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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - [RUMOR]Xbox One Could Possibly Feature a Powerful Discrete GPU Core Stacked Inside the APU

selnor1983 said:
iamdeath said:
selnor1983 said:
Xenostar said:
selnor1983 said:
Xenostar said:
selnor1983 said:
iamdeath said:
DeadBigfoot21 said:
Hope its true. Just wait for etomaz to come here and spin this thing around.....waiting...

There is nothing to spin.............this is a rumour and highly unilkely, all the hardware specs have been officially outlined for ages.

Actually thats not true. Theres about 30 % of Hardware info Microsoft is not saying anything about. It is a fact that there is a NDA on the APU design in Xbo One. Why? Who knows. But this is the 7th rumour on this in 3 weeks. So who knows.


On the real side. So far the PS4 dos not have ay game visuals that beat XboX One. ITs only launch I know. Bu if PS4 is relly more powerful, why do Sony feel the need to mention it 500 times a week. Saying look at Killzone etc. Because Forza 5, Ryse and Quantum Break all look at th top for ingame visuals. PS4 is currently leadinng nothing in the graphics department on release. And I expect DF and reviews to support this on launch.

Think youll be dissapointed, after the KI downgrade to 720p, just wonder what other games were bull shitting there capabilities on high end PC's at E3

1. Sony has had not one single game running on finished hardware. Not one. Microsoft on the other hand as had Forza 5, Ryse, Killer Instinct and Dead Rising 3 running on retail Xbox Ones at E3, Gamescom and Pax. Confirmed by more than 5 sources. Including Digital Foundry.

2. There could be numerous reasons as to why certain developers are dropping the resolution. Including running out of time to rewrite code. Noone knows how long developers have had final devkits for either console. 

3. Forza 5 and Killer Instinct are getting praise for being the smoothest games at events like Gamescom and Pax. Sounds like concentrating on 60 fps was massively smart for launch titles. If Killer Instinct sells well, Im sure the next game will be native 1080p and 60 fps, wjilst having even more of tose amazing particle effects they have. The game already looks stunning. Best fighter visuals by a country mile.

4. I think Sony is setting its fans up for disappointment. What happens if this rumour is true? And its unlocked for 2nd wave games. Is possible, and will make Sony PS4 hugely underpowered in comparison.

Telling ya now when those multi platform game comparisons start coming in your gonna be very dissapointed. 

If the rumour is true, then more fool MS for letting pre orders slip away and allowing the mass market to believe thats its the weaker console, it can be hard to turn around mass opinion. 

Plus Sony have shown many games running at 60fps including killzone MP and Infamous Second Son, two genres far more difficult to do that in than a 1 on 1 fighter and a car game. so im not sure what your blithering about saying theres been no evidence of more powerfull hardware. 

Microsoft have shown 3 games in 60 fps. Not sure what you mean. PS3 nearly lost all 3rd party compariosns. But many would have you believe its more powerful.

Since when is FPS all there is  to graphics?


This is about PS4, not PS3, what is the point of saying that? PS3 was a poor console for many multiplats welcome to 2007.........................

Because Xbox One has different GPU architecture to PS4. And I was pointing it out to him. He brought that up.


You are also gravely wrong BTW.. Many multiplats the last few years have looked better on PS3......360 had a big advanatge early on but that was largely gone now.

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ethomaz said:

selnor1983 said:

Because Xbox One has different GPU architecture to PS4. And I was pointing it out to him. He brought that up.

Sorry disappoint you selnor but the rumor is fake.

It is, and so obviously fake...people will cling to anything.

selnor1983 said:
iamdeath said:
vfguy said:
That is my issue as well. If the PS4 is truly 50% more powerful (or whatever the number is), wouldn't it show in the launch games? Wouldn't Battlefield be able to handle 1080p, for instance? Wouldn't the PS4 truly be a step above the X1 games?

Launch titles are rushed and never really tap into the full power of a console, is this your first console launch? Compare resistance fall of man to uncharted 2......................


Also who said there won't? Drive club  > graphically then forza 5. Games are not out, videos are hardly a good way to compare games, they simply do not show a difference. I have been a PC gamer for years everytime they show a video of PC versus console it doens't look much different, but when you sit down in front of it and play...the hgraphical difference jumps out.

Driveclub will get smashed on DF by Forza 5. DF already said in their preview Fora 5 was much better visually and technically. 

Technically? No.


Also thought quote trees are limited to 3 now?

iamdeath said:
Machiavellian said:
iamdeath said:

Amd has said on numerous occasions....I am not talking about huma.


With all the bad press and high price no way MS would have not bragged about this when it was found PS4 was more powerfull. They would keep this a secret and possibly huty sales because? Not like Sony can change their hardware,

Can you provide this link of AMD saying the PS4 is more powerful.  I have kept up pretty much on all the rumors statements from all companies and I do not remember seeing anything besides the one presentation where the guy stated that X1 does not have HUMA.  So if AMD has made such statements i am sure you have the links because I did a search and found nothing but the one I mentioned.

Let me give you a hint about preorder, they are easily gain and dropped.  MS do not have to spill all of their cards in one lump and if anything that is exactly what they have done.  In the last 5 weeks or better, MS has release tidbits of positive news constantly.  This definitely if true would be the granddaddy of them all right at a perfect time where final hardware from both companies are done.


Do not get me wrong, I find it very hard to believe this rumor but its been around for a long time and it keeps getting more traction as the D Day approaches.  It would be a coup of un-presented proportions.  I highly doubt MS has such knack but now I am interested to see what happens on Sept 29th.

Thee is no reason for MS to keep it secret, sony cannot change their hardware...this is a moronic rumour. MS would only be hurting pre-orders esepcially with all the talk of the ps4 being more powerfull. What would ms have to gain by keeping it secret (Not possible today anyway)? Nothing.

I have no clue what MS marketing plan is as pretty much everyone has given up hope trying to understand MS.  How can MS be hurting preorders.  You act as preorders do not get changed with a moment noticed.  I cannot tell you how many times I heard someone say, I changed my preorder because of this or that. Anyone that has a preorder where this news would actually mean something would just change it.  Preorders does not make a generation and it will not define these 2 consoles.

selnor1983 said:

Driveclub will get smashed on DF by Forza 5. DF already said in their preview Fora 5 was much better visually and technically. 

Preview from what? E3 showfloor? when they played early builds? Realy?

Even in videos, Driveclub looks on par, or if used good lightning, even better. Forza will have more cars, customized options, and maybe tracks, yes. But in graphics only, F5 doesn't look better.

Around the Network
Machiavellian said:
iamdeath said:
Machiavellian said:
iamdeath said:

Amd has said on numerous occasions....I am not talking about huma.


With all the bad press and high price no way MS would have not bragged about this when it was found PS4 was more powerfull. They would keep this a secret and possibly huty sales because? Not like Sony can change their hardware,

Can you provide this link of AMD saying the PS4 is more powerful.  I have kept up pretty much on all the rumors statements from all companies and I do not remember seeing anything besides the one presentation where the guy stated that X1 does not have HUMA.  So if AMD has made such statements i am sure you have the links because I did a search and found nothing but the one I mentioned.

Let me give you a hint about preorder, they are easily gain and dropped.  MS do not have to spill all of their cards in one lump and if anything that is exactly what they have done.  In the last 5 weeks or better, MS has release tidbits of positive news constantly.  This definitely if true would be the granddaddy of them all right at a perfect time where final hardware from both companies are done.


Do not get me wrong, I find it very hard to believe this rumor but its been around for a long time and it keeps getting more traction as the D Day approaches.  It would be a coup of un-presented proportions.  I highly doubt MS has such knack but now I am interested to see what happens on Sept 29th.

Thee is no reason for MS to keep it secret, sony cannot change their hardware...this is a moronic rumour. MS would only be hurting pre-orders esepcially with all the talk of the ps4 being more powerfull. What would ms have to gain by keeping it secret (Not possible today anyway)? Nothing.

I have no clue what MS marketing plan is as pretty much everyone has given up hope trying to understand MS.  How can MS be hurting preorders.  You act as preorders do not get changed with a moment noticed.  I cannot tell you how many times I heard someone say, I changed my preorder because of this or that. Anyone that has a preorder where this news would actually mean something would just change it.  Preorders does not make a generation and it will not define these 2 consoles.

?? Where did I say pre-orders will define this gen?? Why puit words in my mouth.


Again, why keep this a secret when it serves ZERO purpose? Being 100 more is a hard sell when you are less powerfull, if MS had this secret sauce, they would be bragging about it to garner more hype/consumer interest. It is the hardcore gamer that drives early adoption.   It is assinine to think they would hold this back because?? Why?  If the x1 really had this sectret it would spur more pre-orders, and enable them to easier justify the 100 dollar price difference. Right now it serves Zero purpose to keep it hidden. FAct is it doesn't exist that's why.

Putin said:
The way I think, this dGPU could handle things like - coding video(recorder one), proccess TV channel video, Kinect video/audio, that stuff. Because utilize two of them for a game, could be a challenge for a developer. Why would they make it that complex instead creating APU = CPU+GPU+GPU2.

SLI and crossfire is calling you Putin.  No coding is needed for a second GPU in such a setup. Also MS already have co-processors for the stuff you mentioned.

selnor1983 said:
Xenostar said:
selnor1983 said:
Xenostar said:
selnor1983 said:
iamdeath said:
DeadBigfoot21 said:
Hope its true. Just wait for etomaz to come here and spin this thing around.....waiting...

There is nothing to spin.............this is a rumour and highly unilkely, all the hardware specs have been officially outlined for ages.

Actually thats not true. Theres about 30 % of Hardware info Microsoft is not saying anything about. It is a fact that there is a NDA on the APU design in Xbo One. Why? Who knows. But this is the 7th rumour on this in 3 weeks. So who knows.


On the real side. So far the PS4 dos not have ay game visuals that beat XboX One. ITs only launch I know. Bu if PS4 is relly more powerful, why do Sony feel the need to mention it 500 times a week. Saying look at Killzone etc. Because Forza 5, Ryse and Quantum Break all look at th top for ingame visuals. PS4 is currently leadinng nothing in the graphics department on release. And I expect DF and reviews to support this on launch.

Think youll be dissapointed, after the KI downgrade to 720p, just wonder what other games were bull shitting there capabilities on high end PC's at E3

1. Sony has had not one single game running on finished hardware. Not one. Microsoft on the other hand as had Forza 5, Ryse, Killer Instinct and Dead Rising 3 running on retail Xbox Ones at E3, Gamescom and Pax. Confirmed by more than 5 sources. Including Digital Foundry.

2. There could be numerous reasons as to why certain developers are dropping the resolution. Including running out of time to rewrite code. Noone knows how long developers have had final devkits for either console. 

3. Forza 5 and Killer Instinct are getting praise for being the smoothest games at events like Gamescom and Pax. Sounds like concentrating on 60 fps was massively smart for launch titles. If Killer Instinct sells well, Im sure the next game will be native 1080p and 60 fps, wjilst having even more of tose amazing particle effects they have. The game already looks stunning. Best fighter visuals by a country mile.

4. I think Sony is setting its fans up for disappointment. What happens if this rumour is true? And its unlocked for 2nd wave games. Is possible, and will make Sony PS4 hugely underpowered in comparison.

Telling ya now when those multi platform game comparisons start coming in your gonna be very dissapointed. 

If the rumour is true, then more fool MS for letting pre orders slip away and allowing the mass market to believe thats its the weaker console, it can be hard to turn around mass opinion. 

Plus Sony have shown many games running at 60fps including killzone MP and Infamous Second Son, two genres far more difficult to do that in than a 1 on 1 fighter and a car game. so im not sure what your blithering about saying theres been no evidence of more powerfull hardware. 

Microsoft have shown 3 games in 60 fps. Not sure what you mean. PS3 nearly lost all 3rd party compariosns. But many would have you believe its more powerful.

What does PS3 losing comparsons have to do with PS4, lets put it this way, alot of multiplat games have at least been shown running on PS4, wheres Assasins creed, watch dogs and BF4 running on XOne?

I sooo can't wait till November. So we can get rid of these desperate rumors and clinging hopes..

selnor1983 said:
Putin said:
Maybe because some people can't let it go. And try to find any way to get some hope for XBO be much powerfull then it already is.

Am I missing something here. Its common knowledge that not one single gaming media knows 100% how the Xbox One works. Noone. Microsoft arent telling everything yet. By law they cant. They have a NDA with AMD. So until September 29th passes, we wont know for sure. 

Lately, alot of media are reporting that Microsoft have not designed a traditional CPU and GPU design. And that Microsoft ave designed something unusual for consoles and even for PC's. 

Serious questions here.  Has Microsoft stated that they have an NDA "muzzle" until late September?  Also, is AMD actually planning to unveil a new product come Septembers end?  If so, that is a bit suspicious.


Either way, who cares.  Both systems can produce great visuals and have great games.  I think the Wii U looks great/fun, so at that point who gives a damn.