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Forums - Sony Discussion - IGN: Battlefield 4's Graphics Lacking On PS4 (Resolution Below 1080p)

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EA won't do something like that, Its not like they putted alot on the XBOX one ... did they . ?

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MoiseHnkel said:
EA won't do something like that, Its not like they putted alot on the XBOX one ... did they . ?

According to another poster... EA havent even showed anything of the XBoxOne version of BF. Hoping Xbox turns up to Eurogamer in september, but if its anything like last time, you can be sure people *wont* be allowed to take pictures/videos.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

And it begins.

Didn't we know that the PS4 wasn't going to be better than a decent gaming PC? How is this news that a more powerful system is more powerful?

colafitte said:
All multiplats and cross gen games in next consoles, will look like crap compared to games designed in mind for a specific console (Killzone on PS4 or Ryse on X1). Watch Dogs is the same, every time they show new footage is worse than before. I think a lot of people are gonna be very disappointed with some games.....

To expect good multiplatforms games looking very very good we will have to wait one more year imo.

watch dogs is a different case since it's being downported to ps360, not upported to wi u/ps4/xone.

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It's good to see people's double standards here.if it is with ps4 then it's ok and normal (it really is normal). if it is with wii u then it's unacceptable that it doesn't run rushed ports at 1080p minumun.

We know that PS4 and out Xbox One are outdated from the day they release so this should not be a surprise.

Boutros said:
Why do people play Battlefield on consoles?

Actually avoiding origin and  battlelog!


Zero999 said:

It's good to see people's double standards here.if it is with ps4 then it's ok and normal (it really is normal). if it is with wii u then it's unacceptable that it doesn't run rushed ports at 1080p minumun.

Problem is, Wii U ports were subpar to even PS360 equivalents lol. Show me one multiplatform cross generation game than runs or looks worse on PS4 than PS360 and you will be right.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

eFKac said:
Zero999 said:

It's good to see people's double standards here.if it is with ps4 then it's ok and normal (it really is normal). if it is with wii u then it's unacceptable that it doesn't run rushed ports at 1080p minumun.

Problem is, Wii U ports were subpar to even PS360 equivalents lol. Show me one multiplatform cross generation game than runs or looks worse on PS4 than PS360 and you will be right.

It's sad that it got so bad ports, the WiiU is definitely more powerful than ps360. The lack of performance this time will be even higher than current gen I fear and I only expect good looking games from Nintendo and Shin'en, sadly.