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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Should Zelda sacrifice its artistic integrity for the sake of greater sales?

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Is greater sales potential alone justification enough to determine the artistic style of the next Zelda game?

Yes 40 22.60%
No 110 62.15%
See Results 27 15.25%
curl-6 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
curl-6 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
curl-6 said:

You don't need to focus solely on them to appeal to them though. 

Thats subjective. Not my point. I never said Nintendo couldn't appeal to them.

You said Nintendo "didn't give a damn" about the over 20s market. I contend that they do give a damn, as a lot of the fanbase they cater to is over 20.

Nintendo does not make 17+ and rated games over that. Its generally third party. Technically the majority of gamers who grew up on Nintendo are most likely in their mid twenties to thirties.  Problem therein is I believe they jumped ship. Half of the reason for that is because Nintendo doesn't continue to try to appeal to them. Nintendo is a videogame translation of Disney and much like Nintendo marketwise they are scrambling to broaden their audience. Does it bother you that Nintendo finally found it reasonable to fund a mature rated second party game? Disney has been making the same moves with Star Wars and Marvel using Mature IP's.

M rated games appeal more to teens than over 20s. 

It's teens that tend to want to feel "grown up" by playing things with violence, wearing, nudity, etc, qualities which are usually more immature than truly mature.

Once they become adults they usually become less obsessed with such things and adopt a more balanced gaming diet.

Games like Zelda are, in many ways, more mature than something like  COD or Gears of War.

No...Nintendo games mostly aren't mature. Much like metroid i would let a child play Halo and metroid before COD or Gears of War. They are fun games but they are games that at best a teen can play if they had to put a starting age up solely because of the art style and the level of violence from Links weapons. COD deals with gritty details embedded in reality that you just dont want kids to see if you are a watchful parent. Gears of War is gore on another level. Bullets shred your foes into pieces. Mature means having content children below a certin age shouldn't see. You have to be of a matured age or mind to see them. Some people arent ready to see them. It has desensitizing qualities in the violence. This is the same reason people are complaining about Robocop not being Rated R. Movie companies want the kiddies to come and watch the films much like the other fellow said so they targeted a PG13 rating so they could boost the sales numbers. They are softening up everything Robocop is so that kids will be permitted to see it because god knows the rated R version of the first Robocop wasnt classic. *sarcasm*

I think what you're saying is you find mindless violence immature. Thats a completely different argument to which I would say given some games have stories, the violence wouldnt be mindless. 

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
curl-6 said:

M rated games appeal more to teens than over 20s. 

It's teens that tend to want to feel "grown up" by playing things with violence, wearing, nudity, etc, qualities which are usually more immature than truly mature.

Once they become adults they usually become less obsessed with such things and adopt a more balanced gaming diet.

Games like Zelda are, in many ways, more mature than something like  COD or Gears of War.

No...Nintendo games mostly aren't mature. Much like metroid i would let a child play Halo and metroid before COD or Gears of War. They are fun games but they are games that at best a teen can play if they had to put a starting age up solely because of the art style and the level of violence from Links weapons. COD deals with gritty details embedded in reality that you just dont want kids to see if you are a watchful parent. Gears of War is gore on another level. Bullets shred your foes into pieces. Mature means having content children below a certin age shouldn't see. You have to be of a matured age or mind to see them. Some people arent ready to see them. It has desensitizing qualities in the violence. This is the same reason people are complaining about Robocop not being Rated R. Movie companies want the kiddies to come and watch the films much like the other fellow said so they targeted a PG13 rating so they could boost the sales numbers. They are softening up everything Robocop is so that kids will be permitted to see it because god knows the rated R version of the first Robocop wasnt classic. *sarcasm*

I think what you're saying is you find mindless violence immature. Thats a completely different argument to which I would say given some games have stories, the violence wouldnt be mindless. 

What I'm saying is that most M-rated games are aimed more at a (male) teen audience who are drawn to things like violence, swearing, nudity, etc, because they are at the age where they want to be "grown up" and hence are drawn to things they see as being adult.

With most people, by the time they're over 20, these things are no longer new, exciting, and edgy to them.

Well adjusted adults don't feel the need to prove they are adult through the media they consume.

Basically, a game does not have to be M rated to appeal to over 20s.

curl-6 said:
DevilRising said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Am I the only one who saw the deficiencies in that trailer?

It was a tech demo that was displaying the kind of graphical fidelity people could expect to get out of Wii U. That's it and that's all.

It wasn't a finished, polished product. But, that doesn't mean that it didn't offer a great glimpse of what I would WANT Zelda to look like in HD. And honestly, even just being an early tech demo, it still looked gorgeous.

I'd go so far as to say that Zelda demo looks better than any game yet shown on Wii U with the exception of Monolith Soft's X.

You'd be very very wrong mate.

curl-6 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
curl-6 said:

M rated games appeal more to teens than over 20s. 

It's teens that tend to want to feel "grown up" by playing things with violence, wearing, nudity, etc, qualities which are usually more immature than truly mature.

Once they become adults they usually become less obsessed with such things and adopt a more balanced gaming diet.

Games like Zelda are, in many ways, more mature than something like  COD or Gears of War.

No...Nintendo games mostly aren't mature. Much like metroid i would let a child play Halo and metroid before COD or Gears of War. They are fun games but they are games that at best a teen can play if they had to put a starting age up solely because of the art style and the level of violence from Links weapons. COD deals with gritty details embedded in reality that you just dont want kids to see if you are a watchful parent. Gears of War is gore on another level. Bullets shred your foes into pieces. Mature means having content children below a certin age shouldn't see. You have to be of a matured age or mind to see them. Some people arent ready to see them. It has desensitizing qualities in the violence. This is the same reason people are complaining about Robocop not being Rated R. Movie companies want the kiddies to come and watch the films much like the other fellow said so they targeted a PG13 rating so they could boost the sales numbers. They are softening up everything Robocop is so that kids will be permitted to see it because god knows the rated R version of the first Robocop wasnt classic. *sarcasm*

I think what you're saying is you find mindless violence immature. Thats a completely different argument to which I would say given some games have stories, the violence wouldnt be mindless. 

What I'm saying is that most M-rated games are aimed more at a (male) teen audience who are drawn to things like violence, swearing, nudity, etc, because they are at the age where they want to be "grown up" and hence are drawn to things they see as being adult.

With most people, by the time they're over 20, these things are no longer new, exciting, and edgy to them.

Well adjusted adults don't feel the need to prove they are adult through the media they consume.

Basically, a game does not have to be M rated to appeal to over 20s.

What we label as Mature should be resereved for things that are actually, mature. Not juvenile crap.


This is why I prefer the Pegi system.

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
curl-6 said:
DevilRising said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Am I the only one who saw the deficiencies in that trailer?

It was a tech demo that was displaying the kind of graphical fidelity people could expect to get out of Wii U. That's it and that's all.

It wasn't a finished, polished product. But, that doesn't mean that it didn't offer a great glimpse of what I would WANT Zelda to look like in HD. And honestly, even just being an early tech demo, it still looked gorgeous.

I'd go so far as to say that Zelda demo looks better than any game yet shown on Wii U with the exception of Monolith Soft's X.

You'd be very very wrong mate.

What looks better than it? Nothing I've seen sans X.

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All of Nintendo's games they polished.
cept Pikmin.
They used that tech demo to show off lighting and reflections.


My biggest issue is Link dont look 5'7.

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:

All of Nintendo's games they polished.
cept Pikmin.
They used that tech demo to show off lighting and reflections.


My biggest issue is Link dont look 5'7.

I dunno, Zelda's lighting looks better to me than any Nintendo Wii U game I've seen so far. (None of which are very tehcnically ambitious except for X, in my view)

X looks very good, total lack of jaggies anywhere.
They'll get to buffing those low poly textures and the animations later though so I cant wait to see it . Then they can show the co-op!

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
X looks very good, total lack of jaggies anywhere.
They'll get to buffing those low poly textures and the animations later though so I cant wait to see it . Then they can show the co-op!

Yeah, X is still visibly a work in progress; there's a signifiicant visual improvement just between the January and E3 trailers, with pop-up, rough polygonal edges, and choppy animtions remedied. It could be as far off as Christmas 2014, (I hope not though, I want to play it!) or more conservatively mid-2014, so there's still time for a lot more polish.

A shit ton of polish occurs before a game goes gold usually^