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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The more I try the Wii U, the less appealing it becomes to me. What am I missing?

richardhutnik said:

Can someone here explain what I am missing and why this is supposed to be appealing?  I am not getting it.

I am quoting you because i am actually answering some of your recent threads. Which all point to my previous response in this thread to you. It was not a mockery or just me being a smart ass. It was actually my sincere advice to you. Here is the response in case you missed "Nothing dude. You just gotta quit. This is your window of opportunity. Take it & jump out." (

Why that response makes sense. Let's see some of your recent thread. I can't believe even some of the regulars here have missed the patterns that you seem to be not liking much of what you see in gaming. Not just Wii U but other $400-500 boxes that claim to play video games. 

Here are some of your threads:

What is the case for the Wii U being the perfect upgrade we need now, and the PS3 and ONE being overkill? ( - You simply don't seem to grasp the idea that Nintendo has stoped making games for the Wii. I think you would have noticed that if you follow any kind of gaming news. I assume you do since you are on this website quite a lot. So Wii U is perfect upgrade for people who want to play the next iteration of Nintendo games and other future products they release for their home console side of business. Not really that hard to understnad. The other two next systems do seem a bit of overkill at the moment because most of their library is still available on current generation systems like PS3 and 360. Things will get overtime but Wii U is a more logical upgrade for a person wanting to play games not available or other systems than PS4/One in 2013. Obviously if you are not into Nintendo games it is just better to avoid it. 

Enough on GTA 5 controversies and Call of Duty hype. I am sticking with Pacman! - Here again you show your lack of interest in current game offerings. I might have mistaken this thread as it could you being just goofy but there is some truth to it regardless. You don't like the big game coming out...well that's fine but you don't like the next gen systems either. So again, it is okay for you to move on to things you actually enjoy. Board games and pacman sound mighty fine for that. So just save the cash and invest in what you like instead of creating another thread where you kind of mock other people's favourite game or games in a way. 

Remind me again why online multiplayer matters. ( - So you play the Nintendo Land. A game that has no online multiplayer but has quite an appealing set of minigames that can be played locally with your friends. You didn't like it as you were more fixated on the virtues of the gamepad. The lack of strong online offering is one of the few things Nintendo gets criticized for while everyone ignores their local multiplayer offerings. Heck i've done it. So the major feature of next gen is it's online offerings and connectivity. Both X1 and PS4 have smiles that never go away when they talk about how connected we'll all be. Cool but that doesn't interest you in any meaninful way. That's again okay but i just don't get why you want to be sold on these upcoming systems when you are simply not interested. 

You've said you need some time off and focus on life.  You don't need to negate what's out there to justify your exit. Sorry if i came out as bit rude in all of this. It's not really like me to make these really long posts here. Heck not many people even read the OP's here. So i am not sure you'll go through this.  Why i did this is because people are quite a bit interested in making threads or complaining about things they simply won't buy or care about. It is like me creating a thread about Pokemon saying i don't get it. Sell me on it and even if they do; I probably still won't be interested. 

So yea take care and hopefully you spend more time doing things you enjoy. If you enjoy making threads then just let me know so i won't actually take them seriously.  Ciao. 

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So you play one game that interests you.. admit it's good.. and then complain about the controller.. and tried some other games just to complain about the controller and how it is used?? I would try this.. play the games I enjoy on the system... and then decide what the appeal of the system as a whole is... not set here and say.. oh the controller isn't being used in a way I like.. so the system as a whole has no appeal to me.. the appeal for any system is based off the games for most people.. as far as the controller.. off screen play is a draw and appeal for a lot of people.. and the different views you get in W101 on the controller from the TV when you do puzzles appeals to a lot of people..what it does in Zombie U appeals to a lot of people... and adding a touchscreen to a lot of games.. manages to appeal to a lot of people.. along with other capabilities.. the Wii U was not met for you.. if it does not appeal to you.. just because of a controller... that is all.. but I have a feeling it's because you are to worried about what the controller is supposed to do.. (Or what you think you would like it to do) instead of actually just laying back and enjoying the games.. whether the controller does a lot or very little for that game.. and that is why you find no appeal in it..

Nintendo Wii by generations...

1. Wii

2. Wii U

3. Wii O U

Predictions made by gamers concerning the current Nintendo line up of games.

Pikmen 3= Little Bump to nothing. (Got Little Bump)

Wind Waker HD= Won't sell anything (The explosion happened here and at one time 4 Wii U games was in the Amazon top 100)

Super Mario 3D World= Won't help at all looks cheap. (Currently the most sought after Wii U game and continuing the Wii U increase.)

richardhutnik said:
areason said:
games son games

I have a 3DS and can get their IP there.  So, seeing what else besides the games, as a reason to get it.

I'm saying the wii u lacks games, which is why you don't find it appealing. 

Licence said:

I like Wii U controller, it has the best of worlds regarding access to peripheral screens (like inventory) and providing the dual analogue game control that the first Wii lacked.

Whether it is justified from a cost point of view I don't know. It comprises a huge chunk of the price tag of the console. If Nintendo released a $150 version with a simple classic controller, I may have been swayed by the price (but then again, that would struggle to beat a $100 360 or PS3 for value).

So yeah, the controller is great, but probably not worth the cost. I think Nintendo took a huge gamble with it, and so far it hasn't paid off. 

The controller isnt that expensives.

I don't get the complaints about the gamepad, its just like a standard controller that has a screen in the middle, it's not heavy or uncomfortable, unless you have really small hands. And like people have said it's not the only controller available.
As far as I'm concerned I'm happy just having a map on the touchscreen or if it's been used to manage your inventory or something, I get use out of it for off-screen play which is something i value very much.


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richardhutnik said:

I thought the point of Nintendoland was to sell people on why the second screen mattered.  

I do see Game and Wario does try to use the second screen differently.

Game & Wario isn't fantastic, but it does do a much better job, "IMO", of using the GamePad's unique features. Nintendo Land, to me, was a very nice idea with horrible execution.

TheShape31 said:
EricFabian said:
TheShape31 said:
Same here. I tried all the "best" games (NSMB, NintyLand, etc.), but the controller made the experience worse for me. I also found the controller very uncomfortable to hold. There's nothing there for me.

Mario U and NintendoLand aren't the best games on Wii U.

i.e. games that make the best use of the controller.

so I will say again: Mario U and NintendoLand aren't the best games on Wii U.



Batman uses gamepad better. Pikmin 3 as well. Heck, even Mass Effect 3 is better.

Click HERE and be happy 

pokoko said:
From what I've seen, the best uses for the control pad thing aren't as a second screen for gaming.

Honestly, most of its functions during television gaming are pretty gimmicky. Almost everything can be performed just as well by toggling another menu on the main screen, like the silly scope thing or with maps. Inventory seems pretty cool, and I've read about a few others, but none seem necessary. Most of the time, I really don't want to focus my eyes back and forth between a close screen and a distant screen, so it has that against it.

On the other hand, as a television/media controller, it seems pretty nifty, and the remote play thing is nice. I get the impression those are its best features.

I know Nintendo tried to put the hardware before the horse, which was a mistake, but the proof of a system will always be the games. If someone bought a Wii U, it should have been because they're a fan of Nintendo as a developer of games; if they bought it because of the controller, I have no sympathy.

isnt that what people did with the Wii? It stands to reason that Ninty expected them to do it again

I see alot of people trying to downplay the OPs stance by saying the demo station doesnt do a good job of showing of Wii U, which is not a good argument. Wii had NO problem with demo stations and if the demo station cant really show what your product can do, then and im just gonna say it, something is off with your product its that simple. How else can they expect to sell the thing. Lets not act like the OP is trolling im sure there are plenty of people that feel this way which is why its not flying of the shelves.

And the PS4/xbone rebuttals are sad. Grow up, no one here has even touched those machines at least wait for them to come out before you troll,

maybe a few years down the road another console manufacturer may copy the wii u.

And then all of a sudden, it ceases being a gimmick and it's the most amazing thing ever that everybody was waiting for and everybody understands how obvious and usefull it is and how nintendo came up with nothing new because dreamcast.