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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My Battlefield 4 campaign review...

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Areym said:

I am aware that the Bad company games had an actually joyful and great campaigns, so i meant main battlefield games for the numbered ones (3 and 4). Besides, sonic is not a great example.  

Considering a lot of people's hatred of EA and their shittacular ways and status, I think it makes for a valid, if very vague, point. Also, ill be sure to make my opinions much more meaningful just for you, guy who plays battlefield for the single player campaign.

I don't care about peoples hatred for EA. I personally enjoyed a good number of EA's games this gen and that's all that matters.

What's wrong with playing the single player campaign in BF? I enjoy FPS games and I've played many this gen. Much like KylieDog, you're just being childish.

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fatslob-:O said:

Then people need to stop buying games like call of duty, titanfall, halo, battlefield, and even destiny included because those games set a pretty destructive example as to why multiplayer is more important. These games are part of your problem as to why they don't try to evolve campaigns. 

Well people should buy whatever they want. But EA was really pushing that BF4 campaign so I was hoping more effort was put into it.

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Mr Puggsly said:
fatslob-:O said:

Then people need to stop buying games like call of duty, titanfall, halo, battlefield, and even destiny included because those games set a pretty destructive example as to why multiplayer is more important. These games are part of your problem as to why they don't try to evolve campaigns. 

Well people should buy whatever they want. But EA was really pushing that BF4 campaign so I was hoping more effort was put into it.

Oh well I guess they false advertised on that part. So does the online make up for the lackluster single player ? 

fatslob-:O said:
theRepublic said:

"Then what else can define quality quantitatively?" Probably nothing can.  Not sales, and not review scores.  If I had to pick one, I would probably pick reviews as being closer.  Even then, with how bad game journalism is right now, that only really gives you the 'hardcore' perspective.  I guess the closest you could get would be big consumer surveys after people play the game in question.

"How is minecraft a smash success..." Did you just ignore that list I posted?  Let's see that again:

Genre, art style, marketing, current market saturation level (both in and out of genre), publisher brand strength, developer brand strength, IP brand strength, consumer excitement, reviews, and quality all play a role in how much a game will sell.

Mincraft gets big points in a lot of these areas:

  • Genre - Sandbox type games are very popular.  This particular type, where you mine and build anything you want, didn't really exist before.  Which leads me to...
  • Current Market Saturation - Nothing like this game really existed before.  There is a huge first mover advantage here.  I would say this is the biggest reason the game is so big.  Malstrom says new content is what makes a game a success.  This game has that in spades.
  • Marketing - True, this game does not have traditional marketing.  But it does have a ton of positive word of mouth marketing.  Which I would argue is even more valuable.
  • Consumer excitement - See above.
  • Quality - Yes, I agree this is a quality game, and that certainly helps a lot.
"Those are some pretty bad excuses if you ask me."  Not excuses, just reality.

"If a game were truly bad then it would have never been supported by the mass market."  Nice strawman.  Where do I say that a bad game sold well? (In case you were wondering, I think Wii Sports is a very high quality game.)  This is probably in reference to where I said that inferior products sometimes win in the market.  Sometimes that is on price.  Quality usually costs more, so a cheaper product can sell more.  Sometimes it is on marketing.  I've seen a documentary that did a blind taste test with Bud Light, Miller Lite, and Coors Light.  Nobody could tell them apart.  Yet they don't all sell in the same numbers.  That is because of marketing.

"Ever heard of the term the customers are always right about what they want." Yes, I have heard that, and it is wrong.  Dead wrong.  As much as I don't like Apple products, Steve Jobs was right when he said that customers don't know what they want until you show them.  That is how Apple was able to create or redefine products, and then make huge profits.  That is how Nintendo created the Wii.  Nobody was asking for motion gaming.  But once people saw it, they said "Holy crap, I want that!"

1)Then I guess review scores say that wii play bad was even though the mass market disagrees. I would rather trust the large sum of what people want than a small sample of reviews. Reviews are nowhere near close to the general audience thinks. Why are the user scores for modern warfare 3 so low ? The hardcore has basically infected game journalism to become not reliable again. 

2)Minecraft is what you would call a blue ocean game. Like malstrom once said, "It is harder to sell in a cold market than a hot market." Minecraft was in itself innovative by mass market and that added to the quality of the game.

I agree with the fact that minecraft has new content but that goes inline that new content increases the quality of a game also. 

3)It's true that the marketing came from the word of mouth, however the game needed to retain some initial quality in order to do that. 

Again to gain consumer excitement with minecraft it had to have some initial quality otherwise people wouldn't recommend it in the first place.

This basically all boils down to the quality of a game and nothing else. Those points were a part of quality. 

4)Please describe how inferior products can win ? You basically said inferior products in the market wins so I took that as you saying that inferior games can win in the market so how exactly is that strawman ? Oh and your reasons as to why they win is mostly excuses. It's not my fault that some people see more quality in some alcoholic beverages. What's more is that I wouldn't know because I don't drink those. 

5)Really ?! So your denying that people who wanted those apple products didn't want it ?! Instead you'll probably resort to saying that apple had the best marketing to do it but that alone will not cut it. Their iPods and iPhones were pretty good products at the time. Your right about nobody asking for motion gaming but your dead wrong about it being a fad. Nintendo aimed for a blue ocean strategy and that is how they flourished. Hence they created a new market with no contendors. 

1) It is like you didn't even read what I wrote. "Even then, with how bad game journalism is right now, that only really gives you the 'hardcore' perspective.  I guess the closest you could get would be big consumer surveys after people play the game in question."

2) Finding an underserved market has nothing to do with the quality of your product.  Neither does offering content not yet done by anyone else.  You can do both of those things but still have a crappy product.  An example would be if Minecraft was riddled was glitches.

3) There are all kinds of games that are very popular with their particular community, but for some reason the great word of mouth reviews don't really do much for the game.  Minecraft was lucky in that for some reason, it had the right people spreading the word so that it exploded.  None of this relates to the quality of the game.

4) As noted by Bazmeistergen, see VHS vs Beta for an example.  For the beer example, you don't need to be a drinker.  It is that the 3 beers are indistinguishable by taste.  They are the exact same quality.  But they do not sell the same amount.  All your arquments say that they should sell the same amount.

I thought you read Malstrom?  Haven't you heard of Clayton Christensen?  Low-end disruption is all about how a low quality but innovative product can push out established higher quality products that can't integrate the innovative quality of the new product.

5) Yes, people did want those Apple products.  But only after Apple revealed them.  Nobody knew they wanted it before.  Nobody in a market research group said, "I wish my iPhone was giant and didn't make calls."  But we got the iPad anyway, because Apple knew what people wanted, even though the people didn't realize it at the time.

Same with Nintendo.  They were able to hit the Blue Ocean precisely because they were able to give consumers something they didn't know they wanted.  That is how you create a new market.  If consumers knew they wanted it, it would already be a Red Ocean.  Again, don't you read Malstrom?  If you do, you don't understand it.  I know he covered this years ago.

I didn't say it was a fad!  Nowhere in my post did I say that.  Stop making stuff up.  That is why I and others have said you are using strawmen.  You are arguing against things that were not said.

And with that I am done with you.  I have backed up my points, you have not backed up yours.  You seem to barely skim my post, and don't even try to understand.  Then you make stuff up.  This whole thing is off topic anyway.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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fatslob-:O said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Well people should buy whatever they want. But EA was really pushing that BF4 campaign so I was hoping more effort was put into it.

Oh well I guess they false advertised on that part. So does the online make up for the lackluster single player ? 

The single player is so bad... it shouldn't even be taken into consideration. You should only buy this game because you're a fan of BF multiplayer.

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theRepublic said:
fatslob-:O said:
theRepublic said:

"Then what else can define quality quantitatively?" Probably nothing can.  Not sales, and not review scores.  If I had to pick one, I would probably pick reviews as being closer.  Even then, with how bad game journalism is right now, that only really gives you the 'hardcore' perspective.  I guess the closest you could get would be big consumer surveys after people play the game in question.

"How is minecraft a smash success..." Did you just ignore that list I posted?  Let's see that again:

Genre, art style, marketing, current market saturation level (both in and out of genre), publisher brand strength, developer brand strength, IP brand strength, consumer excitement, reviews, and quality all play a role in how much a game will sell.

Mincraft gets big points in a lot of these areas:

  • Genre - Sandbox type games are very popular.  This particular type, where you mine and build anything you want, didn't really exist before.  Which leads me to...
  • Current Market Saturation - Nothing like this game really existed before.  There is a huge first mover advantage here.  I would say this is the biggest reason the game is so big.  Malstrom says new content is what makes a game a success.  This game has that in spades.
  • Marketing - True, this game does not have traditional marketing.  But it does have a ton of positive word of mouth marketing.  Which I would argue is even more valuable.
  • Consumer excitement - See above.
  • Quality - Yes, I agree this is a quality game, and that certainly helps a lot.
"Those are some pretty bad excuses if you ask me."  Not excuses, just reality.

"If a game were truly bad then it would have never been supported by the mass market."  Nice strawman.  Where do I say that a bad game sold well? (In case you were wondering, I think Wii Sports is a very high quality game.)  This is probably in reference to where I said that inferior products sometimes win in the market.  Sometimes that is on price.  Quality usually costs more, so a cheaper product can sell more.  Sometimes it is on marketing.  I've seen a documentary that did a blind taste test with Bud Light, Miller Lite, and Coors Light.  Nobody could tell them apart.  Yet they don't all sell in the same numbers.  That is because of marketing.

"Ever heard of the term the customers are always right about what they want." Yes, I have heard that, and it is wrong.  Dead wrong.  As much as I don't like Apple products, Steve Jobs was right when he said that customers don't know what they want until you show them.  That is how Apple was able to create or redefine products, and then make huge profits.  That is how Nintendo created the Wii.  Nobody was asking for motion gaming.  But once people saw it, they said "Holy crap, I want that!"

1)Then I guess review scores say that wii play bad was even though the mass market disagrees. I would rather trust the large sum of what people want than a small sample of reviews. Reviews are nowhere near close to the general audience thinks. Why are the user scores for modern warfare 3 so low ? The hardcore has basically infected game journalism to become not reliable again. 

2)Minecraft is what you would call a blue ocean game. Like malstrom once said, "It is harder to sell in a cold market than a hot market." Minecraft was in itself innovative by mass market and that added to the quality of the game.

I agree with the fact that minecraft has new content but that goes inline that new content increases the quality of a game also. 

3)It's true that the marketing came from the word of mouth, however the game needed to retain some initial quality in order to do that. 

Again to gain consumer excitement with minecraft it had to have some initial quality otherwise people wouldn't recommend it in the first place.

This basically all boils down to the quality of a game and nothing else. Those points were a part of quality. 

4)Please describe how inferior products can win ? You basically said inferior products in the market wins so I took that as you saying that inferior games can win in the market so how exactly is that strawman ? Oh and your reasons as to why they win is mostly excuses. It's not my fault that some people see more quality in some alcoholic beverages. What's more is that I wouldn't know because I don't drink those. 

5)Really ?! So your denying that people who wanted those apple products didn't want it ?! Instead you'll probably resort to saying that apple had the best marketing to do it but that alone will not cut it. Their iPods and iPhones were pretty good products at the time. Your right about nobody asking for motion gaming but your dead wrong about it being a fad. Nintendo aimed for a blue ocean strategy and that is how they flourished. Hence they created a new market with no contendors. 

1) It is like you didn't even read what I wrote. "Even then, with how bad game journalism is right now, that only really gives you the 'hardcore' perspective.  I guess the closest you could get would be big consumer surveys after people play the game in question."

2) Finding an underserved market has nothing to do with the quality of your product.  Neither does offering content not yet done by anyone else.  You can do both of those things but still have a crappy product.  An example would be if Minecraft was riddled was glitches.

3) There are all kinds of games that are very popular with their particular community, but for some reason the great word of mouth reviews don't really do much for the game.  Minecraft was lucky in that for some reason, it had the right people spreading the word so that it exploded.  None of this relates to the quality of the game.

4) As noted by Bazmeistergen, see VHS vs Beta for an example.  For the beer example, you don't need to be a drinker.  It is that the 3 beers are indistinguishable by taste.  They are the exact same quality.  But they do not sell the same amount.  All your arquments say that they should sell the same amount.

I thought you read Malstrom?  Haven't you heard of Clayton Christensen?  Low-end disruption is all about how a low quality but innovative product can push out established higher quality products that can't integrate the innovative quality of the new product.

5) Yes, people did want those Apple products.  But only after Apple revealed them.  Nobody knew they wanted it before.  Nobody in a market research group said, "I wish my iPhone was giant and didn't make calls."  But we got the iPad anyway, because Apple knew what people wanted, even though the people didn't realize it at the time.

Same with Nintendo.  They were able to hit the Blue Ocean precisely because they were able to give consumers something they didn't know they wanted.  That is how you create a new market.  If consumers knew they wanted it, it would already be a Red Ocean.  Again, don't you read Malstrom?  If you do, you don't understand it.  I know he covered this years ago.

I didn't say it was a fad!  Nowhere in my post did I say that.  Stop making stuff up.  That is why I and others have said you are using strawmen.  You are arguing against things that were not said.

And with that I am done with you.  I have backed up my points, you have not backed up yours.  You seem to barely skim my post, and don't even try to understand.  Then you make stuff up.  This whole thing is off topic anyway.

1) Then why did you say that reviews are the closest thing to quality ? 

2) Since when did "glitches" take away from the game ? Dem BETESTDA games would like to have a word with you. 

3) Right people ? People advertised the game was by playing it elsewhere. That is how minecraft gets exposure. At my highschool people were playing the shit out of minecraft in my computer classes. People obviously don't wanna be playing crappy games but with minecraft people want to play that anywhere so it must have had some quality in order for people keep mildly enjoying.

4) Ok that's a strawman arguement you have right there. Other than the taste, how do you know everything else is equal ? Are there more distributions of certain alcholic beverages ? How do you know that everything is set to an even playing field ? Does one offer the better price ? Do one of them offer something unique ? There are many factors as to why a product will sell. 

Who the hell is Clayton Christensen ? 

5) Apple products were wanted again because they created the market where portable products were useful for the masses. 

Nintendo was able to hit blue ocean because they reached a certain audience. Be aware that gaming existed way before the wii and alot of people knew about them. Even those that didn't play them. Consumers do know what they want! It'd be stupid to think otherwise because human nature doesn't change. It was nintendo that realized the potential in that market. Nintendo tried to do this with the WII U and they ended up failing miserably. You can not assume that there are some random audience out there to buy a system. The WII appealed to people that wanted the least bullshit. Nintendo capitalized on their competitors weaknesses. 

You have backed up nothing as to why sales do not equate to quality. Apparently you skipped those blog posts from malstrom. What's more is that your examples are terrible. 

KylieDog said:

Still cannot defend your bullshit statement I see.  People playing the campaigns makes the campaigns good?  Well then using your own logic BF4 campaign is great because you played it.

Still cannot defend my bullshit statement? I already did. Your opinion doesn't matter because you clearly don't enjoy games like this. Sorry, your opinion is useless to me.

No, my logic is... my criticisms about the BF4 campaign have more validity than anything you could possibly say because I've actually played it and I do enjoy other military shooter like the CoD series. You apparently can't say the same.

It’s just common sense, my friend.

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KylieDog said:

Wow, this is impressive, you post bullshit, then your defence of that bullshit is even more bullshit on top of that.  None of your last post is true aside from what you played.

No, everything I said is true. The fact is I'm giving my thoughts on games I actually played. You're just reiterating bullshit you hear/read.

For the record, KilieDog got upset because I said CoD has solid campaigns. Hence, he got angry because I said games he didn't play have solid campaigns. How fucking childish is that?

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KylieDog said:

Trophy card is right there in my sig, if you stopped your bullshit you'd see I've played every CoD game.   You are full of shit, and everyone who checks now knows it.

Ah! So you feel the CoD campaigns are bad yet you've found yourself compelled to play them all?

Looks like you enjoy them more than you're willing to admit. Safe bet you'll be playing CoD: Ghosts because you enjoy the campaigns. Just admit it already.

I've dragged the truth out of you. You're clearly in the closet with your love of CoD campaigns.

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KylieDog said:

Using your dumb logic if someone plays something they must find it good, so clearly you love BF4 campaign.  If you look at Black Ops 2 I didn't even bother finishing the campaign.  I played the others mainly for trophies.

Cannot admit you made a bullshit statement and are now butthurt you got called out on it.

What's my "bullshit"? All I had to do to get you angry was say the CoD campagins are solid. That isn't bullshit, millions and millions of people play the CoD campaigns, you included.

We can keep this going by the way, I'll just keep repeating myself and you can keep making claims of bullshit. Ultimately, I stand by my statement that CoD campaigns are solid. Deal with it and grow up.

Recently Completed
River City: Rival Showdown
for 3DS (3/5) - River City: Tokyo Rumble for 3DS (4/5) - Zelda: BotW for Wii U (5/5) - Zelda: BotW for Switch (5/5) - Zelda: Link's Awakening for Switch (4/5) - Rage 2 for X1X (4/5) - Rage for 360 (3/5) - Streets of Rage 4 for X1/PC (4/5) - Gears 5 for X1X (5/5) - Mortal Kombat 11 for X1X (5/5) - Doom 64 for N64 (emulator) (3/5) - Crackdown 3 for X1S/X1X (4/5) - Infinity Blade III - for iPad 4 (3/5) - Infinity Blade II - for iPad 4 (4/5) - Infinity Blade - for iPad 4 (4/5) - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood for X1 (3/5) - Assassin's Creed: Origins for X1 (3/5) - Uncharted: Lost Legacy for PS4 (4/5) - EA UFC 3 for X1 (4/5) - Doom for X1 (4/5) - Titanfall 2 for X1 (4/5) - Super Mario 3D World for Wii U (4/5) - South Park: The Stick of Truth for X1 BC (4/5) - Call of Duty: WWII for X1 (4/5) -Wolfenstein II for X1 - (4/5) - Dead or Alive: Dimensions for 3DS (4/5) - Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite for X1 (3/5) - Halo Wars 2 for X1/PC (4/5) - Halo Wars: DE for X1 (4/5) - Tekken 7 for X1 (4/5) - Injustice 2 for X1 (4/5) - Yakuza 5 for PS3 (3/5) - Battlefield 1 (Campaign) for X1 (3/5) - Assassin's Creed: Syndicate for X1 (4/5) - Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare for X1 (4/5) - Call of Duty: MW Remastered for X1 (4/5) - Donkey Kong Country Returns for 3DS (4/5) - Forza Horizon 3 for X1 (5/5)