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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Major Nelson on X1 Power: "I can't wait for the truth to come out."

To:ClassicGamingWizzz on 07 September 2013

RE: if xbone is so super powerfull why not say it ? why not sell it as the most powerfull console ?

Due to National security -very hush hush If Kinnect can find your lost controller and your car keys, it can damn sure spot a terrorist from 100 yards away

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It cant even run Ghosts at 1080p. Its already maxed out. Very sad given that in 3 years it may struggle to put any AAA title in 1080p

Torillian said:

I agree that for XB fans this will have little to no effect, but I think you're underestimating the number of people that don't really care about exclusives on either console nearly as much as the multiplat titles and between the PS4 having the better version of those multiplats and the cheaper price I'll be interested to see the effect on sales in the future.  

I would actually think the two positives you mentioned for ps4 (cheaper and better multiplat) are the exact reasons the 360 had the door open to sell so well and steal as much market as it did. With ps4 now having the upper hand i wouldnt be surprised if we see another shift to playstation (though smaller)0

Max King of the Wild said:

I would actually think the two positives you mentioned for ps4 (cheaper and better multiplat) are the exact reasons the 360 had the door open to sell so well and steal as much market as it did. With ps4 now having the upper hand i wouldnt be surprised if we see another shift to playstation (though smaller)0

I think it's likely there will be some userbase shift of multiplat focused gamers from 360 to PS4, but it'll be tough to say for sure if that happens even once we have the sales.  If the XB One really hits it big with the multimedia stuff MS is attmpting to do then they might be able to counteract any difference that userbase shift would have made.  I guess we might have an idea of that if the XBone gets higher sales than ever before while the PS4 outdoes the PS3.  


Torillian said:
endimion said:
bahahaha what truth??? that the only "strong" argument there is so far is a shit multiplat game that is not even looking next gen no matter what, made by lazy devs looking to cash in on an IP name will have a higher rez on a verified more raw power console easier to dev for ?????? bahaha hilarious...if that's all there is, I'm fine lol....

but guys keep trying...

even with better graphics or more power it won't make it better .... otherwise Nintendo would be dead and apple wouldn't sell anything....

I'm not buying an XB for its graphic superiority as a matter of fact buying a console for its graphic capabilities is like buying an MP3 player for its sound qualities or a compact camera for it's picture quality it is vastly moronic... any XB buyer knows just fine why they buy it and it won't be 720p vs 1080p on COD dudebro crap game that it is relying on...

I agree that for XB fans this will have little to no effect, but I think you're underestimating the number of people that don't really care about exclusives on either console nearly as much as the multiplat titles and between the PS4 having the better version of those multiplats and the cheaper price I'll be interested to see the effect on sales in the future.  

true then again even if half the COD crowd were to go to the competition it won't be that big of a deal IMO over the gen.... to me this gen won't be fought on games alone

way more than 5 million (half of the COD user base) new customer will come on features outside of regular gaming alone.... I'm on the verge of opening my own business in the fitness industry this for exemple is an exploding sector with a more than 15% market increase year after year and has a hudge progression margin in many european countries... and I guess world wide... this will be XB ground no competition here

then you have the media content that MS is trying to move on and that could be a game changer, we've seen netflix doing it with some success, MS has some great cards to play there....

then you have apps and multimedia in general... the Windows kernel is another great support


etc etc.... yeah as a pure gaming console PS4 will without a doubt be better on more than one multiplat.... however, that will be relevant to only hardcore console gamers that care only about that.... I have no doubt that MS can do great things with XB without the extra power easily.... 

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Well now there's that OS crashing out rumour but I do think is complete bullshit MS is a software company and they have been making OS for ages.

Torillian said:
Max King of the Wild said:

I would actually think the two positives you mentioned for ps4 (cheaper and better multiplat) are the exact reasons the 360 had the door open to sell so well and steal as much market as it did. With ps4 now having the upper hand i wouldnt be surprised if we see another shift to playstation (though smaller)0

I think it's likely there will be some userbase shift of multiplat focused gamers from 360 to PS4, but it'll be tough to say for sure if that happens even once we have the sales.  If the XB One really hits it big with the multimedia stuff MS is attmpting to do then they might be able to counteract any difference that userbase shift would have made.  I guess we might have an idea of that if the XBone gets higher sales than ever before while the PS4 outdoes the PS3.  

haha exactly what I was typing.... I believe it is not only what will happen.... but it is evident that it is MS intent and that was the only reason in the first place they went in the home console business in the first place....
they are not really to compete on Sony gaming market... they are here to compete on the living room presence with the like of roku, google, apple, and played right they could have one of the strongest ally on that market (the major networks worldwide)

Pure gold, the dGPU rumours still alive, secret sauce, Xbox fans with so much I miss those times ;-D

Plus the mysterymedia guy, amazing thread :D

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

endimion said:


haha exactly what I was typing.... I believe it is not only what will happen.... but it is evident that it is MS intent and that was the only reason in the first place they went in the home console business in the first place....
they are not really to compete on Sony gaming market... they are here to compete on the living room presence with the like of roku, google, apple, and played right they could have one of the strongest ally on that market (the major networks worldwide)

Oh I agree that it's definitely MS's intent or perhaps hope.  I'm just not sure it'll pan out that way.  Regardless though it'll be interesting to watch, long as all three stay healthy I don't mind the crazy competitions and console "wars" that go on.  At least it's interesting and lively.  


Drakester said:
It cant even run Ghosts at 1080p. Its already maxed out. Very sad given that in 3 years it may struggle to put any AAA title in 1080p

It is already struggling, if you can't do 1080p on Call of Duty than it is game over as far as 1080p goes. You don't need to wait 3 years to see that.