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Forums - Sales Discussion - HW UP! Global SW UP! 5th October 2013

Ok, I was talking in the last couple months (September, august, July,June) and comparing it to the 83k wiiU has done. As I said, no shit sherlock the ps3 outsold wiiU by 4-6x more all year long, web and I were arguing about the wiiU's best week (83k) versus the average the ps3 has been selling without getting boosted by any releases. Jesus christ, the ironic part is that me and web actually aren't even arguing about that anymore and it's just random people who are just coming in in the argument (which has been done for quite a while in a matter of 3posts) without even taking the full context in consideration. But thank you seece for pointing me out weeks that aren't even revelant anymore (Q1 2013) because anyone with half a brain realised PS3 has been averaging anywhere from 100k-140k in the past few months and it's definetly not going back up to 180k-200k in regular weeks for the remaining of it's lifetime.

Predictions for LT console sales:

PS4: 120M

XB1: 70M

WiiU: 14M

3DS: 60M

Vita: 13M

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Global and Europe has been edited into OP.

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This means 300k total for Wind Waker FW (including Japan), very very good. I would have never expected such a huge FW for only an HD remake on a console that is selling so poorly.

Predictions for LT console sales:

PS4: 120M

XB1: 70M

WiiU: 14M

3DS: 60M

Vita: 13M

benji232 said:
Blood_Tears said:
benji232 said:
WebMasterFlex said:
Bruxel said:
wii u looking good. 3ds king as usual. ps3 numbers are starting to drop big time

Don't worry about PS3, it is still doing the double of one of the wii u's best week

What point are you trying to make here? Ps3 is still on the obvious effect of GTAV. PS3 averaged this year 110-120k which is still a good amount over the wiiU but still no where near double. And let's see how a brand new 3D mario will boost wiiU sales if an HD remake quadrupled wiiU sales (from sub 20k to over 80k).

Your right, this year PS3 is no where near double Wii U. It’s actually over 4 times the amount of Wii U thus far this year.

2013 Sales as of September 28th
PS3 - 6,054,851
Wii U - 1,423,509

Don't worry about PS3, it is still doing the double of one of the wii u's best week.


THIS was the statement I was responding too, and it is false. No regular ps3 weeks has been the double of 83k this year. I was never talking about all year long, please read the whole argument before putting in your 2 cents in.

You aren't exactly consistent with your own argument. You're implying thats its unfair to judge the sales of a console that just got a price drop and a long-anticipated game with a console thats been on the market for 7 years, much closer to saturation than the Wii U, and had a game that released over three weeks ago? I'm not trying to downplay the sales of the WW HD (which is great for a remake) or even the Wii U, I'm just pointing out your inconsistency. 

OT, pretty good sales for the top four consoles, and great software sales. I do have a feeling though that NPD is going to differ wildly from VG's hardware numbers (for all consoles) and not in a good way. Hope I'm wrong. 

Seece said:
CGI-Quality said:
Here's something I wasn't expecting so soon:

With Global Numbers now completely in, GTA V:

PS3 - 11.34m
360 - 11.29m

I'll wait for official numbers (not that I doubt PS3 is ahead, either could be) but it's a damn coup for PS3, given it has 9m sales less in the west tha 360. It had bundles/promotion but I can't imagine that did too much.

Not only does it have 9mil less in the west, but it is also available for PS3 on PSN, which makes it sales even more AMAZING, there is no donwplaying this.

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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wow.. GTA5 on PS3 has now sold more of PS3 (considering US hold on 360 thats insane) and the PS3 about to pass 80,000,000 units sold!

Codemasters' games don't seem to be doing so hot lately.

PS3 still going strong, Wii U looking a lot healthier! The Vita which I keep expecting to pick up appears more like a product coming to the end of its life. It’s going to be interesting to see what numbers the Vita can do with the hardware refresh.

Come on 80m on ps3 hurry up!

Zero999 said:
benji232 said:
green_sky said:
benji232 said:
So yea, Mr.Fatslob, how are you going to spin it this time? I really can not wait to see his reply.

You really want more interactive with FatslobO-: even if it is an apology? At best he is going to LOLOL it or rofl it out at his wackiness. 

OT: Promising numbers for Wii U and Wind Waker HD. Another game i am playing (Puppeteer) is nowhere to be found though. 

Nah, I will simply have a good laugh at the way he is going to try and spin it. Not going to try to argue with him.

he will probably do like damagon and say sales are still low/ on par with 8 year old consoles.

Not quite on par. U was 5k away from being outsold by PS3 2:1