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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumor: PlayStation 4 gets graphically definitive version of Watch_Dogs

Actually the person who's saying this hasnt even worked on the WiiU version, he doesnt know anything about the resolutions of the other versions.

Sounds like he's just speculating on the versions without actually having seen them.


They're taking the WiiU version from the PC version which the PS4/Xbox One version is based on but they have on of their other teams working on it

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WTF? They just said that the PS4 version runs smooth at 60FPS but the Xbone dips. So why are they targeting 30 FPS for both? Are they gimping the PS4 version to match it with the Bone? Screw Ubisoft if true.

The only alternative I see is them making both 30 FPS to up the visual flare where PS4 version would look somewhat better.


eFKac said:
darkknightkryta said:
Soundwave said:

You can't get the performance of a next-generation device in a 33 watt chip. It's impossible unless Nintendo magically got a chip like 5-6 years from the future. The XB1/PS4 were always going to destroy the Wii U performance wise.

Nintendo could've made a next-gen chipset if they wanted, but they opted to make something around the concept of low electricity consumpion and a small case.

That's pretty much all there is to it.

I believe Nintendo's goal with the Wii U console was always that "PS3/360-level graphics are good enough, what we're going to do is provide a lower power consumption and smaller casing size". That's the design philosophy and always was going to be because the Wii was so successful using basically a chip comparable to the XBox/GCN, just moderately improved. They were always going to bet on the same overall formula again. 

Sort of off topic, but I got my Wii U recently and I'm disappointed with the console's size.  It's roughly the size of a PS3 slim, yet still has the power bar out.  I'd really like to know what happened there.  Especially at 33watt consumption.

Seriously? I thought it's considerably smaller, and thinner, about Super Slim size. You have to also consider that PS3 has a 2,5" HDD inside.

I meant that super slim.  Like, it's about as long and maybe even a higher.  But I don't have a super slim to compare it with 100%.

ethomaz said:

Makes all sense this comments because the PS4 version was running at 60fps before... now they are saying 30fps, a downgrade for this game... and the comment implies they will fix 30fps to match the Xbone version.

That's my biggest issue with multiplat this time... I don't care if game runs better or worst than another but I care if the devs are holding any of the consoles to match the other.

Watch_Dogs is the first downgrade game for the PS4 launch... well Deep Down is not for the launch.

If it's true that they're downgrading the game to be equal on both, i wonder if it's a Ubisoft decision or if they were pressured/paid/held at gun point by MS?

MS don't usually enforce their "must be equal" policy too hard, but i would make sense for them to not what the PS4 version of any game to be superior (especially with all the "specs don't matter" stuff they have been throwing around likely candy).

Blood_Tears said:

Dude, I was being sarcastic..

Well, I hear people say stuff that dumb or even dumber every day lol.