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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NeoGAF: Xbox One OS and XBL having issues that will take months to fix

well, that thread was complete bs.
pretty much no issues at all.
and man, the netcode in killer instinct rocks.

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TheHunt3r_Orion said:

Damn. Now this bullshit rumor??? Holy shit. Everytime something goes bad for fucking Playstation, a new bogus Xbox rumor shows and everyone hops on the dick sucking tour that is Xbox bashing.

Don't go bitching and crying when it happens on November 12th. THAT is the key date. THAT is when the dam breaks. I personally cannot wait to feast on Sony ponies.


Moderated - Kresnik.

Nothing has gone bad for Sony. The PS4 launch has been pretty damn smooth in all honesty and I've personally had no issues for 2 weeks of ownership of my console. No issues with the D1 patch, or anything else. Only issue I actually had was the "semi-outage" but I was playing NK14, so I didn't notice it for those few days.

Waiting for ethomaz to say Cboat / Gaf is still right even when they are wrong.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

DirtyP2002 said:
Waiting for ethomaz to say Cboat / Gaf is still right even when they are wrong.

Months it'll take

well, doesn't seem to be that bad in the end. maybe that guy meant the new xbox one releasing early 2014

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TheSting said:
DirtyP2002 said:
Waiting for ethomaz to say Cboat / Gaf is still right even when they are wrong.

Months it'll take

When hell freezes over.

This was definitely wrong, a strike in the "Cboat isn't credible" column. Anyone keeping score?

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

lol truthfact...right

Like all the other crap cboat threw against the wall that didn't stick, his loyalists will ignore this incorrect FUD and continue to claim he is infallible.