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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - [UPDATE] Xbox One Could Possibly Feature a Powerful Discrete GPU + APU rumor - New Sources and Info!

RenCutypoison said:
nightsurge said:


1. DirectX 11.2 is a Windows 8.1 and Xbox One Exclusive. 

Again, directx 11.2 was confirmed on PS4.

And you believe that? Seriously?

Here is a little bit of logic.
Microsoft has never released Direct X and by extension Direct 3D outside of it's own platforms, it's an exclusive API to Microsoft's ecosystems. (And Linux if you count the reverse engineering for Wine, but it's also non-profit.)

I think you are getting confused by the fact that the Playstation 4 has a Direct X 11.2 capable graphics processor, that is... It can perform all the functions laid out in the Direct X 11.2 feature set, just like how the Playstation 3 has a Direct X 9 capable graphics processor.
Microsoft, AMD, nVidia, Intel et-all, actually gets together and lays out ideas on what should go into each iterative version of Direct X, then the GPU manufacturers design theur GPU's to meet that specification (And OpenGL's too) so one could say that Microsoft has assisted in a non-direct way in the development of the Playstation 3 and 4's graphics processor. :)

Neither consoles (PS3/PS4) do/will actually use Direct X, as in the actual API.
Sony will probably use OpenGL, it's free, open source and they can customise it to their needs, why would they waste money on licensing Direct X from Microsoft?
Great thing about OpenGL, Sony can strip it back, rewrite massive portions of it to get as close to the metal as possible, then create an efficient wrapper for developers to essentially plug their "engines" into it, they can't do that with Direct X because Hell would have to freeze over before Microsoft hands over the keys to one of it's major software technologies source code.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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realgamer said:
Turkish said:

How the fuck is

a source??? Have you seen the shit this fanboy posts on his blog? He is a pathetic fanboy, this is the what he posted last year:


Some source he is. A pathetic no life fanboy jizzing himself with his crazy dreams.


For what? He never insulted a forum member. Just some idiot blogger. Also I'm pretty sure it's against the rules to reply just saying reported.

Turkish said:
nightsurge said:

There is a rumor pointing out that the Xbox one will have a second GPU, which will make it more powerful than the PS4.

I already made a thread, I will ask the mods to close that, and I'm making this to put all the clues in the OP, since I can't edit my other thread.

1. DirectX 11.2 is a Windows 8.1 and Xbox One Exclusive. 

2. At the Hot Chips even, Microsoft showed the GPU (GPU 1 of 2 if rumors are true) This GPU uses DirectX 11.1+

3. There is a unboxing video by OXM (Official Xbox Magazine) there is something in one of the corners of the X1. The guy making the video said it's covering specs that MS doesn't want them to reveal

4. The website SemiAccurate recently published an article about the XBOX One GPU and the Hot Chips event. This is what they said. "SemiAccurate knows that there are several important sub-systems in the XBO that are not on the diagrams or in the talk but we are not sure if the 15 count includes them or not."

5. A LinkedIn account for a AMD GPU Design Verification Engineer, this is in there: 
Graphics Core IP Design Verification,APU/DGPU
Xbox One,Playstation 4

6. The Xbox One SOC is actually bigger than what MS said.

7. A slide from an AMD presentation, saying FUTURE TRENDS: APU+dGPU. If you don't know what an APU is, it's a term used by AMD, it includes a CPU and GPU in one. Which is what the Xbox and PS4 are using.

8. Multiple Devs saying that there will be a difference between the next gen consoles. NFS's dev, Ubisoft dev, and Titanfall dev saying that Xbox One graphics will be on par with PC graphics.
Source: Google it  there are multiple ones.

So now your asking "Why can't MS just come out and say this? Well, according to an Insider, there is a NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) Between AMD-INTEL and Sony (Intel is involved because Intel and AMD cross license the x86 architecture). This NDA is supposed to end on September 29th. That's when MS should start talking.

It's a great rumor, I'm not getting my hopes up, but it really seems like MS is not telling us something.

You be the judge, what do you think?


This is not my article, nor my findings, nor do I have any idea whether they are true or not. But they are indeed VERY interesting. Some seem to have some merit, so I'll keep a wait-and-see approach for late September/October. Either way, I could care less, but it would be an interesting shitstorm if these ridiculous rumors are true.

How the fuck is

a source??? Have you seen the shit this fanboy posts on his blog? He is a pathetic fanboy, this is the what he posted last year:


Some source he is. A pathetic no life fanboy jizzing himself with his crazy dreams.


Nope, wishful thinking: PS4>XBOX>WiiU

People, it's done. The hardware has been chosen, production probably already started. Enough hoping and dreaming. Unless, MS starts over, the specs are set.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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Let's first start with MisterX, that guy's posts should never be mentioned ever again. he was just a trolling fool. I mean seriously his ranting posts were just crazy... sad thing was that some people accepted what he said.

As for the rumours in this post... totally unconvinced, not sure if some people on the internet feel disappointed by the XbxoOne specs or not (at the end of the day its the games that matter), because its every week some random upgrade happens to a console thats already in production. I mean the 12GB ram one was debunked pretty easily, but people still believed it.

They are producing these boxes right now, and people are developing on them right now, do we not think that if there was anything "new" about the xboxone we would have heard about it from developers or from reliable sources.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

One more thing. Why would there be an NDA about this GPU? I don't see any reason for an NDA to be in place at all. Dual GPU is not new and the production elements are a general direction the industry is taking.

So why would AMD hold MS back with an NDA? And why would MS accept? Surely they'd be all for revealing they had 2 GPUs?

Your no longer allowed to say "reported" as a direct reply to that user now. You can be "reported" for that, just saying.

As much as I would like the X1 to have two GPU's, I just don't buy it. If MS really had a more powerful machine, they would be telling the world about it instead of what they're currently doing.

lol NDA.