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Ok, I was talking in the last couple months (September, august, July,June) and comparing it to the 83k wiiU has done. As I said, no shit sherlock the ps3 outsold wiiU by 4-6x more all year long, web and I were arguing about the wiiU's best week (83k) versus the average the ps3 has been selling without getting boosted by any releases. Jesus christ, the ironic part is that me and web actually aren't even arguing about that anymore and it's just random people who are just coming in in the argument (which has been done for quite a while in a matter of 3posts) without even taking the full context in consideration. But thank you seece for pointing me out weeks that aren't even revelant anymore (Q1 2013) because anyone with half a brain realised PS3 has been averaging anywhere from 100k-140k in the past few months and it's definetly not going back up to 180k-200k in regular weeks for the remaining of it's lifetime.

Predictions for LT console sales:

PS4: 120M

XB1: 70M

WiiU: 14M

3DS: 60M

Vita: 13M