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Forums - Sony Discussion - One Million PS4 units Sold In 24 Hours!!!

I wonder how many PS4 cameras were sold

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phenom08 said:
Neither tweet was an confirmation for not shipped. They need to clarify.

Expected as much.

"Sold through" to customers, not just "shipped".

Its not exactly difficult to understand.


BHR-3 said:

im one of those million

didnt think it would do that much since there forecast is 5M to march 2014 was thinking 3M this year WW and 2M next yr either the rest of the weeks for this yr are gonna be super low do to stock or sony can realistically do 5M before Jan 2014

I was thinking that too... I guess some forecast was the minimum or most pessimist case... they will be over it.


freedquaker said:
Congrats Sony!

This will surely reap better network effects in favor of PS4, and to the detriment of Xbone. The future will also bring

a) The effects of Pricing Gap (favoring PS4)
b) The effects of Brand Loyalty in the Rest of the World (favoring PS4)
c) The effects of localization differences in Japan and others (mostly favoring PS4)
d) The catapult effects from Rest of the world to North America (favoring PS4)
e) The effects of Kinect (mixed & non-clear results for now)

f) The effects of a more powerful system

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


No dr evil gifs?  You guys dissappoint me

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

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I love these guys

Some gifs for the gun... Congrats Sony.


More than I expected (was thinking somewhere along the lines of 600-700k).

Impressive. Congrats, Sony.

Pretty amazing. Hopefully Sony has enough supply to keep the momentum going and hopefully it doesn't turn out similar to the Wii U where sales die off after a good launch.

Carl2291 said:
phenom08 said:
Neither tweet was an confirmation for not shipped. They need to clarify.

Expected as much.

"Sold through" to customers, not just "shipped".

Its not exactly difficult to understand.

And this is the guy who accuses me and Seece of "reaching"!