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Forums - Sony Discussion - IGN: Battlefield 4's Graphics Lacking On PS4 (Resolution Below 1080p)

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ethomaz said:
WrathofTank said:
I would rather a game be 720p 60 fps than a game be 1080p 30fps. I just really prefer the responsiveness of higher fps.

Me too and I apreciete the efforts of GG to increase to 60fps in Killzone.

Killzone 2 and 3 looked way better than Battlefield 3 (on ps3), so I expect the same on ps4 with SF and BF4....

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Is that why they are not even working on FB3 for Wii U, that they can't even optimize their engine correctly even on the new consoles? That would make a lot of sense on the lack of Wii U support if nothing else since FB3 is supposed to be able scale to smartphone levels just like *cough* UE4.

Accordion to Sony fans: Resolution > gameplay


-Mr Khan

yeah, i really see no big reason right now why i need a next gen console at release. games like that or watch_dogs will run fine on my pc and some of the exclusives don't really interest me or will be ok for me even a year after launch.

otherwise, consoles will probably cost still the same holiday 2014 when the next big bunch of games will release so i could also buy one this november lol.

I thought they were targeting 720p60 from the start, no? Maybe it was about MP?

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

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Well I'm getting it on PC as a tech demo anyway, this doesn't really change anything for me

I think new consoles will have this issue

I predict more time was spent on ps3 360 versions than next gen consoles, the sales gap will be huge

although next gen versions will be better it won't be the full potential difference

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

I said it many times: You can't just go 1080p60 and expect *way* better graphics on next-gen-consoles, especially not with the first wave of games. Give me 720p60, decent AA and I am fine!

LilChicken22 said:
Accordion to Sony fans: Resolution > gameplay

You seem to do this in every thread you go to, even if the topic has nothing to do with the PS4! Stop the derailing and hate you're spreading.

On a more serious note;

What did we expect from an EA game? Then again to be fair, maybe they will fix it in time for launch or at least refine it some more?

I just plain don't care. As long as the levolution mechanics work and the online isn't laggy, I'm happy. Everyone I know who plays both CoD and Battlefield agrees: Battlefield is infinitely better.

I'll probably get both on PS4, because that's how I roll, but I'm not a graphics whore. I'd rather play a game with PS2 graphics but a world 10x the size of skyrim than worry about all the minute details and have a more shallow game.

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