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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are PC elitist the worst?

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Are PC elitist the worst?

The worst of the worst! 110 43.82%
Nah, Nintendo ones are worse!! 23 9.16%
Nope, those Sonytes are far worse! 55 21.91%
Microsoft fanboys take the cake! 41 16.33%
Valve fanboys! 8 3.19%
Sega fanboys? 14 5.58%

No because I'm obviously better than all of you.

for realz

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CGI-Quality said:

I think "elitists" come in all shapes and sizes and no one group is worse than another. I've seen PS3 fans do it in regards to graphics/exclusives, Xbox fans do it in regards to sales/online, Nintendo fans (although more rare) do it in regards to hardware, and PC people do it in regards to specs (ocassionally graphics).

To call one "worse" than another insinuates its own level of superiority and elitism, which can also be called hypocrisy.

I don't think there is a suckier group of fanboys. They all suck. But what I'm asking is about the experiences you had. I am simply trying to know what is your experience with certain grops and what is in your opinion of said people.I am not trying to say there is a better one I did this to know who are the ones people tend to dislike the most. But if you want let's leave it at that xD. We can agree that they all really suck and I hope I never encounter one in real life (luckily I never entered in an argument with any fanboy in real life xD).

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

CGI-Quality said:
Anfebious said:
CGI-Quality said:

I think "elitists" come in all shapes and sizes and no one group is worse than another. I've seen PS3 fans do it in regards to graphics/exclusives, Xbox fans do it in regards to sales/online, Nintendo fans (although more rare) do it in regards to hardware, and PC people do it in regards to specs (ocassionally graphics).

To call one "worse" than another insinuates its own level of superiority and elitism, which can also be called hypocrisy.

I don't think there is a suckier group of fanboys. They all suck. But what I'm asking is about the experiences you had. I am simply trying to know what is your experience with certain grops and what is in your opinion of said people.I am not trying to say there is a better one I did this to know who are the ones people tend to dislike the most. But if you want let's leave it at that xD. We can agree that they all really suck and I hope I never encounter one in real life (luckily I never entered in an argument with any fanboy in real life xD).

Well, if I really had to moan about any group of people, it would be a select bunch of Xbox fans. Just seem so edgy and ready to fight. Most of the time, though, no particular group really sticks out. In my experience, they all can be equally as bad.

Welcome to old Wii days with the Nintendo cores lol.

I am a gamer who games on as many platforms as I possibly can. Every generation I have had all consoles and a gaming pc that can play anything on maxed settings and more.

In terms of the whole pc vs console I always find it funny that console gamers label pc gamers as elitist asshole who think they're superior to everyone because they game on the pc. Even though right now console fanboys are cussing each other out over who has the better console and acting like just because they chose console A over console B they're better than anyone else. The elitism works both ways.

Not to mention when Console fanboys bash on the PC It's always the same arguments.

either it's

1) pc is too expensive, 1000-5000 for a good gaming pc
2) you have to upgrade every 6 months, year, or 2 years, or next month
3) they prefer gaming with controllers on a tv sitting on their couch than M/k with a monitor
4) no exclusive games
5) only nerds game on pc
6) The worst argument "pc gaming is dying"
and so much more

All are arguments from ignorance. You can tell by their arguments that they know absolutely nothing about computers and PC gaming yet for some unknown reason they feel compelled to go around the internet or tell all their friends these blatant lies about PC gaming that any pc gamer or anyone with common sense knows are nothing but lies. You don't see pc gamers saying console gaming is dead now do you? Not to mention most have consoles alongside their pc to play games. Most console gamers have never gamed or built a pc yet they say consoles are superior?

1) You don't need to spend thousands on gaming pcs. Hell I can go on newegg and buy parts for 600 that can beat consoles both current and next gen. Right now with the computer I have All I need is another gpu for just maybe 200 and I'm set for next gen. You don't have to replace every part in your pc. Not to mention I can use my case, motherboard, ram, cpu for a really long time

2) I can play any game I want on the pc with any controller and I can use my TV to do so. Most console gamers don't even know this

3) PC and consoles both have their exclusives neither are failing in this department

4) I have been gaming since the NES and only have done 4 upgrades. i've never had to upgrade every 1 or 2 years like console fanboys say you have to do

5) PC gaming makes more and more money every year. Not to mention steam IS growing far faster than any gaming network out there. So how is it dead?

I can go on but I think ive made myself clear.

Console fanboys can call pc gamers elitists all they want. Atleast pc gamers know what they're talking about and can bring actual points to the table and don't go around spending 20+ years saying other platforms are dead or dying like console fanboys do.

All arguments completely from ignorance

Kasz216 said:

Missing out on  great exclusives happens regardless of platform.

But that's the point I'm getting at, and the one I'm disagreeing with you. An enthusiastic gamer doesn't "end up" in PC, and enthusiastic gamer end up where the software is. That means, ending up in everything.

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worst than sony? no one can deny pc gaming is the master. so the others are the dogs fighthing for scraps. and a greedy mean dog will bite the hand of its master.

They are the most justified.

These loudmouth vocal minorities always want to force their opinion over others. Luckily game developers hears only the specific platform owners (for example, xbox 360 and ps3) who gives them "proper" revenue. No one cares about these type of people who claim to be "elitists".

I agree. PC elitism is getting out of hand, frustrated fanboys who shit on every console topic. I thought Nintendo was spared from their fanboyism but apparently not.

These non-gamers are content on being referred to as master race, a term they childishly took over from the nazi's.

Its as if they are frustrated and troll simply to get attention from everyone because they're ever so often ignored.

Anfebious said:

I was recently browsing IGN looking at a walktrough of New Super Luigi U to see where the secret extis are! After a while I decide to scroll to the very end to the comments section to see what intelligent discussion the people of IGN where having.

The comment section was flooded with non related comments about the PC being the master gaming device. I never seen this as I never really been into console wars but do PC fanboys really think of themselves as the PC Master Race? There was a guy who constantly replied and made remarks about the supremacy and omnipotence of the PC!

He even put this chart: To prove his point! And damn that is a lot of games.

Also here is another one!

Anyway he was certainly a jerk and after 3 or 4 of his comments I stopped reading to ask you guys. Are the PC elitist the worse fanboys out there? If so why is it? If not, why not?

I for one, don't know what to say. I'v been posting in gaming forums just recently and I don't identify fanboys. So what do you think guys?

I'm sure they are better than Sony loyalities