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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - [RUMOR]Xbox One Could Possibly Feature a Powerful Discrete GPU Core Stacked Inside the APU

ethomaz said:

Machiavellian said:

Cool because I could not remember any mag making any statements about playing the game at Gamercons or pax.  I guess I will do some hunting for videos of playable footage if its out there.

There are a lot... even direct feed with bad Facebook quality... I don't know what magazines did you read but here the first result in YouTube:


IGN too.

Now if you want direct feed you need to go to Facebook (directly updaload from PS4 share feature):

And the best quality offscreen video:

No need for links, I always do my own research.  Driveclub looks good but it looking better than Forza is probably going to be more personal opinion as I just watch footage from both games and so far Forza looks cleaner.  I did see some chop in the driveclub footage but that can be smooth out at launch.  What FPS is it running at.  Now estimated as I already read that part.  Any confirmation the game is running at 60FPS.

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iamdeath said:

 You are also gravely wrong BTW.. Many multiplats the last few years have looked better on PS3......360 had a big advanatge early on but that was largely gone now.

Two things.  Can you please do away with huge quote trees?  You don't need to include the entire conversation when you're commenting on the last thing.

Second, this is technically arguable.  With the PS3, developers resorted to MSAA and Blur.  The former provided anti-aliasing technique, now considered inferior as newer methods have replaced it but at the time it was cutting edge, and the latter hid the the imperfections.  Because the PS3 was incapable of delievering AAx2 at a reasonable frame rate, developers had to resort to MSAA, which anti-aliased the entire image rather than each component, which the Xbox 360 was capable of.  The result was a much better image quality than originally achieved, but it wasn't a perfect method.  So to hide the flaws, developers used a slight blur.  Thus, PS3 games tend to not be a clear/sharp as Xbox 360 games. 

In some cases, it's a positive thing.  It gave the games a more cinematic feel.  However it didn't always suit the game and things like shadows and transparent objects suffered.

If you really wanted to nit pick, one of the glaring examples of the limitations with the PS3 was with the ground.  The ground is often a texture laid upon the geometry of the area, but most of the time it's also populated with 3D objects.  In PS3 games, while not always obvious, to a trained eye it was glaring.  In terms of multiplayer games it became obvious, the number of 3D ojbects both in the fore ground as well as the background, lacked those objects.  But it was in first-party exclusive games where it was most noticable.  Heavy Rain, God of War III, etc.  The ground has no depth to it.  You might get a few tuffs of grass or a rock that stands out every now and again, but it's as if the ground is simply wet asphalt.  Shiny and flat. 

Juxtaposed to the Xbox 360, where the ground was an active environment and developers could take advantage of an early form of tessellation to provide a dimentionality to their surface textures.

Sure, the PS3 graphics looked better, if you were willing to overlook the glaring lack rendered objects.  I'll agree with that.

Uh interesting but probably false.
Only thing I could think of is KI should be running at 1080p if this is the case.

It's just that simple.

iamdeath said:

Sony could be waiting for the NDA too, it works both ways. This is just a bad rumour.

It could.  According to the rumor though, the NDA restricting Microsoft is between Sony and AMD, where AMD are not permitted to disclose anything.  Intel is included in this because AMD and Intel have a cross licensing agreement for the x86 technology.  I would suggest that AMD and Microsoft have an independent NDA as well, as this would be standard practise, and that would prevent AMD from speaking about the Xbox One SoC in any context. 

If there is a product announcment that comes in late September, it could be more likely that the AMD/Microsoft NDA is what is preventing full-disclosure.  If what this article speculates is true and the dGPU is an as of yet unannounced product.

Not believing this but O boy the crow that will be served if this is true :p

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Déjá vu.

ethomaz said:
vfguy said:
That is my issue as well. If the PS4 is truly 50% more powerful (or whatever the number is), wouldn't it show in the launch games? Wouldn't Battlefield be able to handle 1080p, for instance? Wouldn't the PS4 truly be a step above the X1 games?

Launch titles for PS4 are ahead Xbon in graphics terms... just saying... Battlefiled 4 running in ~900p in PS4 while there is no Xbone footage for now... so it is impossible to compare.

So first you try stating your opinion that PS4 games are ahead of Xbox One in graphics as fact, but then in the same post admit that it's impossible to compare.

You should try getting out of your own way.

Machiavellian said:

No need for links, I always do my own research.  Driveclub looks good but it looking better than Forza is probably going to be more personal opinion as I just watch footage from both games and so far Forza looks cleaner.  I did see some chop in the driveclub footage but that can be smooth out at launch.  What FPS is it running at.  Now estimated as I already read that part.  Any confirmation the game is running at 60FPS.

30fps but they changed the target to 60fps after GamesCom... Killzone too.

I don't know what you mean cleaner because in terms of environment, lighting and details/objects on the screen DriveClub makes Forza 5 looks like cartoon... Forza 5 have better cars and diffent physics (better for me but that's personal because I prefer sim over arcade).

Side note... Evolution is testing the new VR (Oculus Rift type) device with DriveClub... you need the game running at 60fps for that.

iamdeath said:
g911turbo said:
iamdeath said:
Machiavellian said:
iamdeath said:

Amd has said on numerous occasions....I am not talking about huma.


With all the bad press and high price no way MS would have not bragged about this when it was found PS4 was more powerfull. They would keep this a secret and possibly huty sales because? Not like Sony can change their hardware,

Can you provide this link of AMD saying the PS4 is more powerful.  I have kept up pretty much on all the rumors statements from all companies and I do not remember seeing anything besides the one presentation where the guy stated that X1 does not have HUMA.  So if AMD has made such statements i am sure you have the links because I did a search and found nothing but the one I mentioned.

Let me give you a hint about preorder, they are easily gain and dropped.  MS do not have to spill all of their cards in one lump and if anything that is exactly what they have done.  In the last 5 weeks or better, MS has release tidbits of positive news constantly.  This definitely if true would be the granddaddy of them all right at a perfect time where final hardware from both companies are done.


Do not get me wrong, I find it very hard to believe this rumor but its been around for a long time and it keeps getting more traction as the D Day approaches.  It would be a coup of un-presented proportions.  I highly doubt MS has such knack but now I am interested to see what happens on Sept 29th.

Thee is no reason for MS to keep it secret, sony cannot change their hardware...this is a moronic rumour. MS would only be hurting pre-orders esepcially with all the talk of the ps4 being more powerfull. What would ms have to gain by keeping it secret (Not possible today anyway)? Nothing.

Well, an NDA with AMD could be a reason.  An NDA that expires around the same time as AMD plans to announce a new architecture... Not saying any of it is true, but yeah.  Not impossible.

Sony could be waiting for the NDA too, it works both ways. This is just a bad rumour.

I don't disagree that a rumor is a rumor.  That's why I asked if someone FACTUALLY can prove that Microsoft has an NDA that expires late September with AMD.


At the end of the day I really don't care what's under the hood (although getting more "tech" for the money is always welcome in my book).  I plan to own all 3 next get systems eventually, like I do for this gen.  Too many people are approaching this with bias one way or another.

Lulz said:

So first you try stating your opinion that PS4 games are ahead of Xbox One in graphics as fact, but then in the same post admit that it's impossible to compare.

You should try getting out of your own way.

No. First I said PS4 games are ahead in graphics terms than Xbox One games.

+ KIllzone looks better than anything else in Xbox One
+ DriveClub looks better than Forza 5

The only game that looks next-gen in Xbox One is Ryse but the things are starting to change too... I don't know why.

Now he asked specificly for Battlefield 4... it is impossible to compare Battlefield 4 because there is no Xbox One footage.

I think you need to get better what the people wrote