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Forums - Sony Discussion - Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

rocketpig said:
Konichiwa, thanks for bringing up the weapons. This mini-review was just fired from the hip and in a full review, I would have touched on that stuff more.

The weapons are great, which makes it too bad that the shooting is so slow. The tornado launcher, nano-swarmers, buzz saws, and several other weapons have you switching through your inventory constantly and implementing different strategies for almost every situation. Not surprisingly, my favorite weapons were the ones that allowed me to stay out of the third person targeting screen as much as possible.

Maybe I'm used to more fast-paced shooters than some of you but I was constantly irritated with how slowly everything moved in R&C. I expect platformers to be more fast-paced than that. Shit, I expect shooters to be faster than that, too. It's bad when your platformer/shooter hybrid moves more slowly than many tactical shooters I have played over the years.

 Yeah I guess that is why you think it is slow.  

I think it is just okay...

Oh yeah about the weapons...  I liked the idea about the Tornado launcher but guide your Tornado to the enemy and walk away from the enemy was way to difficult and need a lot of practice and I missed one weapon that turns your enemies in ducks (Like R&C 1).

I also thought the colleseum was to small and with not so much challenges...  I had the feeling that in the other R&C games their were more challenges.

What about the sixaxis controls?  Did you played with it or not?  Like flying, laser guide.. I turned it off because the analoge sticks were a lot easier..

I am happy that Insomniac let you choose between Sixaxis or analoge.


Would you like that I put your review on the Insomniac forums?  I am a member from yesterday on that forum and they LOVE people their opinions.

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i have played this game at my friends house. i had never played another ratchet and clank game, but it was pretty fun for me. i give it a 8/10

Sure, go for it. Actually, I used Sixaxis for this game (shocking, considering my previous bile-ridden puke comments about Sony's motion controls in previous reviews).

The motion controls in R&C weren't bad at all and in the flying segments, I actually liked them. In fact, I think that's about all the Sixaxis is good for... Controlling flying objects via motion control. It got a little annoying during the sections where you have to drill through walls but even then it wasn't bothersome enough to get me to switch to the analogs. 

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I haven't played it yet, but I loved the first three to bits.
I must say, though, that my expectations are quite high seeing what Insomniac (apparently) can do on the PS3, and indeed thinking back on what they did on PS2.

@RocketPig: I thought you'd mention the lack of inverted controls, I remember you asking about this in a thread about R&C 2 or 3. Perhaps someone from Insomniac read that thread and thought; "It would be kinda fun too... no its evil. But then again..." and voila! No inverted controls...

I'm a pretty big fan of the series, and I only gave this game a slightly higher review than you did. In my opinion it was a pretty clean 8.

The shooting was slow, ESPECIALLY compared to Ratchet and Clank Deadlocked. But still fun in my opinion :P

The Weapons were good, a little disappointing after playing Resistance :P, but some of the tools and weapons were very awesome.

The difficulty was entirely too easy, I can tell this game was geared more towards being a showpiece and to casuals. Still empowering however, which is good in a videogame ^^

The Sound, the surround works great! Some of the weapons have a pretty nice feel to them, and the voice acting was phenominal for this type of game. A+ on the sound guys.

Graphics, OMG this game is GORGEOUS, the worlds were very well detailed, very atmospheric, very high polygon count, and an amazing 60 fps =D Simply incredible. This was one of the first titles that I really though just couldn't be done on the 360 (not flamebaiting just saying), and it had an incredible amount of things on screen also.

Sixaxis control was fun :P They did a pretty good job of it I'd say, the flying segments, the mining laser, and the tornado were all pretty easy for me to manage. I thought they did a great job in this respect ^^

The space segments weren't terrible, just not very good. They looked amazing! :P

Overall I'd say your score is pretty accurate, I would have to go the extra .5 though simply based on it's graphics and audio alone xD

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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i thought it was a great game, 9.0/10. I didn't think the shooting was that slow. Big guns like the Alpha Disruptor, should not fire fast given their power. I mean, a cannon can't fire as fast as a machine gun. Once some of the less powerful guns were upgraded to maximum firing speed, i didn't really see a problem and I believe that was the developers intention, to have the weapon slow in the beginning and then get faster through the game. The space scenes were ridiculous, that was so stupid, I don't know what they were thinking. The story was good, graphics were some of the best I've ever seen. Good array of weapons, some of them were useless and stupid and I never used, it was long (which I like a lot, I want value in my games) has decent replay value. Has a bunch of "breaks" from normal gameplay, which allows the game not to get repetitive. Another complaint is though, and this is the biggest one that the game is too easy. I mean, if you strategically think things through its really easy. I mean just launch some nano swammers, get yourself a mr. zurkon, and then have the gun of your choice in your hand and you can pretty much blow through any enemy with relative ease. This game was an 8.5/10, but since its soooooo family friendly, i bump it up to a 9.0 because its on of the few games I've found that I can play with my girlfriend.

Stockstar, I'm not complaining about the weapon firing speed (couldn't care less about that, actually), but the speed in which Ratchet strafed, how quickly the reticle moved, and how you lost all ability to do anything except walk while aiming.

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Its been a long time since i played this game but it was lots of fun, i beat the game 4 times and maxed out everything and got everything but the last bonus thing. I hated the clank and ship parts but loved the rest of it. This was also my first R&C game. I had more fun with this game then any other this generation. Its a great review Rocket

seems pretty much like what other people have been saying,except i havent read anything about the speed

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

gotcha, i understand what you are talking about but doesn't that matter it matter what weapon he is holding. I'm not trying to get too technical, but Ratchet is a small guy and those guns are pretty big. I mean if he has something like the shock ravager, he moves around pretty quickly, but thats not really shooting, but if he has the shard reaper or magma combuster, which are big he can't move as fast, which makes sense.