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I just love the people who argue these two things simultaneously:

1) VGChartz steals its data from GfK and the NPD.

2) VGChartz figures are terrible and unreliable.

So, uh, which is it? Or are we also arguing that GfK and NPD's figures are also terrible and unreliable?

I can honestly understand why someone could think that VGChartz figures -- particularly the weekly figures -- aren't accurate enough. They're probably, on a weekly basis, generally within 15-20 percent of the actual figures, and for some people that simply isn't good enough, nor is 10-15 percent on a monthly basis, nor is 2-3 percent on a LTD basis. Fine, they're welcome to have their preferred confidence intervals.

But when people argue both the above sentiments simultaneously, I'm amazed that people can say it with a straight face.">">