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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - what will happen after release of SSBB and Mario Kart Wii

Everyone should remember that Ninty now has a new strategy for software (and they recently said this themselves) - software will now NOT be announced until its almost complete.

So we won't see the surprises until they hit us - which is great IMO :)

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^^ Was this before Project Hammer or afterwords ???




They will other nintendo games that will come out a little after and they will be announced at the E3. So what we all as Wii owners have to hope is that better 3rd party games have to come out in the mean time. Like right now there is only a few good games made by 3rd party developers.

Wii sales will go up
like skyrocketing up
and the supply will not meet demand
*not like its doing it now

Animal Crossing
Kirby Wii

Wii will remain sold out as usual!

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ministaff said:
well mario kart wii is coming out around Q2 which is around E3. which means that shortly after mario kart comes out nintendo will announce a bunch of new games for the wii.

Did you know they announced Kirby!?


Can't wait.


Or did you want 3rd party games?


We got Tales of Symphonia, Alone in the Dark, Crystal Chrons, Guitar Hero 4, Call of Dury 5. I think all of those are 08. There are plenty more, but I just named a few.


Do you want the full 08 lineup for the Wii, or just the big Nintendo first party games?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


This seems all to familiar for some reason:

There won't be any games released for Wii after Zelda, Metroid, and Mario are released. Then there will be nothing left to sell the Wii.

Smash Bros: 2363-5325-6342 

@Nick: The people who say these things: Nothing to look forward to after the Big 2 Big 3 Big 4 Big 5 are all out...
Also say: PS3/Xbox360/PCGaming/etc. will begin to dominate (again?) in march, summer, Christmas, once this game comes out, once that game comes out, when will then be now? soon.


They may or may not be right. 

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

there will be apocalyptic shortages of the Wii