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Forums - General Discussion - Anyone else think all the random and adult oriented topics are bad for VGC?

First off, let me say that I love the more liberal, "anything goes" attitude that we have hear at VGC. That combined with the close-knit community really puts these forums leagues above others, imo. That being said, I do think that some topics go just a bit too far, even for VGC. We have some very young members on this site, that I really don't think should be venturing into threads such as "How did you learn to masturbate?"

Not to mention, as others have said before me, threads like that plaguing the "Hot Topics" section on the front page doesn't really help raise the credibility of this site in the minds of others. Off Topic threads should either be given their own, and much smaller, section, or be removed from the front page entirely.

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I got scolded for locking the "Virgin" thread, and then I was too frightened to lock much else.

I'm going to go lock that panty thread if it's still open though.



I think they should just be kept off the "hot topics" on the front page... (only game related forums should be eligable to be in the hot topics listing).

Other than that there is no problem with them.

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Bodhesatva said:

I agree with everyone here -- I think these threads should be allowed, but also agree they probably aren't good for VGChartz, if "good" means increasing site credibility and hits.

I've been one of the constant proponents of the message "sexual and violent themes in games are what teenagers think of as adult," and I think that message could easily be applied to forum posts. It's not bannable or warnable or even necessarily bad; it's just puerile. 

Bod deserves 100 VGC$ for finding a way to work the word "puerile" into a sentence.

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I think the best way to end those wacky off-topics - don't comment on them. Those folks aren't constantly checking the site, I'm sure, but if no one comments on it and lets it die, it will ... die.

What I find funniest are - the threads like 'What song are you currently listening to' and 'Blu Ray thread - won't end until HD DVD is dead' constantly gets tons of responses - or the standard flame bait one. All you have to do is say 'Xbox 360 sucks' or 'PS3 is a flaming douche' and watch the post count shoot into the stratosphere. I don't think the off-topics hurt the site's cred as much as fanbots going back and forth and getting personal. That is, IMHO, what really hurts the site the most. The off-topic discussions are generally harmless.

rocketpig said:
Bodhesatva said:

I agree with everyone here -- I think these threads should be allowed, but also agree they probably aren't good for VGChartz, if "good" means increasing site credibility and hits.

I've been one of the constant proponents of the message "sexual and violent themes in games are what teenagers think of as adult," and I think that message could easily be applied to forum posts. It's not bannable or warnable or even necessarily bad; it's just puerile.

Bod deserves 100 VGC$ for finding a way to work the word "puerile" into a sentence.

 I think it's more sophomoric than puerile. Also, quite gauche.

fkusumot said:
rocketpig said:
Bodhesatva said:

I agree with everyone here -- I think these threads should be allowed, but also agree they probably aren't good for VGChartz, if "good" means increasing site credibility and hits.

I've been one of the constant proponents of the message "sexual and violent themes in games are what teenagers think of as adult," and I think that message could easily be applied to forum posts. It's not bannable or warnable or even necessarily bad; it's just puerile.

Bod deserves 100 VGC$ for finding a way to work the word "puerile" into a sentence.

I think it's more sophomoric than puerile. Also, quite gauche.

You are correct, actually.">">

DaSimkin said:
I think they should just be kept off the "hot topics" on the front page... (only game related forums should be eligable to be in the hot topics listing).

Other than that there is no problem with them.

 I don't think this is the answer.  For the most part I enjoy the threads that come out of the off-topic forum.  They are the threads where we all really get to know each other.  They let everyone explore their interests out of the videogame/sales world.

The problem, however, is that sometimes enough is enough.  One thread begats another and the next thing you know you have three threads which are basically the same thing....with the same members....taking the top spots on the forum.  This really isn't that big a deal....but lately it has been seven or eight of these threads.

The idea I propose about allowing only a certain number of topics to appear from each forum will help not only with the off-topic thread, but also with the balance between the consoles.  The topics would still bounce to the top of the page....but you would always see at least 5 topics (or whatever the number) from each forum. 

This is the internet. If people get a bad impression of VGChartz from a few mildly risque topics that are posted in good fun and silliness, then those people simply aren't ready to be on the net at all.

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