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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Your least favorite console Zelda game


leats favorite console Zelda

Zelda 21 5.37%
Zelda 2 143 36.57%
A Link to the Past 12 3.07%
Ocarina of Time 19 4.86%
Majora Mask 50 12.79%
Wind Waker 39 9.97%
Twilight Princess 41 10.49%
Skyward Sword 66 16.88%
NightDragon83 said:
Eff every single one of you that voted Zelda II. That game is better than 95% of the NES library, and I'll bet most of you weren't even born when it came out.

that's your opinion and even if it's true, this isn't a top 10 NES thread, it's about the worst zelda.

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twilight princess, so empty, easy and sad

The problem with Zelda II is that it is not a bad game, you see. It's actually great. But all things in consideration, it might be the weakest Zelda game entry, as the Zelda franchise itself.

What you people are not seeing is that when there were only Zelda 1 and Zelda II, you could hardly say Zelda II was the worst Zelda. Zelda wasn't an established franchise yet, so it was a matter of preference. The thing is, the franchise went on with Zelda 1 style. Hence why Zelda II became outdated.

I found Zelda 2 to be clearly better than the first one. I don't know if there is some sort of old bias against it, but I cannot see how Zelda 1 is better.

Zelda 2 had a lot more to it, and was much more fun and rewarding overall. It is one of the few NES games I have found to be playable even today. The first Zelda game was simplistic and almost unplayable.

In terms of how I like the Zelda games, it would probably be something like this:

1. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.
2. Skyward Sword
3. Link to the Past
4. Zelda 2
5. Twilight Princess
6. Zelda 1.

Windwaker I left off because I only played like two hours of it.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Zelda 1 & 2 are unplayable if you didn´t grow up with them or a willing to figure everything out for yourself.

All the other games are great.

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I'd say Skyward Sword was the worst, if only for the huge amount of hype it failed to live up to and some hilariously questionable decisions in its production. Questions like, "Why do I have to get into this awkward position to throw a bomb?" or "who thought it was a good idea to make a LINEAR zelda game?", or "if they were going to make a story-based game with supposed chemistry between Zelda and Link, why didn't they hire writers that could write?"

to me, it's just a lot of questionable crap like that which ruined the experience, not to mention the motion controls, outside of swordplay, basically turned into "The Legend of Zelda: Stick-Waggling minigames". Had the controls been motion-optional or more fit for my setup (I don't have the room to stand up while playing games, as my room is small and I don't share my consoles with my room mates), Skyward Sword went the way of Kinect: Great but useless technology.

but yeah, lots of little things made me hate Skyward Sword. The poorly written dialogue, the failed attempt at romance, the linear nature of it, the motion control minigames, and God, that stupid, stupid, STUPID FUCKING RETARDED STUPID SWORD DEMON THING. I'd take tingle over that joke of a character ANY DAY! "There's a 93% chance you should hit the enemy's weak spot!" FUCK YOU WHATEVER YOUR NAME WAS YOU USELESS CLUSTER OF DATA!

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I feel like Zelda 2 gets undue shit for being "Different". Even thought these days people claim they WANT different, and that "the Zelda formula is tired". But people retroactively look back on Zelda 2 as if it is the ugly stepchild of the series, even though if you were actually around back then, and had actually played it, most people were really excited for it. Yes, many wanted it to be the same as Zelda 1, but a lot of people actually liked the approach they took, and it was a game that was genuinely hard as nails, yet it was fair in the sense that if you learned it's fighting system, and earnestly put in the effort to get good at it, you COULD be really good at it. It wasn't unfairly cheap, ala Ninja Gaiden. Also, for it's time (1988), on NES, it had an incredible amount of content, and was a game of epic proportions.

I would say that Zelda 2 is actually one of my top favorite home console Zeldas, along with A Link to the Past, Twilight Princess, and the original. My least favorites are, hands down, Majora's Mask and Wind Waker. I just couldn't get into Wind Waker, the art style and sailing both really kind of turned me off, and with MM, it had a lot of good going for it, but it was unbearable, to me at least, to keep having to restart time and do the same shit over and over and over again.

I honestly didn't become a Zelda fan until Ocarina of Time and became a bigger one with Twilight Princess.

Steam/Origin ID: salorider

Nintendo Network ID: salorider

PSN: salorider

3DS Friend Code: 4983-4984-4179


Sometimes I think some game developers should sign in this website, we can do them quite a favor with these polls...

wow i'm surprised Majora's Mask is hated. i don't really get the hate it and Metroid Prime 2 get, both great games that are harder than their predecessors.