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Forums - Sony Discussion - *Rumour* PS4 launch title Driveclub delayed until 2014

CGI-Quality said:
JayWood2010 said:
Was telling somebody else this but it isnt going to hurt them much.

PS4 is really selling off of hype and PR. Not so much for the games atm. The holiday will be great for Sony regardless. After the holiday when they dont have much releasing is when i expect a significant decrease in sales.

So really this may help with it releasing in 2014 when they pretty much have no retail games announced other than InFamous

After the holiday, they have inFAMOUS, among other things. Still, most consoles launch on hype and PR, the X1 included. Just so happens that after the blunder that was the PS3's launch, things are looking bright @ SCEi. 

InFamous and what else?  I have heard of nothing that will push consoles.  It will have to rely on third party games entirely it looks.

I didnt even mention XBO nor will i comment about it now in a Sony thread.


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so if true is any one else worried that sony will have to many games coming next year to properly market them all

ironmanDX said:
nnodley said:
Let's be honest this is not gonna be a huge blow to Sony or PS4 sales. Unless you only wanted to play driveclub then it's not a big deal. And the only place this will blow out of proportion is video game forums. Shit happens and people get over it. This will be forgotten once ps4 releases. Also even though they will only have 2 retail exclusive game and plenty of indie, f2p, and 3rd party title, this can allow them to market it a lot and have a decent exclusive to help out with any drought they may have next year.

If famousmortimer is right then they are suppose to put a new free game in it's spot. Could be knack or they could get some 3rd party game.

Lol, you're kidding right? If this was Forza 5, there would be 10 threads already..... This is nothing.


We should be taking bets on what game comes next!!

Well duh, since Forza 5 is MS's big flagship title for launch. DriveClub not so much.  New franchise is not as bad as an established franchise.  Plus it's not like DriveClub was being hyped that much like F5. 

If it was Killzone: SF though then that would be a huge blow to them. 

Anyway no need to keep talking about Forza 5 since it's not gonna be delayed. :-p

I really don't see this as a big deal. I can't imagine that the number of people who were getting a PS4 because of this game being all that high. Now if this was Killzone then sure, but not this title. It seems more like MS fans getting stoked and exaggerating some news that could be seen as negative for Sony.

Oh and if it turns out that the game gets improvements then good for those where looking forward to it in the first place.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.

CGI-Quality said:

Point is, there are games on the way. And I know you didn't mention the X1, I did, to add context. I'm seeing fairly equal line-ups, so I see no reason to fret over one them. Beyond that, I see nothing after TitanFall (and there's no gurantee that this will even push consoles, given it isn't exclusive), but that also means very little.

Either way, Sony has proven they don't need to worry about system sellers at the beginning of a gen. That's what Q1/Q2 will still be next year.

Again i did not mention XBO and dont know what it has to do with what I said.  I said I expect a significant decrease due to lack of games.  Do you agree with that?  Never once did i mention the competiton doing any better or not.


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It could be a partial delay, like the Plus (incomplete) version of the game is released on launch and the full retail game sometime next year.

CGI-Quality said:
JayWood2010 said:

Again i did not mention XBO and dont know what it has to do with what I said.  I said I expect a significant decrease due to lack of games.  Do you agree with that?  Never once did i mention the competiton doing any better or not.

And I already told you why I don't agree.

Either way, Sony has proven they don't need to worry about system sellers at the beginning of a gen. That's what Q1/Q2 will still be next year.

Ah ok, stopped reading once i saw you were talking about XBO vs PS4 again.  Though i do disagree, as PS3 struggled outside the holiday as did Vita.  I guess this will be one of those times where I say we will just have to wait and see.


CGI-Quality said:
JayWood2010 said:
CGI-Quality said:


"Wait and see" was, actually, my entire sentiment, as evidenced by: "I see no reason to fret". Besides, the PS3 struggled during the holidays (up to 2011), not outside of them. The Wii and 360 enjoyed that period.

Both X360 and PS3 sold roughly 1.1m their first holidays.  Both releasing in November

Now you are changing what you said.  You already said you disagreed with me, not that wait to see.  I see no reason to fret and we will have to wait and see is entirely different things.

I probably sound harsh right now but im not trying to be, really :)


Polish it up then, if true. I don't mind waiting if it means getting a superior product. That goes for games on either of the new systems.


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CGI-Quality said:
JayWood2010 said:

You're not being harsh, just pedantic. The sentiments never changed ("no reason to fret" meant exactly that - wait and see what happens), but stick to your thoughts. There's just know way to know how things will go, but one thing is certain, this won't be a repeat of the PS3.

How does it mean the same thing?  
"I see no reason to fret" pretty much means "No Worries". - Which also goes with your line perfectly saying I disagree with the decrease after the holiday.

Wait until we see means exactly what it says.