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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - (UPDATE) (RUMOR) Super Smash Bros 3DS could release first before the Wii U version via Play N Date

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Why do people here think SSB being released Q2 or Q3 next year? Its been in Development for just a year and 4months and they are working on 2 games(yes 1 game but they both are still different). SSB4 earliest release will be Holiday 2014. Dont you guys remember SSBB delays? like 2 or 3 major ones and wasnt it in development for like 2.5years-3 years? (that i dont know o.O

This is coming from a guy who has SSB as his favorite franchise in gaming

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I would be utterly surprised if it released before Black Friday of 2014.

Wow. If mario kart 8 is in spring, bayonetta 2 as well and now smash between may and june what is left for wii u during the holidays 2014? Zelda U and animal crossing U and Monolith project?


I hope it is May

Shadow1980 said:

If true, this could end up being a repeat of 2008. Mario Kart Wii and SSB Brawl were released mere weeks apart in spring of that year, and as a result of releasing two games from some of their biggest franchises in the same season, Nintendo saw the Wii experience four consecutive sales months far beyond any other non-holiday period in the system's history:

See how in 2008 there's a big hump in the middle of the year when there's normally a trough through the first 10 months of the year? That's just from those two games, which were by far the biggest Wii titles of 2008. Even when hardware sales dipped in summer, they were still higher than any other summer in the Wii's history, plus the following November was the biggest in the system's history. As a result of such high median sales in the non-holiday months, 2008 was the Wii's best year overall. Even with December of '09 being the Wii's best December due to a price cut and NSMBWii, 2009 couldn't beat 2008 as the system's peak year.

Imagine if the Wii U is able to retain decent momentum in January, then gets a boost from DKC in February, MK8 in early spring, then SSB in mid to late spring. Even if nothing big comes out in the fall, those three games combined could cause 2014 hardware sales to get a huge boost, and this could end up being the Wii U's peak year. The estimate in my sig is a conservative estimate. If the Wii U tracks at average around 40% of Wii levels like I think it will, it could get to over 9 million next year. Of course, there's the longer term to take into account. While 2008 was the Wii's peak year, it still had a solid selection of titles coming out in 2009 and 2010, including DKC Returns, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympics, and especially the aformentioned NSMBWii, which collectively helped the Wii have health sales even after it peaked. Major releases became increasingly sparse after 2010, though, and as a result the Wii dropped big time in 2011 and again in 2012. Can the Wii U manage to keep major releases coming in 2015 and beyond? We know that there's a new Zelda game in the works, and apparently Miyamoto insinuated that a new Metroid is possibly being planned, with perhaps Retro being involved. Also, Miyamoto has a new IP he's working on. But they're going to need more than that. They need at least one more Super Mario game, preferably a 3D "collect the stars" game in the vein of SM64 and SMG due to the demand for such a title (don't think I'm knocking 3D World; I'm sure it too will itself likely be very good and sell very well). Nintendo also needs to revisit IPs that they've been sitting on, including Star Fox and F-Zero. Neither series has been seen since the GameCube era. Star Fox is an especially interesting case due the fact that one "sequel" (SF Adventures) was basically a dolled-up installment of another game Rare was making and another (SF Assault) was a Namco-developed title that was not nearly as well-received as the original game and SF64 due to a linear mission structure and mediocre on-foot sections. So, it's been 16 years since the release of a Star Fox game produced by one of Nintendo's first- or second-party studios that was actually designed as a Star Fox game, that being Star Fox 64, the most popular and well-received title in the series. If they revisit Star Fox, it should be developed in-house and follow in the footsteps of SF64, with branching missions and no on-foot sections.

Of course, the question remains "Will they actually release SSB in spring?" After their last financial report, Nintendo still says they hope to ship 9 million units for the fiscal year, which ends March 31. They obviously won't sell through all those by then, and they're obviously savvy enough to know that, so putting out big shipment numbers for the whole fiscal year combined does give them plenty of stock to fill potentially strong demand should they choose to release SSB in the spring or summer. Could their target shipment goals be an indication that they've already been planning a double release for the late winter and spring months in the hopes of keeping sales very strong in pre-holiday months, just like how the Wii had its best non-holiday period when MK8 and SSBB debuted in spring of '08? It's possible.

You forget Wii Fit had a huuuuuge influence as well, much more than SSBB did actually.

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tbone51 said:
Why do people here think SSB being released Q2 or Q3 next year? Its been in Development for just a year and 4months and they are working on 2 games(yes 1 game but they both are still different). SSB4 earliest release will be Holiday 2014. Dont you guys remember SSBB delays? like 2 or 3 major ones and wasnt it in development for like 2.5years-3 years? (that i dont know o.O

This is coming from a guy who has SSB as his favorite franchise in gaming

Then, as a SSB fan you should know that the constan delays of Brawl didn't mean significant improvements over Melee and worthless cutscenes. All of those won't be on this versions.

As a Wii U fan, you should know that the console is struggling and needs games as soon as posible. As a Nintendo fan, Iwata will rush games and MK8-SSB4 1-2 punch could help to maintain the minor holiday boost.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Unless Nintendo has a big surprise for us it will come out November, May is unlikely

Pavolink said:
tbone51 said:
Why do people here think SSB being released Q2 or Q3 next year? Its been in Development for just a year and 4months and they are working on 2 games(yes 1 game but they both are still different). SSB4 earliest release will be Holiday 2014. Dont you guys remember SSBB delays? like 2 or 3 major ones and wasnt it in development for like 2.5years-3 years? (that i dont know o.O

This is coming from a guy who has SSB as his favorite franchise in gaming

Then, as a SSB fan you should know that the constan delays of Brawl didn't mean significant improvements over Melee and worthless cutscenes. All of those won't be on this versions.

As a Wii U fan, you should know that the console is struggling and needs games as soon as posible. As a Nintendo fan, Iwata will rush games and MK8-SSB4 1-2 punch could help to maintain the minor holiday boost.

As a Nintendo fan, you shouldn't forget about DKC:TF.  I think the start of 2014 will be DKC in February and MK8 in May/June so considering that SSBU would fit into the fall or holiday lineup.

Signature goes here!

tbone51 said:
Why do people here think SSB being released Q2 or Q3 next year? Its been in Development for just a year and 4months and they are working on 2 games(yes 1 game but they both are still different). SSB4 earliest release will be Holiday 2014. Dont you guys remember SSBB delays? like 2 or 3 major ones and wasnt it in development for like 2.5years-3 years? (that i dont know o.O

This is coming from a guy who has SSB as his favorite franchise in gaming

Namco has already worked with the Wii U with Tekken, so it is possible they were working on both titles at the same time. Smash Bros doesn't need super natural movement for its characters so it should be easier than Tekken. Some of the battlefields are from the Wii era games, and watching the Skyloft pictures they won't be updated that much. If they are using Wii engine, it should be faster than before with a team with experience on Wii U like Namco. Besides, hardcre titles like Smach could do better right around E3 because there are no competence for it during that tme. Most biggest franchises tend to be released at the end of the year. Besides, It can't give a bost to Wii U during normally slow hardware sales. 

We all think Nintendo has been working on Wii U titles for 1 year, but considering how Pikmin3, The Wonderful 101, Mario 3D World look like I will say those games have been in development for at least 1 1/2 years before E3. 

TruckOSaurus said:
Pavolink said:
tbone51 said:
Why do people here think SSB being released Q2 or Q3 next year? Its been in Development for just a year and 4months and they are working on 2 games(yes 1 game but they both are still different). SSB4 earliest release will be Holiday 2014. Dont you guys remember SSBB delays? like 2 or 3 major ones and wasnt it in development for like 2.5years-3 years? (that i dont know o.O

This is coming from a guy who has SSB as his favorite franchise in gaming

Then, as a SSB fan you should know that the constan delays of Brawl didn't mean significant improvements over Melee and worthless cutscenes. All of those won't be on this versions.

As a Wii U fan, you should know that the console is struggling and needs games as soon as posible. As a Nintendo fan, Iwata will rush games and MK8-SSB4 1-2 punch could help to maintain the minor holiday boost.

As a Nintendo fan, you shouldn't forget about DKC:TF.  I think the start of 2014 will be DKC in February and MK8 in May/June so considering that SSBU would fit into the fall or holiday lineup.

As a Saurus fan, you should know that Dk wasd delayed to fill the gap between holiday/spring and keep momentum. Not because development. As a Zelda fan, you should know that Zelda U was almost showed during E3 ND but was pulled off because ALBW and WWHD. They won't sit in the game if it's ready for release.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile