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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Facial Tech Comparison: Killzone Shadow Fall vs Ryse vs Crysis 3


Facial Tech Comparison: Killzone Shadow Fall vs Ryse vs Crysis 3




Next generation is almost here. Curious to see how far the graphics have evolved. We compare Killzone Shadow Fall, Ryse and Crysis 3 to see how far the facial tech has evolved for games.

Before starting, let me explain why we included Crysis 3. Even though it is released on current generation systems, Crysis 3 on PC is still regarded as a benchmark for PC graphics. It gives high end rigs a run for their money on ultra quality. The facial tech is also one of the best from previous generation and truly shines on a PC. So keeping this in mind, let us begin our comparison.

Note: Click on each image to view in full 1080p size

Crysis 3

Lets begin with Crysis 3. The best work of Crytek(graphically) to date. It remains to be seen if Ryse can take the throne for Crytek in term of its graphics.

Killzone Shadow Fall

The lastest Killzone Shadow Fall trailer not only gave us a glimpse of the story, it also gave us a pretty decent idea of how the graphics fare for the game. While the character renders look stunning, seeing them in-game is even better.


Another one of Crytek’s title here. Ryse is definitely shaping up to be one of the best looking next generation game. Its latest trailer was jaw dropping and looked great. It is the only game with the highest character polygon count so far.

Deep Down (Bonus)

While not included in comparison, we have decided to include Deep Down here. The original tech demo for Deep Down looked amazing for sure. But, as mentioned, it was a tech demo and not a game, hence we are not including it in comparison.

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Ryse in the last video looks nicer

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

They showed screenshots and explained nothing....

Say what you will, but Crytek knows their graphics. Game play is where it all matters, but Ryse's facial graphics looks absolutely jaw-dropping, along with Crysis 3. KZ:SF looks a bit "plastic" compared to the other, but still insanely good. This generations is off to a good start. Now MS, how about aquiring Crytek? :)

Crytek never worries me when it comes to graphics, but gameplay and story is another issue.

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CGI-Quality said:
Puppyroach said:
Now MS, how about aquiring Crytek? :)

With their presence on PC, I doubt you'll ever see that.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Crytek never worries me when it comes to graphics, but gameplay and story is another issue.

I'll take that as a shy admittance of Ryse having the best facial tech?

Wright said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Crytek never worries me when it comes to graphics, but gameplay and story is another issue.

I'll take that as a shy admittance of Ryse having the best facial tech?

I guess? I think its stupid to deny that Crytek is the leader in graphics. I've just never been interested in their games. They bore me to tears.

Honestly? Ryse seems to be miles ahead of KZ:SF and Crysis3.

All three look great. You can't deny that Crytek knows what they're doing when it comes to making something pretty. Killzone's faces look really good, especially that guy with water on his face (or is it sweat). However, Echo's face (the girl) looks off. Like the lighting is at a bad angle or something. Facial animations, in my opinion, have always been the one thing that Guerrilla Games just hasn't been able to nail down when it comes to visuals. Subtle expressions and movements are usually perfect but when the mouth starts moving a lot or intense emotions are displayed it looks off. Regardless, both Ryse and Killzone are definitely giving us a taste of what we can expect from these machines and you know it's just going to get better.