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I'm a pretty big fan of the series, and I only gave this game a slightly higher review than you did. In my opinion it was a pretty clean 8.

The shooting was slow, ESPECIALLY compared to Ratchet and Clank Deadlocked. But still fun in my opinion :P

The Weapons were good, a little disappointing after playing Resistance :P, but some of the tools and weapons were very awesome.

The difficulty was entirely too easy, I can tell this game was geared more towards being a showpiece and to casuals. Still empowering however, which is good in a videogame ^^

The Sound, the surround works great! Some of the weapons have a pretty nice feel to them, and the voice acting was phenominal for this type of game. A+ on the sound guys.

Graphics, OMG this game is GORGEOUS, the worlds were very well detailed, very atmospheric, very high polygon count, and an amazing 60 fps =D Simply incredible. This was one of the first titles that I really though just couldn't be done on the 360 (not flamebaiting just saying), and it had an incredible amount of things on screen also.

Sixaxis control was fun :P They did a pretty good job of it I'd say, the flying segments, the mining laser, and the tornado were all pretty easy for me to manage. I thought they did a great job in this respect ^^

The space segments weren't terrible, just not very good. They looked amazing! :P

Overall I'd say your score is pretty accurate, I would have to go the extra .5 though simply based on it's graphics and audio alone xD

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