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Forums - Website Topics - Forbes cites VGChartz

Well, this is great news for you ioi, congratulations!

PS: What is ioi? What does it stand for? Does it have any meaning?

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I started a thread with all of the citations I could find for Vgchartz.  In the future, put all big citations there.


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

yah! zoom, zoom, zoom...

from is way behind us, and here we come!

the Wii is an epidemic.

Neos said:
ssj12 said:
the first commenter in that article is a complete moron

"Posted by TRUstee | 02/12/08 04:24 PM EST
vgchartz? Am I reading this correctly? You are sourcing a known data hijacker, and on Forbes? The guy that runs vgchartz compiles data from all of the firms, adds some numbers to it to keep himself out of harms way, has the audacity to call it his own and you fall for it? It is also well known that the numbers he gets from retailers as is so blatantly posted on his home page, is actually obtained illegally. Retail workers will often provide him with sales numbers from a store where they work. This is illegal (one poster on the site was busted by his employer for this) and you source him? I have lost faith in Forbes."

ioi you should consider posting a response to that and thank Forbes for the vote of confidence in our numbers.i

i agree with this, you really should ioi =)

 Maybe the poster was from NPD-anyways, did someone really got fired for giving data?

TheSource said:

I started a thread with all of the citations I could find for Vgchartz. In the future, put all big citations there.


 Believe me, Source, I try to find it but I couldn't ( and there isn't the search function anymore ).

Could you give me the link of that thread, please ? Thanks. 

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

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I'm sure the person they were talking about Bod. Sure he didn't get fired, just told to stop, but that jackass doesn't know what he's talking about anyway.

celine said:
Also what do you think about this part of the article ?
Another bold prediction: Within 10 years, guilds formed on "War [World] of Warcraft" or other online games will become offline political forces. Especially in Asia, look for these groups to start agitating for social change.

This is a role traditionally reserved for university students, but in many ways, online groups are better suited to challenge the status quo. These tight-knit, hierarchical groups are dispersed geographically, and they're used to playing specific roles--for example, casting healing spells or printing 1,000 posters.

In short, the instigators of the next Tiananmen Square could very well not be students from Peking University, but members of the "Chinese Nathrezim Finger Guild."

 The KCIA/ANSP have already infiltrated all the big guilds. We shall see if the online organizing has any effect.

who ever commented on forbes as vgchartz is a complete moron. DO NOT POST IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DO PROPER PR WORK.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

Posted by soilent | 02/12/08 08:52 PM EST

and one more thing. None of the vgchartz numbers ever are the same as the paid companies because ioi kows he'll has his butt sued if the real trackers ever catch him.
Okay, those morons posting in the comments make me want to crack my knuckles and jump in.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

I just love the people who argue these two things simultaneously:

1) VGChartz steals its data from GfK and the NPD.

2) VGChartz figures are terrible and unreliable.

So, uh, which is it? Or are we also arguing that GfK and NPD's figures are also terrible and unreliable?

I can honestly understand why someone could think that VGChartz figures -- particularly the weekly figures -- aren't accurate enough. They're probably, on a weekly basis, generally within 15-20 percent of the actual figures, and for some people that simply isn't good enough, nor is 10-15 percent on a monthly basis, nor is 2-3 percent on a LTD basis. Fine, they're welcome to have their preferred confidence intervals.

But when people argue both the above sentiments simultaneously, I'm amazed that people can say it with a straight face.">">