just a thread about DF analysis, but there are fanboys reactions that dont accept the analysis... From an objective pov, this is what we see.

Well yeah if the community in this thread had no history.

A newcomer check in would see just what you discribed.

As for the locals they see thread posters before they see the topic. 

After the thread poster is confirmed we look and the index categorey the topic was posted in and when you can go by those 2 details and determine if the article of copy/paste choice is possitive or negative, then you know allegiance is involved.

So the actual topic is ignored because of the percieved boarderline intent behind what is chosen for copy paste use.

Also highlighted portions of the complete body of work make the intent clear on what is being brought to the table.

To avoid a complete direct analogy I will give you this.

"A meat lovers club is constantly crashed by a vegetarian hell bent on educating them about how unhealthy meat is"

^Yes that's me ripping it up in the GIF. :)

kowenicki said:

"it sets a precedent for next-gen racing simulations by virtue of simply planting the flag in the soil first." it is currently definitive.


Only because it's the only one out there, as they said.  Yea, that's not a hollow victory, at all.  

And if I'm not mistaken, weren't you one of the ones who said that the Forza downgrades were just a BS rumor?  Guess it wasn't.

@ OP

It's pretty ridiculous that MS tried to fool everyone with the early PC builds of games.  That's 10 times worse than the target render fiasco from the PS3's launch.  At least Sony didn't have a Motorstorm demo at E3 running on a supped up PC that actually looked like that, to only release later with the true PS3 version.

Cobretti2 said:
you guys are missing the point the aricle is pointing out what the gfx look like that is what that site does.

It also is clear that is is drastically worst then the one show at E3 (perhaps need the cloud to kick in?)

In any case this is nothing new, even Sony has done this in the past with PS2 and PS3, Killzone 2 is a good example of that.

All he did was post an article.

True, but he also used Cherry picked images.

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Aerys said:

You sir are no saint.

It never ends. In 2 weeks GT6 will undoubtedly again be bashed for 2D crowds, 2D trees and less then perfect AA. At least Forza is finally 1080p.

I'm much more disappointed in the paltry 14 tracks (of which 2 are test tracks), no Nurburgring nor Suzuka, no variable day/night lighting, no weather, gimped career in favor of micro transactions, and erratic behaving drivatar AI. I was interested in the head tracking, except it's now body leaning and I can hardly find anything about it besides that it is included. GameInformer gave it 2 sentences: Speaking of your head, Forza 5 uses the Kinect for headtracking as well as voice-based menu commands. Neither feature is a great boon, but leaning your body from side to side to move the in-game camera is kind of cool. I was hoping for positional head tracking, sit up to look over crests kinda thing.

They should have called it Forza 5 prologue and bring out the full game next year. It's a nice looking taster, which I'll probably enjoy for a short time when it is bundled with the console next holilday season. I don't see $60 worth of game here.

You have to appreciate the pure damage control and mud slinging in this thread

Any reason you picked the worst screenshots for the game?

LOL @ The people who used to brag about Forza 5's visuals and call Driveclub ugly, cause Forza turned out to be ugly and Driveclub looks leagues ahead.