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Forums - Sony Discussion - *Rumour* PS4 launch title Driveclub delayed until 2014

Max King of the Wild said:
ethomaz said:

Max King of the Wild said:

A. who is he?

B. He would still know if DriveC needed to be delayed before a week ago. If it is being delayed for months being behind in the development would all of asudden come up within the last week

Design Director... he was always active about DriveClub on twitter and GAF but after his first son born last week he put his work on hold.

I'm sure if I had a son I'm be out of work too... maybe he is being honest about.

Yes, I'm sure he hasnt been working either. But being behind in production wouldn't have happened in the last week. He would have known about it before his kid was born

There is no way he would not get the email.  His wife had the baby not him and working for a software company, I know important decisions like that get communicated no matter where you are at.  It does not confirm or deny anything but his comment is more "No comment" than anything else.

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Now it's just GT6 and FMS 5.

Machiavellian said:
Max King of the Wild said:

Yes, I'm sure he hasnt been working either. But being behind in production wouldn't have happened in the last week. He would have known about it before his kid was born

There is no way he would not get the email.  His wife had the baby not him and working for a software company, I know important decisions like that get communicated no matter where you are at.  It does not confirm or deny anything but his comment is more "No comment" than anything else.

He would have logged onto work email and been keeping an eye on things, you always do when close to launch... its the part that most things happen :)

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

I bet this is going to be true. Something from Sony HAD to get delayed.

So what will it be delayed for? I bet MY FUCKING LIFE that not a damn thing will have changed if it releases in 2014.

If it does get delayed (which is a FUCKING FAIL!!), the final product better look EXACTLY like it did in the announce trailer and it better be 60fps!!

So WatchDogs has been delayed because it was too close to the sandbox king (GTA 5). So what could be the excuse for The Crew and DriveClub being pushed back? Could there also be a racing beast on the horizon(Gran Turismo)? Oh

Gran Turismo 6 is the only reason why it's getting pushed back so i will expect for the final product of DriveClub in 2014 to look EXACTLY how it does now. There will be no types of improvements.

I consider this rumor to be a fact until officially stated otherwise because Sony is notorious for these fucking delays!

People on GAF seem to think this rumour is true... but this really makes wonder, what would the reason be? I really can't imagine that a developer notices 1 month before release that he still needs half a year to complete the game...

Maybe they didn't see enough demand for the game and thought it'd be better to push it back to a less crouded release window, or they just didn't want the game to eat into GT6s numbers and vice versa...

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It happens with games, I know its a different scale but GTAV was delayed, Bioshock Infinite, there are probably lots, but we just forget about them when they end up releasing. Wasn't infamous originally a launch title?

It will just be bad PR for Sony... hopefully they can do something, but with only 28 odd days to release, its not good timing and not something that they can suddenly pull something out of a hat... they would need 3 months + to get something else of worth released (i.e a HD of a game etc)...

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Madword said:
Machiavellian said:
Max King of the Wild said:

Yes, I'm sure he hasnt been working either. But being behind in production wouldn't have happened in the last week. He would have known about it before his kid was born

There is no way he would not get the email.  His wife had the baby not him and working for a software company, I know important decisions like that get communicated no matter where you are at.  It does not confirm or deny anything but his comment is more "No comment" than anything else.

He would have logged onto work email and been keeping an eye on things, you always do when close to launch... its the part that most things happen :)

If its like most software companies I work with, he would have either an Android, Windows or IOS phone.  All of them are capable of getting email from the company servers.  He would not even need to log into work to get that info.  For someone in his postion, he would get called for a decision of that important and you can believe he would have been part of the meeting when it went down.  Either video or phone conference.  Hell, he could have had the baby in his arms and on the call at the same time.

DerNebel said:
People on GAF seem to think this rumour is true... but this really makes wonder, what would the reason be? I really can't imagine that a developer notices 1 month before release that he still needs half a year to complete the game...

Maybe they didn't see enough demand for the game and thought it'd be better to push it back to a less crouded release window, or they just didn't want the game to eat into GT6s numbers and vice versa...

If there is a delay, you can believe its not a decision that just came about this week.  There would have been meetings on meetings talking about where the project at based on launch.  There would have been milstones missed which prompted more meetings.  A decision like this was probably approved a while ago, communication of the details and understanding the timeline probably took a few weeks as well.

kowenicki said:
Max King of the Wild said:
kowenicki said:

yeah... it was a joke.

Did you see the bit where I said "Doubt it"... right under "Seriously" ?

get off my case ffs, you lost the argument. accept it and move on.  it happens to the best of us.

You can be serious and doubt the rumor at the same time. They dont contradict each other. And i will tell you again, as im pretty sure we ran into this before, when you joke the use of smilies will help a lot. As for the arguement? If you considsr deflecting when i call you out and provide evidence of your misrepresentation then yes... you won

lol... right, ok kid.

have it your way.

once again belittling a user.