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Aerys said:
This is not a fanboy thread, it's just a thread about DF analysis, but there are fanboys reactions that dont accept the analysis... From an objective pov, this is what we see.

Well yeah if the community in this thread had no history.

A newcomer check in would see just what you discribed.

As for the locals they see thread posters before they see the topic. 

After the thread poster is confirmed we look and the index categorey the topic was posted in and when you can go by those 2 details and determine if the article of copy/paste choice is possitive or negative, then you know allegiance is involved.

So the actual topic is ignored because of the percieved boarderline intent behind what is chosen for copy paste use.

Also highlighted portions of the complete body of work make the intent clear on what is being brought to the table.

To avoid a complete direct analogy I will give you this.

"A meat lovers club is constantly crashed by a vegetarian hell bent on educating them about how unhealthy meat is"

^Yes that's me ripping it up in the GIF. :)